# encoding: utf-8 require 'rspec/wait' require "logstash/devutils/rspec/spec_helper" require 'logstash/plugin_mixins/ecs_compatibility_support/spec_helper' require_relative '../../../lib/logstash/inputs/snmp' describe LogStash::Inputs::Snmp, :ecs_compatibility_support do let(:mock_target) { double("org.snmp4j.Target") } let(:mock_client) { double("org.logstash.snmp.SnmpClient") } let(:mock_aggregator) { double("org.logstash.snmp.SnmpClientRequestAggregator") } let(:mock_aggregator_request) { double("org.logstash.snmp.SnmpClientRequestAggregator#Request") } let(:config) { {} } subject(:plugin) { described_class.new(config) } context "an interruptible input plugin" do let(:config) {{ "get" => [""], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:", "community" => "public"}] }} context "#stop" do let(:queue) { SizedQueue.new(20) } before(:each) do allow(plugin).to receive(:build_client!).and_return(mock_client) allow(mock_client).to receive(:listen) allow(mock_client).to receive(:create_target).and_return(mock_target) expect(mock_client).to receive(:close) allow(plugin).to receive(:create_request_aggregator).and_return(mock_aggregator) expect(mock_aggregator).to receive(:create_request).and_return(mock_aggregator_request) expect(mock_aggregator).to receive(:await).and_return({}) expect(mock_aggregator).to receive(:close) expect(mock_aggregator_request).to receive(:get) expect(mock_aggregator_request).to receive(:get_result_async) plugin.register end it "returns from run" do Thread.new(queue) { |queue| loop { queue.pop } } plugin_thread = Thread.new(plugin, queue) { |subject, queue| subject.run(queue) } sleep 0.5 expect(plugin_thread).to be_alive plugin.do_stop plugin.do_close wait(3).for { plugin_thread }.to_not be_alive end end end context "OIDs options validation" do valid_configs = [ {"get" => [""], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"get" => ["."], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"get" => ["."], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}], "oid_root_skip" => 2}, {"get" => ["."], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}], "oid_path_length" => 2}, {"get" => ["", ""], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"get" => ["", "."], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"walk" => [""], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"tables" => [{"name" => "ltmPoolStatTable", "columns" => ["", ""]}], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, ] invalid_configs = [ {"get" => [""], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"get" => ["test"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"get" => [], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"get" => "foo", "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"get" => ["."], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}], "oid_path_length" => "a" }, {"get" => ["."], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}], "oid_path_length" => 2, "oid_root_skip" => 2 }, {"walk" => "foo", "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"tables" => [{"columns" => ["", ""]}], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, ] context "validates get oids" do valid_configs.each_with_index do |config, index| context "with valid config #{index}" do let(:config) { config } it 'should not raise' do expect{ plugin.register }.not_to raise_error end end end invalid_configs.each_with_index do |config, index| context "with invalid config #{index}" do let(:config) { config } it 'should raise' do expect{ plugin.register }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError) end end end end end context "hosts options validation" do valid_configs = [ {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:localhost/161"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:", "community" => "public"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "tcp:"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "tcp:", "community" => "public"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:", "version" => "1"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:", "version" => "2c"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:", "version" => "3"}], "security_name" => "v3user"}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:[::1]/16100"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:[2001:db8:0:1:1:1:1:1]/16100"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:[2001:db8::2:1]/161"}]}, ] invalid_configs = [ {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "aaa:"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "tcp."