module Polars module Functions # Aggregate multiple Dataframes/Series to a single DataFrame/Series. # # @param items [Object] # DataFrames/Series/LazyFrames to concatenate. # @param rechunk [Boolean] # Make sure that all data is in contiguous memory. # @param how ["vertical", "vertical_relaxed", "diagonal", "horizontal"] # LazyFrames do not support the `horizontal` strategy. # # - Vertical: applies multiple `vstack` operations. # - Diagonal: finds a union between the column schemas and fills missing column values with null. # - Horizontal: stacks Series horizontally and fills with nulls if the lengths don't match. # @param parallel [Boolean] # Only relevant for LazyFrames. This determines if the concatenated # lazy computations may be executed in parallel. # # @return [Object] # # @example # df1 ={"a" => [1], "b" => [3]}) # df2 ={"a" => [2], "b" => [4]}) # Polars.concat([df1, df2]) # # => # # shape: (2, 2) # # ┌─────┬─────┐ # # │ a ┆ b │ # # │ --- ┆ --- │ # # │ i64 ┆ i64 │ # # ╞═════╪═════╡ # # │ 1 ┆ 3 │ # # │ 2 ┆ 4 │ # # └─────┴─────┘ def concat(items, rechunk: true, how: "vertical", parallel: true) if items.empty? raise ArgumentError, "cannot concat empty list" end first = items[0] if first.is_a?(DataFrame) if how == "vertical" out = Utils.wrap_df(Plr.concat_df(items)) elsif how == "diagonal" out = Utils.wrap_df(Plr.concat_df_diagonal(items)) elsif how == "horizontal" out = Utils.wrap_df(Plr.concat_df_horizontal(items)) else raise ArgumentError, "how must be one of {{'vertical', 'diagonal', 'horizontal'}}, got #{how}" end elsif first.is_a?(LazyFrame) if how == "vertical" return Utils.wrap_ldf(Plr.concat_lf(items, rechunk, parallel, false)) elsif how == "vertical_relaxed" return Utils.wrap_ldf(Plr.concat_lf(items, rechunk, parallel, true)) elsif how == "diagonal" return Utils.wrap_ldf(Plr.concat_lf_diagonal(items, rechunk, parallel, false)) else raise ArgumentError, "Lazy only allows 'vertical', 'vertical_relaxed', and 'diagonal' concat strategy." end elsif first.is_a?(Series) # TODO out = Utils.wrap_s(Plr.concat_series(items)) elsif first.is_a?(Expr) out = first items[1..-1].each do |e| out = out.append(e) end else raise ArgumentError, "did not expect type: #{} in 'Polars.concat'." end if rechunk out.rechunk else out end end # Align a sequence of frames using the uique values from one or more columns as a key. # # Frames that do not contain the given key values have rows injected (with nulls # filling the non-key columns), and each resulting frame is sorted by the key. # # The original column order of input frames is not changed unless ``select`` is # specified (in which case the final column order is determined from that). # # Note that this does not result in a joined frame - you receive the same number # of frames back that you passed in, but each is now aligned by key and has # the same number of rows. # # @param frames [Array] # Sequence of DataFrames or LazyFrames. # @param on [Object] # One or more columns whose unique values will be used to align the frames. # @param select [Object] # Optional post-alignment column select to constrain and/or order # the columns returned from the newly aligned frames. # @param reverse [Object] # Sort the alignment column values in descending order; can be a single # boolean or a list of booleans associated with each column in `on`. # # @return [Object] # # @example # df1 = # { # "dt" => [, 9, 1),, 9, 2),, 9, 3)], # "x" => [3.5, 4.0, 1.0], # "y" => [10.0, 2.5, 1.5] # } # ) # df2 = # { # "dt" => [, 9, 2),, 9, 3),, 9, 1)], # "x" => [8.0, 1.0, 3.5], # "y" => [1.5, 12.0, 5.0] # } # ) # df3 = # { # "dt" => [, 9, 3),, 9, 2)], # "x" => [2.0, 5.0], # "y" => [2.5, 2.0] # } # ) # af1, af2, af3 = Polars.align_frames( # df1, df2, df3, on: "dt", select: ["x", "y"] # ) # (af1 * af2 * af3).fill_null(0).select(Polars.sum_horizontal("*").alias("dot")) # # => # # shape: (3, 1) # # ┌───────┐ # # │ dot │ # # │ --- │ # # │ f64 │ # # ╞═══════╡ # # │ 0.0 │ # # │ 167.5 │ # # │ 47.0 │ # # └───────┘ def align_frames( *frames, on:, select: nil, reverse: false ) if frames.empty? return [] elsif != 1 raise TypeError, "Input frames must be of a consistent type (all LazyFrame or all DataFrame)" end # establish the superset of all "on" column values, sort, and cache eager = frames[0].is_a?(DataFrame) alignment_frame = ( concat( { |df| }) .unique(maintain_order: false) .sort(on, reverse: reverse) ) alignment_frame = ( eager ? alignment_frame.collect.lazy : alignment_frame.cache ) # finally, align all frames aligned_frames = do |df| alignment_frame.join( df.lazy, on: alignment_frame.columns, how: "left" ).select(df.columns) end if !select.nil? aligned_frames = { |df| } end eager ? : aligned_frames end end end