require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe "Method calls" do it "should use 'nil' for calls without a receiver" do parsed("foo").should == [:call, nil, :foo, [:arglist]] parsed("foo()").should == [:call, nil, :foo, [:arglist]] end it "should always have an arglist when not passed any arguments" do parsed("foo").should == [:call, nil, :foo, [:arglist]] parsed("").should == [:call, [:self], :foo, [:arglist]] parsed("foo()").should == [:call, nil, :foo, [:arglist]] parsed("").should == [:call, [:self], :foo, [:arglist]] end it "appends all arguments onto arglist" do parsed("foo 1").should == [:call, nil, :foo, [:arglist, [:int, 1]]] parsed("foo 1, 2").should == [:call, nil, :foo, [:arglist, [:int, 1], [:int, 2]]] parsed("foo 1, *2").should == [:call, nil, :foo, [:arglist, [:int, 1], [:splat, [:int, 2]]]] end it "supports leading dots on newline" do parsed("foo\").should == [:call, [:call, nil, :foo, [:arglist]], :bar, [:arglist]] lambda { parsed("foo\") }.should raise_error(Exception) end end describe "Operator calls" do it "should parse all other operators into method calls" do parsed("1 % 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :%, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] parsed("1 ** 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :**, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] parsed("+self").should == [:call, [:self], :+@, [:arglist]] parsed("-self").should == [:call, [:self], :-@, [:arglist]] parsed("1 | 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :|, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] parsed("1 ^ 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :^, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] parsed("1 & 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :&, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] parsed("1 <=> 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :<=>, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] parsed("1 < 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :<, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] parsed("1 <= 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :<=, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] parsed("1 > 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :>, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] parsed("1 >= 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :>=, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] parsed("1 == 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :==, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] parsed("1 === 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :===, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] parsed("1 =~ 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :=~, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] parsed("~1").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :~, [:arglist]] parsed("1 << 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :<<, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] parsed("1 >> 2").should == [:call, [:int, 1], :>>, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]] end it "optimizes +@ and -@ on numerics" do parsed("+1").should == [:int, 1] parsed("-1").should == [:int, -1] end end describe "Optional paren calls" do it "should correctly parse - and -@" do parsed("x - 1").should == [:call, [:call, nil, :x, [:arglist]], :-, [:arglist, [:int, 1]]] parsed("x -1").should == [:call, nil, :x, [:arglist, [:int, -1]]] end it "should correctly parse + and +@" do parsed("x + 1").should == [:call, [:call, nil, :x, [:arglist]], :+, [:arglist, [:int, 1]]] parsed("x +1").should == [:call, nil, :x, [:arglist, [:int, 1]]] end it "should correctly parse / and regexps" do parsed("x / 500").should == [:call, [:call, nil, :x, [:arglist]], :/, [:arglist, [:int, 500]]] parsed("x /foo/").should == [:call, nil, :x, [:arglist, [:regexp, 'foo', nil]]] end it "should parse LPAREN_ARG correctly" do parsed("x (1).y").should == [:call, nil, :x, [:arglist, [:call, [:int, 1], :y, [:arglist]]]] parsed("x(1).y").should == [:call, [:call, nil, :x, [:arglist, [:int, 1]]], :y, [:arglist]] end end describe "Operator precedence" do it "should be raised with parentheses" do parsed("(1 + 2) + (3 - 4)").should == [:call, [:paren, [:call, [:int, 1], :+, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]]], :+, [:arglist, [:paren, [:call, [:int, 3], :-, [:arglist, [:int, 4]]]]], ] parsed("(1 + 2) - (3 - 4)").should == [:call, [:paren, [:call, [:int, 1], :+, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]]], :-, [:arglist, [:paren, [:call, [:int, 3], :-, [:arglist, [:int, 4]]]]], ] parsed("(1 + 2) * (3 - 4)").should == [:call, [:paren, [:call, [:int, 1], :+, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]]], :*, [:arglist, [:paren, [:call, [:int, 3], :-, [:arglist, [:int, 4]]]]], ] parsed("(1 + 2) / (3 - 4)").should == [:call, [:paren, [:call, [:int, 1], :+, [:arglist, [:int, 2]]]], :/, [:arglist, [:paren, [:call, [:int, 3], :-, [:arglist, [:int, 4]]]]], ] end end describe "Calls with keywords as method names" do keywords = %w[class module defined? def undef end do if unless else elsif self true false nil __LINE__ __FILE__ begin rescue ensure case when or and not return next redo break super then while until yield alias] it "should correctly parse the keyword as a method name when after a '.'" do keywords.each do |kw| parsed("self.#{kw}").should == [:call, [:self], kw.to_sym, [:arglist]] end end end describe "Calls with operators as method names" do operators = %w[+ - * / & ** | ^ & <=> > >= < <= << >>] it "should correctly parse the operator as method name after '.'" do operators.each do |op| parsed("self.#{op}").should == [:call, [:self], op.to_sym, [:arglist]] parsed("self.#{op}(1)").should == [:call, [:self], op.to_sym, [:arglist, [:int, 1]]] parsed("self.#{op}(1, 2)").should == [:call, [:self], op.to_sym, [:arglist, [:int, 1], [:int, 2]]] end end end describe "Command calls with operators" do it "parses operators before \n in command calls" do [:<<, :>>, :|, :^, :&, :<=>, :==, :===, :=~, :>, :>=, :<, :<=, :<<, :>>, :%, :**].each do |mid| parsed("self #{mid}\nself").should == [:call, [:self], mid, [:arglist, [:self]]] end end end