Luca.components.FormView = Luca.core.Container.extend tagName: 'form' className: 'luca-ui-form-view' hooks:[ "before:submit" "before:reset" "before:load" "before:load:new" "before:load:existing" "after:submit" "after:reset" "after:load" "after:load:new" "after:load:existing" "after:submit:success" "after:submit:fatal_error" "after:submit:error" ] events: "click .submit-button" : "submitHandler" "click .reset-button" : "resetHandler" toolbar: true initialize: (@options={})-> Luca.core.Container::initialize.apply @, arguments _.bindAll @, "submitHandler", "resetHandler", "renderToolbars" @state ||= new Backbone.Model @setupHooks( @hooks ) @legend ||= "" @configureToolbars() @applyStyles() addBootstrapFormControls: ()-> @bind "after:render", ()=> el = @$('.toolbar-container.bottom') el.addClass('form-controls') el.html @formControlsTemplate || Luca.templates["components/bootstrap_form_controls"](@) applyStyles: ()-> @applyBootstrapStyles() if Luca.enableBootstrap @$el.addClass( "label-align-#{ @labelAlign }") if @labelAlign @$el.addClass( @fieldLayoutClass ) if @fieldLayoutClass applyBootstrapStyles: ()-> @inlineForm = true if @labelAlign is "left" @$el.addClass('well') if @well @$el.addClass('form-search') if @searchForm @$el.addClass('form-horizontal') if @horizontalForm @$el.addClass('form-inline') if @inlineForm configureToolbars: ()-> return @addBootstrapFormControls() if Luca.enableBootstrap and @toolbar is true if @toolbar is true @toolbars = [ ctype: 'form_button_toolbar' includeReset: true position: 'bottom' ] if @toolbars and @toolbars.length @bind "after:render", _.once @renderToolbars resetHandler: (e)-> me = my = $( e.currentTarget ) @trigger "before:reset", @ @reset() @trigger "after:reset", @ submitHandler: (e)-> me = my = $( e.currentTarget ) @trigger "before:submit", @ @submit() beforeLayout: ()-> Luca.core.Container::beforeLayout?.apply @, arguments @$el.html Luca.templates["components/form_view"]( @ ) prepareComponents: ()-> container = $('.form-view-body', @el) _( @components ).each (component)-> component.container = container render: ()-> $( @container ).append( @$el ) wrapper: ()-> @$el.parents('.luca-ui-form-view-wrapper') toolbarContainers: (position="bottom")-> $(".toolbar-container.#{ position }", @wrapper() ).first() renderToolbars: ()-> _( @toolbars ).each (toolbar)=> toolbar.container = $("##{ @cid }-#{ toolbar.position }-toolbar-container") toolbar = Luca.util.lazyComponent(toolbar) toolbar.render() getField: (name)-> _( @getFields('name', name) ).first() getFields: (attr,value)-> # do a deep search of all of the nested components # to find the fields fields = @select("isField", true, true) # if an optional attribute and value pair is passed # then you can limit the array of fields even further if fields.length > 0 and attr and value fields = _(fields).select (field)-> property = field[ attr ] return false unless property? propvalue = if _.isFunction(property) then property() else property value is propvalue fields loadModel: (@current_model)-> form = @ fields = @getFields() @trigger "before:load", @, @current_model if @current_model event = "before:load:#{ (if @current_model.isNew() then "new" else "existing")}" @trigger event, @, @current_model @setValues(@current_model) @trigger "after:load", @, @current_model if @current_model @trigger "after:load:#{ (if @current_model.isNew() then "new" else "existing")}", @, @current_model reset: ()-> @loadModel( @current_model ) clear: ()-> @current_model = if @defaultModel? then @defaultModel() else undefined _( @getFields() ).each (field)=> try field.setValue('') catch e console.log "Error Clearing", @, field # set the values on the form # without syncing setValues: (source, options={})-> source ||= @currentModel() fields = @getFields() _( fields ).each (field) => field_name = field.input_name || if value = source[field_name] if _.isFunction(value) value = value.apply(@) if !value and Luca.isBackboneModel(source) value = source.get(field_name) field?.setValue( value ) unless field.readOnly is true @syncFormWithModel() unless options.silent? is true getValues: (options)-> options ||= {} options.reject_blank = true unless options.reject_blank? options.skip_buttons = true unless options.skip_buttons? _( @getFields() ).inject (memo,field)-> value = field.getValue() key = field.input_name || skip = false skip = true if options.skip_buttons and field.ctype is "button_field" skip = true if options.reject_blank is true and _.isBlank(value) skip = true if field.input_name is "id" and _.isBlank(value) memo[ key ] = value unless skip is true memo , {} submit_success_handler: (model, response, xhr)-> @trigger "after:submit", @, model, response if response and response?.success is true @trigger "after:submit:success", @, model, response else @trigger "after:submit:error", @, model, response submit_fatal_error_handler: (model, response, xhr)-> @trigger "after:submit", @, model, response @trigger "after:submit:fatal_error", @, model, response submit: (save=true, saveOptions={})-> _.bindAll @, "submit_success_handler", "submit_fatal_error_handler" saveOptions.success ||= @submit_success_handler saveOptions.error ||= @submit_fatal_error_handler @syncFormWithModel() return unless save @current_model.toJSON(), saveOptions ) currentModel: (options={})-> if options is true or options?.refresh is true @syncFormWithModel() @current_model syncFormWithModel: ()-> @current_model?.set( @getValues() ) setLegend: (@legend)-> $('fieldset legend', @el).first().html(@legend) Luca.register 'form_view', 'Luca.components.FormView'