=begin Arachni Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos This is free software; you can copy and distribute and modify this program under the term of the GPL v2.0 License (See LICENSE file for details) =end require 'socket' require 'sys/proctable' module Arachni require Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'rpc/client/dispatcher' require Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'rpc/server/base' require Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'rpc/server/instance' require Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'rpc/server/output' module RPC class Server # # Dispatcher class # # Dispatches RPC servers on demand providing a centralized environment # for multiple RPC clients and allows for extensive process monitoring. # # The process goes something like this: # * a client issues a 'dispatch' call # * the dispatcher starts a new RPC server on a random port # * the dispatcher returns the port of the RPC server to the client # * the client connects to the RPC server listening on that port and does his business # # Once the client finishes using the RPC server it *must* shut it down.
# If it doesn't the system will be eaten away by idle instances of RPC servers. # # @author: Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos # # # @version: 0.2 # class Dispatcher require Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'rpc/server/node' include Arachni::Module::Utilities include Arachni::UI::Output include ::Sys def initialize( opts ) banner @opts = opts @opts.rpc_port ||= 7331 @opts.rpc_address ||= 'localhost' @opts.pool_size ||= 5 if @opts.help print_help exit 0 end @server = Base.new( @opts ) @server.add_async_check { |method| # methods that expect a block are async method.parameters.flatten.include?( :block ) } # let the instances in the pool know who to ask for routing instructions # when we're in grid mode. @opts.datastore[:dispatcher_url] = "#{@opts.rpc_address}:#{@opts.rpc_port.to_s}" prep_logging print_status( 'Initing RPC Server...' ) @server.add_handler( "dispatcher", self ) # trap interrupts and exit cleanly when required trap_interrupts { shutdown } @jobs = [] @pool = Queue.new @replenisher = Queue.new print_status( 'Warming up the pool...' ) @opts.pool_size.times{ add_instance_to_pool } # this thread will wait in the background and replenish the pool Thread.new { loop { add_instance_to_pool @replenisher.pop } } @node = nil print_status( 'Done.' ) print_status( 'Initialization complete.' ) run end def alive? @server.alive? end # # Dispatches an RPC server instance from the pool # # @param [String] owner an owner assign to the dispatched RPC server # @param [Hash] helpers hash of helper data to be added to the job # # @return [Hash] includes port number, owner, clock info and proc info # def dispatch( owner = 'unknown', helpers = {} ) # just to make sure... owner = owner.to_s cjob = @pool.shift cjob['owner'] = owner cjob['starttime'] = Time.now cjob['helpers'] = helpers print_status( "Instance dispatched -- PID: #{cjob['pid']} - " + "Port: #{cjob['port']} - Owner: #{cjob['owner']}" ) @replenisher << true @jobs << cjob return cjob end # # Returns proc info for a given pid # # @param [Fixnum] pid # # @return [Hash] # def job( pid ) @jobs.each { |i| cjob = i.dup if cjob['pid'] == pid cjob['currtime'] = Time.now cjob['age'] = cjob['currtime'] - cjob['birthdate'] cjob['runtime'] = cjob['currtime'] - cjob['starttime'] cjob['proc'] = proc( cjob['pid'] ) return cjob end } end # # Returns proc info for all jobs # # @return [Array] # def jobs jobs = [] @jobs.each { |cjob| proc_info = job( cjob['pid'] ) jobs << proc_info if proc_info } return jobs end # # Returns server stats regarding the jobs and pool # # @return [Hash] # def stats cjobs = jobs( ) running = cjobs.reject{ |job| job['proc'].empty? } finished = cjobs - running stats = { 'running_jobs' => running, 'finished_jobs' => finished, 'init_pool_size' => @opts.pool_size, 'curr_pool_size' => @pool.size } if @node stats.merge!( 'node' => @node.info, 'neighbours' => @node.neighbours ) end return stats end def log IO.read( prep_logging ) end def proc_info p = proc( Process.pid ) if @node p.merge!( 'node' => @node.info ) end return p end private # # Outputs the Arachni banner.
