# Sample client support # require 'rubygems' case RUBY_PLATFORM when /java/i gem 'spoon'; require 'spoon' end $: << File.expand_path("../../lib", __FILE__) gem 'asir' require 'asir' require 'asir/coder/chain' require 'asir/coder/marshal' ASIR::Log.enabled = true unless ENV['ASIR_EXAMPLE_SILENT'] require 'sample_service' require 'pp' @customer = 123 class ::Object def pr result $stdout.puts "*** #{$$}: pr: #{PP.pp(result, '')}" end def server_process &blk # $stderr.puts " at #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}" case RUBY_PLATFORM when /java/i # JRuby cannot fork. # So we must prevent spawn a new jruby and # instruct it to only run the server blk, and not # the subsequent client code. # In other words, we cannot rely on how Process.fork # terminates within the block. if ENV['ASIR_JRUBY_SPAWNED'] $stderr.puts " spawned server at #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}" puts "*** #{$$}: server process"; $stdout.flush yield Process.exit!(0) # dont do client, client is our parent process. else $stderr.puts " spawning at #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}" ENV['ASIR_JRUBY_SPAWNED'] = "1" cmd = "ruby -I #{File.dirname(__FILE__)} -I #{File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)} #{$0} #{ARGV * ' '}" $stderr.puts " cmd = #{cmd}" $server_pid = Spoon.spawnp(cmd) ENV.delete('ASIR_JRUBY_SPAWNED') $stderr.puts " spawned #{$server_pid} at #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}" end else # $stderr.puts " at #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}" $server_pid = Process.fork do puts "*** #{$$}: server process"; $stdout.flush yield end end sleep 1 # wait for server to be ready. return false # do client. end def server_kill if $server_pid Process.kill 9, $server_pid Process.waitpid($server_pid) end rescue Errno::ESRCH ensure $server_pid = nil end end puts "*** #{$$}: client process"; $stdout.flush