}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "localhost"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "localhost/161"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:"}, {"host" => "udp:"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:", "version" => "2"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:", "version" => "3a"}]}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => ""}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => []}, {"get" => ["1.0"] }, ] context "validates hosts" do valid_configs.each_with_index do |config, index| context "with valid config #{index}" do let(:config) { config } it 'should not raise' do expect{ plugin.register }.not_to raise_error end end end invalid_configs.each_with_index do |config, index| context "with invalid config #{index}" do let(:config) { config } it 'should raise' do expect{ plugin.register }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError) end end end end end context "v3_users options validation" do valid_configs = [ {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:", "version" => "3"}], "security_name" => "ciscov3", "auth_protocol" => "sha", "auth_pass" => "myshapass", "priv_protocol" => "aes", "priv_pass" => "myprivpass", "security_level" => "authNoPriv"}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:[2001:db8:0:1:1:1:1:1]/1610", "version" => "3"}], "security_name" => "dellv3", "auth_protocol" => "md5", "auth_pass" => "myshapass", "priv_protocol" => "3des", "priv_pass" => "myprivpass", "security_level" => "authNoPriv"} ] invalid_configs = [ {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:", "version" => "3"}], "security_name" => "ciscov3", "auth_protocol" => "badauth", "auth_pass" => "myshapass", "priv_protocol" => "aes", "priv_pass" => "myprivpass", "security_level" => "authNoPriv"}, {"get" => ["1.0"], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:", "version" => "3"}], "security_name" => "ciscov3", "auth_protocol" => "sha"} ] context "validates v3_users" do valid_configs.each_with_index do |config, index| context "with valid config #{index}" do let(:config) { config } it 'should not raise' do expect{ plugin.register }.not_to raise_error end end end invalid_configs.each_with_index do |config, index| context "with invalid config #{index}" do let(:config) { config } it 'should raise' do expect{ plugin.register }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError) end end end end end describe 'local_engine_id validation' do let(:local_engine_id) { nil } let(:config) { super().merge('get' => ["1.0"], 'hosts' => [{'host' => "udp:", "version" => "2c"}], 'local_engine_id' => local_engine_id) } context 'with length lower than 5' do let(:local_engine_id) { '1234' } it 'should raise' do error_message = '`local_engine_id` length must be greater or equal than 5' expect { plugin.register }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError, error_message) end end context 'with valid length' do let(:local_engine_id) { '0' * 32 } it 'should not raise' do expect { plugin.register }.to_not raise_error end end context 'with length greater than 32' do let(:local_engine_id) { '0' * 33 } it 'should raise' do error_message = '`local_engine_id` length must be lower or equal than 32' expect { plugin.register }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError, error_message) end end end ecs_compatibility_matrix(:disabled, :v1, :v8) do |ecs_select| let(:queue) { Queue.new } let(:run_once_runner) { RunOnceStoppableIntervalRunner.new(plugin) } let(:config) { { 'ecs_compatibility' => ecs_select.active_mode } } before(:each) do allow(plugin).to receive(:stoppable_interval_runner).and_return(run_once_runner) allow(plugin).to receive(:build_client!).and_return(mock_client) allow(mock_client).to receive(:listen) allow(mock_client).to receive(:create_target).and_return(mock_target) allow(mock_client).to receive(:close).at_most(:once) allow(plugin).to receive(:create_request_aggregator).and_return(mock_aggregator) expect(mock_aggregator).to receive(:create_request).and_return(mock_aggregator_request) expect(mock_aggregator).to receive(:await) allow(mock_aggregator).to receive(:close) end context 'mocked get' do before(:each) do expect(mock_aggregator_request).to receive(:get) expect(mock_aggregator_request).to receive(:get_result_async) do |consumer| consumer.call({ 'foo' => 'bar' }) end end context 'should add' do let(:config) { super().merge({ 'get' => [""], 'hosts' => [{ 'host' => "udp:", 'community' => "public" }] }) } it "@metadata and host fields to event" do plugin.register plugin.run(queue) event = queue.pop if ecs_select.active_mode == :disabled expect(event.get("[@metadata][host_protocol]")).to eq("udp") expect(event.get("[@metadata][host_address]")).to eq("") expect(event.get("[@metadata][host_port]")).to eq("161") expect(event.get("[@metadata][host_community]")).to eq("public") expect(event.get("host")).to eql("") else expect(event.get("[@metadata][input][snmp][host][protocol]")).to eq("udp") expect(event.get("[@metadata][input][snmp][host][address]")).to eq("") expect(event.get("[@metadata][input][snmp][host][port]")).to eq('161') expect(event.get("[@metadata][input][snmp][host][community]")).to eq("public") expect(event.get("host")).to eql('ip' => "") end end end context 'with custom host field (legacy metadata)' do let(:config) do super().merge({ 'get' => [""], 'hosts' => [{ 'host' => "udp:", 'community' => "public" }], 'add_field' => { 'host' => '%{[@metadata][host_protocol]}:%{[@metadata][host_address]}/%{[@metadata][host_port]},%{[@metadata][host_community]}' } }) end it "should add field to event" do plugin.register plugin.run(queue) event = queue.pop expect(event.get("host")).to eq("udp:,public") end end if ecs_select.active_mode == :disabled context "with custom host field (ECS mode)" do let(:config) do super().merge({ 'get' => [""], 'hosts' => [{ 'host' => "tcp:" }], 'add_field' => { '[host][formatted]' => '%{[@metadata][input][snmp][host][protocol]}://%{[@metadata][input][snmp][host][address]}:%{[@metadata][input][snmp][host][port]}' } }) end it "should add field to event" do plugin.register plugin.run(queue) event = queue.pop expect(event.get("host")).to eq('formatted' => "tcp://") end end if ecs_select.active_mode != :disabled context 'with target configured' do let(:config) do super().merge({ 'get' => [''], 'hosts' => [{ 'host' => 'udp:', 'community' => 'public' }], 'target' => 'snmp_data' }) end it 'should target event data' do plugin.register plugin.run(queue) event = queue.pop expect( event.include?