import * as L from "leaflet"; export default class Controller { constructor(awesomeMap, component) { this.awesomeMap = awesomeMap; this.component = component; this.templateId = "marker-meeting-popup"; this.controls = { label: this.getLabel(), group: new L.FeatureGroup.SubGroup(this.awesomeMap.cluster) }; this.onFinished = () => {}; this.allNodes = []; } getLabel() { let text = ||; if (!text) { text = window.DecidimAwesome.texts[this.component.type]; } return `${text}` } setFetcher(Fetcher) { let checkProposalState = function (node, map) { const showConfig =; return showConfig[node.state || "notAnswered"]; } this.fetcher = new Fetcher(this); this.fetcher.onFinished = () => { // console.log(`all ${this.component.type} loaded`, this) this._onFinished(); }; this.fetcher.onCollection = (collection) => { if (collection && collection.edges) { // Add markers to the main cluster group let collectionEdges = []; if (this.fetcher.collection === "meetings") { collectionEdges = collection.edges.filter((item) => item.node.coordinates && item.node.coordinates.latitude && item.node.coordinates.longitude); } else { collectionEdges = collection.edges.filter((item) => item.node.coordinates && item.node.coordinates.latitude && item.node.coordinates.longitude && checkProposalState(item.node, this.awesomeMap)); } try { this.awesomeMap.cluster.addLayers( => item.node.marker)); } catch (evt) { console.error("Failed marker collection assignation", collectionEdges, "error", evt); } // subgroups don't have th addLayers utility collectionEdges.forEach((item) => { this.awesomeMap.layers[this.component.type].group.addLayer(item.node.marker); this.addMarkerCategory(item.node.marker, item.node.category); this.addMarkerHashtags(item.node.marker, item.node.hashtags); }); } }; } addControls() { this.awesomeMap.controls.main.addOverlay(, this.controls.label);; this.awesomeMap.layers[this.component.type] = this.controls; } loadNodes() { // to override } addMarker(marker, node) { /* theorically, this should be enough to create popups on markers but it looks that there is some bug in leaflet that sometimes prevents this to work */ /* let dom = document.createElement("div"); // console.log("addMarker", marker, "dom", dom) dom.innerHTML = $.templates(`#${this.templateId}`).render(node); marker.bindPopup(dom, { maxwidth: 640, minWidth: 500, keepInView: true, className: "map-info" }); //*/ marker.on("click", () => { let dom = document.createElement("div"); dom.innerHTML = $.templates(`#${this.templateId}`).render(node); let pop = L.popup({ maxwidth: 640, minWidth: 500, keepInView: true, className: "map-info" }).setLatLng(marker.getLatLng()).setContent(dom);; }); node.marker = marker; node.component = this.component; this.allNodes.push(node); } addMarkerCategory(marker, category) { // Add to category layer const cat = this.awesomeMap.getCategory(category); if (this.awesomeMap.layers[]) { try { this.awesomeMap.layers[].group.addLayer(marker); this.awesomeMap.controls.showCategory(cat); } catch (evt) { console.error("Failed category marker assignation", marker, evt.message); } } } addMarkerHashtags(marker, hashtags) { // Add hashtag layer if ( { try { this.awesomeMap.controls.addHashtagsControls(hashtags, marker); } catch (evt) { console.error("Failed hashtags marker assignation", marker, evt.message); } } } // Override if needed (call this.onFinished() at the end!) _onFinished() { this.awesomeMap.controls.updateStats(`component_${}`, this.allNodes.length); this.onFinished(); } createIcon(Builder, color) { return new Builder({ color: "#000000", fillColor: color, circleFillColor: color, weight: 1, stroke: color, fillOpacity: 0.9 }); } }