require "open-uri" require "logger" class OM::XML::ParentNodeNotFoundError < RuntimeError; end module OM::XML::TermValueOperators # Retrieves all of the nodes from the current document that match +term_pointer+ and returns an array of their values def term_values(*term_pointer) result = [] xpath = self.class.terminology.xpath_with_indexes(*term_pointer) #if value is on line by itself sometimes does not trim leading and trailing whitespace for a text node so will detect and fix it trim_text = !xpath.nil? && !xpath.index("text()").nil? find_by_terms(*term_pointer).each {|node| result << (trim_text ? node.text.strip : node.text) } # find_by_terms(*OM.destringify(term_pointer)).each {|node| result << node.text } return result end # alias for term_values def property_values(*lookup_args) term_values(*lookup_args) end # # example term values hash: {[{":person"=>"0"}, "role", "text"]=>{"0"=>"role1", "1"=>"role2", "2"=>"role3"}, [{:person=>1}, :family_name]=>"Andronicus", [{"person"=>"1"},:given_name]=>["Titus"],[{:person=>1},:role,:text]=>["otherrole1","otherrole2"] } def update_values(params={}) # remove any terms from params that this datastream doesn't recognize params.delete_if do |term_pointer,new_values| if term_pointer.kind_of?(String) true else !self.class.terminology.has_term?(*OM.destringify(term_pointer)) end end result = params.dup params.each_pair do |term_pointer,new_values| pointer = OM.destringify(term_pointer) template_pointer = OM.pointers_to_flat_array(pointer,false) hn = OM::XML::Terminology.term_hierarchical_name(*pointer) # Sanitize new_values to always be a hash with indexes case new_values when Hash when Array nv = new_values.dup new_values = {} nv.each {|v| new_values[nv.index(v).to_s] = v} else new_values = {"0"=>new_values} end # Populate the response hash appropriately, using hierarchical names for terms as keys rather than the given pointers. result.delete(term_pointer) result[hn] = new_values.dup # Skip any submitted values if the new value matches the current values current_values = term_values(*pointer) new_values.delete_if do |y,z| if current_values[y.to_i]==z and y.to_i > -1 true else false end end # Fill out the pointer completely if the final term is a NamedTermProxy term = self.class.terminology.retrieve_term( *OM.pointers_to_flat_array(pointer,false) ) if term.kind_of? OM::XML::NamedTermProxy pointer.pop pointer = pointer.concat(term.proxy_pointer) end xpath = self.class.terminology.xpath_with_indexes(*pointer) parent_pointer = pointer.dup parent_pointer.pop parent_xpath = self.class.terminology.xpath_with_indexes(*parent_pointer) # If the value doesn't exist yet, append it. Otherwise, update the existing value. new_values.each do |y,z| if find_by_terms(*pointer)[y.to_i].nil? || y.to_i == -1 result[hn].delete(y) term_values_append(:parent_select=>parent_pointer,:parent_index=>0,:template=>template_pointer,:values=>z) # term_values_append(:parent_select=>parent_xpath,:parent_index=>0,:template=>template_pointer,:values=>z) new_array_index = find_by_terms(*pointer).length - 1 result[hn][new_array_index.to_s] = z else term_value_update(xpath, y.to_i, z) end end end return result end def term_values_append(opts={}) parent_select = Array( opts[:parent_select] ) parent_index = opts[:parent_index] template = opts[:template] new_values = Array( opts[:values] ) parent_nodeset = find_by_terms(*parent_select) parent_node = node_from_set(parent_nodeset, parent_index) if parent_node.nil? parent_node, parent_select = build_ancestors(parent_select, parent_index) # parent_nodeset = find_by_terms(*parent_select) # parent_node = node_from_set(parent_nodeset, :last) # raise OM::XML::ParentNodeNotFoundError, "Failed to find a parent node to insert values into based on :parent_select #{parent_select.inspect} with :parent_index #{parent_index.inspect}" end insert_from_template(parent_node, new_values, template) return parent_node end # Insert xml containing +new_values+ into +parent_node+. Generate the xml based on +template+ # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Node] parent_node to insert new xml into # @param [Array] new_values to build the xml around # @param [Array -- (OM term pointer array) OR String -- (like what you would pass into] template for building the new xml. Use the syntax that Nokogiri::XML::Builder uses. # @return [Nokogiri::XML::Node] the parent_node with new chldren inserted into it def insert_from_template(parent_node, new_values, template) # If template is a string, use it as the template, otherwise use it as arguments to xml_builder_template unless template.instance_of?