# frozen_string_literal: true if ENV['CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID'] require 'simplecov' SimpleCov.start end require 'image_optim/pack' require 'image_optim/path' ENV['PATH'] = [ ImageOptim::Pack.path, ENV['PATH'], ].compact.join File::PATH_SEPARATOR RSpec.configure do |c| c.before do stub_const('ImageOptim::Config::GLOBAL_PATH', ImageOptim::Path::NULL) stub_const('ImageOptim::Config::LOCAL_PATH', ImageOptim::Path::NULL) ImageOptim.class_eval{ def pack; end } end c.order = :random end IMAGEMAGICK_PREFIX = ImageOptim::Cmd.capture('which magick').empty? ? [] : %w[magick] def flatten_animation(image) if image.image_format == :gif flattened = image.temp_path command = (IMAGEMAGICK_PREFIX + %W[ convert #{image} -coalesce -append #{flattened} ]).shelljoin expect(ImageOptim::Cmd.run(command)).to be_truthy flattened else image end end def mepp(image_a, image_b) coalesce_a = flatten_animation(image_a) coalesce_b = flatten_animation(image_b) output = ImageOptim::Cmd.capture((IMAGEMAGICK_PREFIX + %W[ compare -metric MEPP -alpha Background #{coalesce_a.to_s.shellescape} #{coalesce_b.to_s.shellescape} #{ImageOptim::Path::NULL} 2>&1 ]).join(' ')) unless [0, 1].include?($CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus) fail "compare #{image_a} with #{image_b} failed with `#{output}`" end num_r = '\d+(?:\.\d+(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?)?' output[/\((#{num_r}), #{num_r}\)/, 1].to_f end RSpec::Matchers.define :be_smaller_than do |expected| match{ |actual| actual.size < expected.size } end RSpec::Matchers.define :be_similar_to do |expected, max_difference| match do |actual| @diff = mepp(actual, expected) @diff <= max_difference end failure_message do |actual| "expected #{actual} to have at most #{max_difference} difference from "\ "#{expected}, got mean error per pixel of #{@diff}" end end SkipConditions = Hash.new do |cache, name| cache[name] = case name when :any_file_mode_allowed Tempfile.open('posix') do |f| File.chmod(0, f.path) 'full file modes are not support' unless (File.stat(f.path).mode & 0o777).zero? end when :inodes_support 'inodes are not supported' if File.stat(__FILE__).ino.zero? when :signals_support begin Process.kill(0, 0) nil rescue 'signals are not supported' end else fail "Unknown check #{name}" end end