('foo') ).to be false expect( event.get('[snmp_data]') ).to eql 'foo' => 'bar' end end end context 'mocked empty request result' do let(:config) do super().merge({ 'get' => [''], 'hosts' => [{ 'host' => 'udp:', 'community' => 'public' }] }) end let(:logger) { double("Logger").as_null_object } before(:each) do expect(mock_aggregator_request).to receive(:get) expect(mock_aggregator_request).to receive(:get_result_async) do |consumer| consumer.call({}) end allow(plugin).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) expect(logger).to receive(:debug?).and_return(true) expect(logger).to receive(:debug).with('No SNMP data retrieved', anything) end it 'generates no events when client returns no response' do plugin.register plugin.poll_clients(queue) expect(queue.size).to eql 0 end end context 'mocked no request response' do let(:config) do super().merge({ 'walk' => [""], "hosts" => [{"host" => "udp:", "community" => "public"}] }) end let(:logger) { double("Logger").as_null_object } before do expect(mock_aggregator_request).to receive(:walk) expect(mock_aggregator_request).to receive(:get_result_async) end it 'generates no events when client returns no response' do plugin.register plugin.poll_clients(queue) expect(queue.size).to eql 0 end end end context "StoppableIntervalRunner" do let(:stop_holder) { Struct.new(:value).new(false) } before(:each) do allow(plugin).to receive(:stop?) { stop_holder.value } end let(:plugin) do double("Plugin").tap do |dbl| allow(dbl).to receive(:logger).and_return(double("Logger").as_null_object) allow(dbl).to receive(:stop?) { stop_holder.value } end end subject(:interval_runner) { LogStash::Inputs::Snmp::StoppableIntervalRunner.new(plugin) } context "#every" do context "when the plugin is stopped" do let(:interval_seconds) { 2 } it 'does not yield the block' do stop_holder.value = true expect { |yielder| interval_runner.every(interval_seconds, &yielder) }.to_not yield_control end end context "when the yield takes shorter than the interval" do let(:duration_seconds) { 1 } let(:interval_seconds) { 2 } it 'sleeps off the remainder' do allow(interval_runner).to receive(:sleep).and_call_original interval_runner.every(interval_seconds) do Kernel::sleep(duration_seconds) # non-stoppable stop_holder.value = true # prevent re-runs end expect(interval_runner).to have_received(:sleep).with(a_value_within(0.1).of(1)) end end context "when the yield takes longer than the interval" do let(:duration_seconds) { 2 } let(:interval_seconds) { 1 } it 'logs a warning to the plugin' do allow(interval_runner).to receive(:sleep).and_call_original interval_runner.every(interval_seconds) do Kernel::sleep(duration_seconds) # non-stoppable stop_holder.value = true # prevent re-runs end expect(interval_runner).to_not have_received(:sleep) expect(plugin.logger).to have_received(:warn).with(a_string_including("took longer"), a_hash_including(:interval_seconds => interval_seconds, :duration_seconds => a_value_within(0.1).of(duration_seconds))) end end it 'runs regularly until the plugin is stopped' do timestamps = [] thread = Thread.new do interval_runner.every(1) do timestamps << Time.now Kernel::sleep(Random::rand(0.8)) end end Kernel::sleep(5) expect(thread).to be_alive stop_holder.value = true Kernel::sleep(1) aggregate_failures do expect(thread).to_not be_alive expect(timestamps.count).to be_within(1).of(5) timestamps.each_cons(2) do |previous, current| # ensure each start time is very close to 1s after the previous. expect(current - previous).to be_within(0.05).of(1) end thread.kill if thread.alive? end end end end context "close" do let(:config) do { 'get' => [""], 'hosts' => [{'host' => "udp:", 'community' => "public"}] } end let(:run_once_runner) { RunOnceStoppableIntervalRunner.new(plugin) } before(:each) do allow(plugin).to receive(:stoppable_interval_runner).and_return(run_once_runner) allow(plugin).to receive(:build_client!).and_return(mock_client) allow(mock_client).to receive(:listen) allow(mock_client).to receive(:create_target).and_return(mock_target) allow(mock_client).to receive(:close) allow(plugin).to receive(:create_request_aggregator).and_return(mock_aggregator) expect(mock_aggregator).to receive(:await) allow(mock_aggregator).to receive(:close) expect(mock_aggregator).to receive(:create_request).and_return(mock_aggregator_request) expect(mock_aggregator_request).to receive(:get) expect(mock_aggregator_request).to receive(:get_result_async) end it "should call client close method upon termination" do plugin.register plugin.run(Queue.new) plugin.do_close expect(mock_client).to have_received(:close).once expect(mock_aggregator).to have_received(:close).once end end end class RunOnceStoppableIntervalRunner def initialize(plugin) @plugin = plugin end def every(interval_seconds, desc = 'operation', &block) yield end end