(String) template_args = Array(template) if template_args.last.kind_of?(Hash) template_opts = template_args.delete_at(template_args.length - 1) template_args << template_opts end template_args = OM.pointers_to_flat_array(template_args,false) template = self.class.terminology.xml_builder_template( *template_args ) end #if there is an xpath element pointing to text() need to change to just 'text' so it references the text method for the parent node template.gsub!(/text\(\)/, 'text') builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.with(parent_node) do |xml| new_values.each do |builder_new_value| builder_new_value.gsub!(/'/, "\\\\'") # escape any apostrophes in the new value builder_arg = eval('"'+ template + '"') # this inserts builder_new_value into the builder template eval(builder_arg) end end return parent_node end # Creates necesary ancestor nodes to support inserting a new term value where the ancestor node(s) don't exist yet. # Corrects node indexes in the pointer array to correspond to the ancestors that it creates. # Returns a two-value array with the 'parent' node and a corrected pointer array # @return [Nokogiri::XML::Node] the 'parent' (the final node in the ancestor tree) # @return [Array] corrected pointer array for retrieving this parent def build_ancestors(parent_select, parent_index) parent_select = Array(parent_select) parent_nodeset = find_by_terms(*parent_select) starting_point = node_from_set(parent_nodeset, parent_index) if starting_point.nil? starting_point = [] end to_build = [] until !starting_point.empty? to_build = [parent_select.pop] + to_build starting_point = find_by_terms(*parent_select) end to_build.each do |term_pointer| parent_select << term_pointer # If pointers in parent_select don't match with the indexes of built ancestors, correct the hash if find_by_terms(*parent_select+[{}]).length == 0 if parent_select.last.kind_of?(Hash) suspect_pointer = parent_select.pop term_key = suspect_pointer.keys.first if parent_select.empty? corrected_term_index = find_by_terms(term_key).length else corrected_term_index = find_by_terms(*parent_select+[{}]).length end parent_select << {term_key => corrected_term_index} end end template_pointer = OM.pointers_to_flat_array(parent_select,false) new_values = [""] insert_from_template(starting_point.first, new_values, template_pointer) starting_point = find_by_terms(*parent_select+[{}]) # If pointers in parent_select don't match with the indexes of built ancestors, correct the hash if starting_point.empty? raise StandardError "Oops. Something went wrong adding #{term_pointer} to #{parent_select} while building ancestors" end end if parent_index > starting_point.length parent_index = starting_point.length - 1 end return node_from_set(starting_point, parent_index), parent_select end def term_value_update(node_select,node_index,new_value,opts={}) # template = opts.fetch(:template,nil) node = find_by_terms_and_value(*node_select)[node_index] if new_value == "" || new_value == :delete node.remove else node.content = new_value end end # def term_value_set(term_ref, query_opts, node_index, new_value) # end def term_value_delete(opts={}) parent_select = Array( opts[:parent_select] ) parent_index = opts[:parent_index] child_index = opts[:child_index] xpath_select = opts[:select] if !xpath_select.nil? node = find_by_terms_and_value(xpath_select).first else # parent_nodeset = find_by_terms_and_value(parent_select, parent_select) parent_nodeset = find_by_terms_and_value(*parent_select) if parent_index.nil? node = node_from_set(parent_nodeset, child_index) else parent = node_from_set(parent_nodeset, parent_index) # this next line is a hack around the fact that element_children() sometimes doesn't work. node = node_from_set(parent.xpath("*"), child_index) end end node.remove end # Allows you to provide an array index _or_ a symbol representing the function to call on the nodeset in order to retrieve the node. def node_from_set(nodeset, index) if index.kind_of?(Integer) node = nodeset[index] elsif index.kind_of?(Symbol) && nodeset.respond_to?(index) node = nodeset.send(index) else raise "Could not retrieve node using index #{index}." end return node end private :node_from_set end