require 'cgi/util' require 'net/http' require 'action_view' module Incline ## # A helper class for reCAPTCHA. # # To use reCAPTCHA, you will need to define +recaptcha_public+ and +recaptcha_private+ in your 'config/secrets.yml'. # If you need to use a proxy server, you will need to configure the proxy settings as well. # # # config/secrets.yml # default: &default # recaptcha_public: SomeBase64StringFromGoogle # recaptcha_private: AnotherBase64StringFromGoogle # recaptcha_proxy: # host: # port: 1000 # user: username # password: top_secret # class Recaptcha ## # Defines a reCAPTCHA tag that can be used to supply a field in a model with a hash of values. # # Basically we define two fields for the model attribute, one for :remote_ip and one for :response. # The :remote_ip field is set automatically and shouldn't be changed. # The :response field is set when the user completes the challenge. # #, :is_robot).render # # # # # Incline::Recaptcha::verify model: my_model, attribute: :is_robot class Tag < ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base ## # Generates the reCAPTCHA data. def render remote_ip = if @template_object&.respond_to?(:request) && @template_object.send(:request)&.respond_to?(:remote_ip) @template_object.request.remote_ip else ENV['REMOTE_ADDR'] end if Incline::Recaptcha::disabled? # very simple, if recaptcha is disabled, send the IP and 'disabled' to the form. # for validation, recaptcha must still be disabled or it will fail. return tag('input', type: 'hidden', id: tag_id, name: tag_name, value: "#{remote_ip}|disabled") end # reCAPTCHA is not disabled, so put everything we need into the form. ret = tag('input', type: 'hidden', id: tag_id, name: tag_name, value: remote_ip) ret += "\n" div_id = tag_id + '_div' ret += tag('div', { class: 'form-group' }, true) ret += tag('div', { id: div_id }, true) ret += "\n".html_safe sitekey = CGI::escape_html(Incline::Recaptcha::public_key) onload = 'onload_' + tag_id callback = 'update_' + tag_id tabindex = @options[:tab_index].to_s.to_i theme = make_valid(@options[:theme], VALID_THEMES, :light).to_s type = make_valid(@options[:type], VALID_TYPES, :image).to_s size = make_valid(@options[:size], VALID_SIZES, :normal).to_s ret += <<-EOS.html_safe EOS Incline::Recaptcha::onload_callbacks << onload ret.html_safe end private def make_valid(value, valid, default) return default if value.blank? value = value.to_sym return default unless valid.include?(value) value end end ## # Gets the valid themes for the reCAPTCHA field. VALID_THEMES = [ :dark, :light ] ## # Gets the valid types for the reCAPTCHA field. VALID_TYPES = [ :audio, :image ] ## # Gets the valid sizes for the reCAPTCHA field. VALID_SIZES = [ :compact, :normal ] ## # A string that will validated when reCAPTCHA is disabled. DISABLED = '|disabled' ## # Determines if recaptcha is disabled either due to a test environment or because :recaptcha_public or :recaptcha_private is not defined in +secrets.yml+. def self.disabled? temp_lock || public_key.blank? || private_key.blank? || (Rails.env.test? && !enabled_for_testing?) end ## # Gets the public key. def self.public_key @public_key ||= Rails.application.secrets[:recaptcha_public].to_s.strip end ## # Gets the private key. def self.private_key @private_key ||= Rails.application.secrets[:recaptcha_private].to_s.strip end ## # Gets the proxy configuration (if any). def self.proxy @proxy ||= (Rails.application.secrets[:recaptcha_proxy] || {}).symbolize_keys end ## # Generates the bare minimum code needed to include a reCAPTCHA challenge in a form. def self.add unless disabled? "
".html_safe end end ## # Verifies the response from a reCAPTCHA challenge. # # Valid options: # model:: # Sets the model that this challenge is verifying. # attribute:: # If a model is provided, you can supply an attribute to retrieve the response data from. # This attribute should return a hash with :response and :remote_ip keys. # If this is provided, then the remaining options are ignored. # response:: # If specified, defines the response from the reCAPTCHA challenge that we want to verify. # If not specified, then the request parameters (if any) are searched for the "g-recaptcha-response" value. # remote_ip:: # If specified, defines the remote IP of the user that was challenged. # If not specified, then the remote IP from the request (if any) is used. # request:: # Specifies the request to use for information. # This must be provided unless :response and :remote_ip are both specified. # This is the default option if an object other than a Hash is provided to #verify. # # Returns true on success, or false on failure. # def self.verify(options = {}) return true if temp_lock options = { request: options } unless options.is_a?(::Hash) model = options[:model] response = if model && options[:attribute] && model.respond_to?(options[:attribute]) model.send(options[:attribute]) else nil end remote_ip = nil if response.is_a?(::Hash) remote_ip = response[:remote_ip] response = response[:response] end # model must respond to the 'errors' message and the result of that must respond to 'add' if !model || !model.respond_to?('errors') || !model.send('errors').respond_to?('add') model = nil end response ||= options[:response] remote_ip ||= options[:remote_ip] if response.blank? || remote_ip.blank? request = options[:request] raise ArgumentError, 'Either :request must be specified or both :response and :remote_ip must be specified.' unless request response = request.params['g-recaptcha-response'] remote_ip = request.respond_to?(:remote_ip) ? request.send(:remote_ip) : ENV['REMOTE_ADDR'] end if disabled? # In tests or environments where reCAPTCHA is disabled, # the response should be 'disabled' to verify successfully. return response == 'disabled' else begin if proxy.blank? http = Net::HTTP else http = Net::HTTP::Proxy(, proxy.port, proxy.user, proxy.password) end verify_hash = { secret: private_key, remoteip: remote_ip, response: response } recaptcha = nil Timeout::timeout(5) do uri = URI.parse('') http_instance =, uri.port) if uri.port == 443 http_instance.use_ssl = true end request = request.set_form_data(verify_hash) recaptcha = http_instance.request(request) end answer = JSON.parse(recaptcha.body) unless answer['success'].to_s.downcase == 'true' if model model.errors.add(options[:attribute] || :base, 'Recaptcha verification failed.') end return false end return true rescue Timeout::Error if model model.errors.add(:base, 'Recaptcha unreachable.') end end end false end ## # Contains a collection of onload callbacks for explicit reCAPTCHA fields. # # Used by the Incline::Recaptcha::Tag helper. def self.onload_callbacks # FIXME: Should probably move this to the session. @onload_callbacks ||= [] end ## # Generates a script block to load reCAPTCHA and activate any reCAPTCHA fields. def self.script_block if onload_callbacks.any? ret = "\n" # clear the cache. onload_callbacks.clear ret.html_safe end end ## # Pauses reCAPTCHA validation for the specified block of code. def self.pause_for(&block) # already paused, so just call the block. return if paused? # otherwise pause and then call the block. self.temp_lock = true begin return ensure self.temp_lock = false end end ## # Determines if reCAPTCHA validation is currently paused. def self.paused? temp_lock end private def self.enable_for_testing(pub_key = nil, priv_key = nil) raise 'This method is only valid when testing.' unless Rails.env.test? @enabled_for_testing = true @public_key = pub_key @private_key = priv_key begin yield if block_given? ensure @private_key = nil @public_key = nil @enabled_for_testing = false end end def self.enabled_for_testing? @enabled_for_testing ||= false end def self.temp_lock @temp_lock ||= false end def self.temp_lock=(bool) @temp_lock = bool end end end