Ruby MQTT NEWS ============== Ruby MQTT Version 0.3.1 (2014-10-10) ------------------------------------ * Added ```last_ping_response``` to attribute to ```MQTT::Client``` Ruby MQTT Version 0.3.0 (2014-08-26) ------------------------------------ * Added support for MQTT protocol version 3.1.1 * Renamed a number of methods/attributes: - Renamed ```:granted_qos``` to ```:return_codes``` - Renamed ```:remote_port``` to ```:port``` - Renamed ```:remote_host``` to ```:host``` - Renamed ```:message_id``` to ```:id``` - Renamed ```:protocol_version``` to ```:protocol_level``` - Renamed ```MQTT_BROKER``` environment variable to ```MQTT_SERVER``` * Added more checks to ensure that the 3.1.1 protocol specs are adhered to * Added a Library Overview section to the README * Added links to the protocol specification to README * Improvements to the YARD API documentation * Don't display payload in inspect if it contains non-visible ASCII characters * Upgraded to rspec 3 * Various minor bug fixes and corrections Ruby MQTT Version 0.2.0 (2014-04-02) ------------------------------------ * Added SSL/TLS support * Added support for passing connection details using a URI * Added support for using the ```MQTT_BROKER``` environment variable * Allow passing array of topics to Client#unsubscribe * Allow more combinations of arguments to be passed to a new Client * No longer defaults to ‘localhost’ if there is no server configured * Fixed more 'unused variable' warnings * Documentation improvements * Ruby 1.8 fixes * Ruby 2 fixes Ruby MQTT Version 0.1.0 (2013-09-07) ------------------------------------ * Changed license to MIT, to simplify licensing concerns * Improvements for UTF-8 handling under Ruby 1.9 * Added ```get_packet``` method * Added support for a keep-alive value of 0 * Added a #inspect method to the Packet classes * Added checks for the protocol name and version * Added check to ensure that packet body isn't too big * Added validation of QoS value * Added example of using authentication * Fixed 'unused variable' warnings * Reduced duplicated code in packet parsing * Improved testing - Created fake server and integration tests - Better test coverage - Added more tests for error states Ruby MQTT Version 0.0.9 (2012-12-21) ------------------------------------ * Fixes for Ruby 1.9.3 by Mike English * Fix for ```client_id``` typo by Anubisss * Added methods to inspect the incoming message queue: ```queue_empty?``` and ```queue_length``` * Fixed incorrect implementation of the parsing and serialising of Subscription Acknowledgement packets * Changed test mocking from Mocha to rspec-mocks Ruby MQTT Version 0.0.8 (2011-02-04) ------------------------------------ * Implemented Last Will and Testament feature * Renamed dup attribute to duplicate to avoid method name clash * Made the random ```client_id``` generator a public class method Ruby MQTT Version 0.0.7 (2011-01-19) ------------------------------------ * You can now pass a topic and block to client.get * Added MQTT::Client.connect class method Ruby MQTT Version 0.0.5 (2011-01-18) ------------------------------------ * Implemented setting username and password (MQTT 3.1) * Renamed ```clean_start``` to ``clean_session``` * Started using autoload to load classes * Modernised Gem building mechanisms Ruby MQTT Version 0.0.4 (2009-02-22) ------------------------------------ * Re-factored packet encoding/decoding into one class per packet type * Added MQTT::Proxy class for implementing an MQTT proxy Ruby MQTT Version 0.0.3 (2009-02-08) ------------------------------------ * Added checking of Connection Acknowledgement * Automatic client identifier generation Ruby MQTT Version 0.0.2 (2009-02-03) ------------------------------------ * Added support for packets longer than 127 bytes Ruby MQTT Version 0.0.1 (2009-02-01) ------------------------------------ * Initial Release