# Displays version number, revision number, author details etc. # def banner puts 'Arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework Author: Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos (With the support of the community and the Arachni Team.) Website: http://github.com/Zapotek/arachni Documentation: http://github.com/Zapotek/arachni/wiki' puts puts end def print_help puts < specify address to bind to (Default: #{@opts.rpc_address}) --port= specify port to listen to (Default: #{@opts.rpc_port}) --port-range=- specify port range for the RPC instances (Make sure to allow for a few hundred ports.) (Default: #{@opts.rpc_instance_port_range.join( '-' )}) --reroute-to-logfile reroute all output to a logfile under 'logs/' --pool-size= how many server workers/processes should be available at any given moment (Default: #{@opts.pool_size}) --neighbour= URL of a neighbouring Dispatcher (used to build a grid) --weight= weight of the Dispatcher --pipe-id= bandwidth pipe identification --nickname= nickname of the Dispatcher --debug SSL -------------------------- (All SSL options will be honored by the dispatched RPC instances as well.) (Do *not* use encrypted keys!) --ssl-pkey location of the server SSL private key (.pem) (Used to verify the server to the clients.) --ssl-cert location of the server SSL certificate (.pem) (Used to verify the server to the clients.) --node-ssl-pkey location of the client SSL private key (.pem) (Used to verify this node to other servers.) --node-ssl-cert location of the client SSL certificate (.pem) (Used to verify this node to other servers.) --ssl-ca location of the CA certificate (.pem) USAGE end def trap_interrupts( &block ) [ 'QUIT', 'INT' ].each { |signal| trap( signal, &block || Proc.new{ } ) if Signal.list.has_key?( signal ) } end # Starts the dispatcher's server def run print_status( 'Starting the server...' ) t = Thread.new { @server.run } # wait for the server to settle sleep( 0.1 ) while !@server.ready? @node = Node.new( @opts, @logfile ) @server.add_handler( "node", @node ) t.join end def shutdown print_status( 'Shutting down...' ) @server.shutdown end def add_instance_to_pool owner = 'dispatcher' exception_jail{ # get an available port for the child @opts.rpc_port = avail_port( ) @token = secret( ) pid = ::EM.fork_reactor { exception_jail { Arachni::RPC::Server::Instance.new( @opts, @token ) } } print_status( "Instance added to pool -- PID: #{pid} - " + "Port: #{@opts.rpc_port} - Owner: #{owner}" ) @pool << { 'token' => @token, 'pid' => pid, 'port' => @opts.rpc_port, 'url' => "#{@opts.rpc_address}:#{@opts.rpc_port}", 'owner' => owner, 'birthdate' => Time.now } # let the child go about his business Process.detach( pid ) @token = nil } end def prep_logging # reroute all output to a logfile @logfile ||= reroute_to_file( @opts.dir['logs'] + "Dispatcher - #{Process.pid}-#{@opts.rpc_port}.log" ) end def proc( pid ) struct_to_h( ProcTable.ps( pid ) ) end def struct_to_h( struct ) hash = {} return hash if !struct struct.each_pair { |k, v| v = v.to_s if v.is_a?( Bignum ) || v.is_a?( Fixnum ) hash[k.to_s] = v } return hash end # # Returns a random available port # # @return Fixnum port number # def avail_port port = rand_port while !avail_port?( port ) port = rand_port end return port end # # Returns a random port # def rand_port first, last = @opts.rpc_instance_port_range range = (first..last).to_a range[ rand( range.last - range.first ) ] end def secret secret = '' 1000.times { secret += rand( 1000 ).to_s } return Digest::MD5.hexdigest( secret ) end # # Checks whether the port number is available # # @param Fixnum port # # @return Bool # def avail_port?( port ) begin socket = Socket.new( :INET, :STREAM, 0 ) socket.bind( Addrinfo.tcp( "", port ) ) socket.close return true rescue return false end end end end end end