require 'spec_helper' describe MicroKanren::Lisp do include MicroKanren::Lisp describe "#car" do it "returns the first element in the pair" do car(cons(1, 2)).must_equal 1 end end describe "#cdr" do it "returns the second item in the pair" do cdr(cons(1, 2)).must_equal 2 end end describe "#cons" do it "returns a pair" do car(cons(1, 2)).must_equal 1 cdr(cons(1, 2)).must_equal 2 end end describe "#length" do it "returns 0 for an empty list" do length(nil).must_equal 0 end it "returns the list length for a non-empty list" do length(cons(1, cons(2, nil))).must_equal 2 end end describe "#map" do it "maps a function over a list" do func = -> (str) { str.upcase } lprint(map(func, cons("foo", cons("bar", nil)))).must_equal '("FOO" "BAR")' end end describe "#assp" do it "returns the first pair for which the predicate function is true" do al1 = cons(3, cons(:a, nil)) al2 = cons(1, cons(:b, nil)) al3 = cons(4, cons(:c, nil)) alist = cons(al1, cons(al2, cons(al3, nil))) res = assp(->(i) { i.even? }, alist) lists_equal?(res, cons(4, cons(:c, nil))).must_equal true end it "returns false if there is no matching element found" do pair1 = cons(3, cons(:a, nil)) pair2 = cons(1, cons(:b, nil)) pair3 = cons(4, cons(:c, nil)) alist = cons(pair1, cons(pair2, cons(pair3, nil))) res = assp(->(i) { i == 5 }, alist) res.must_equal false end end # describe "#pair?" do it "is false for an integer" do pair?(1).must_equal false end it "is true for a list with an int in the car and cdr" do pair?(cons(1, 2)).must_equal true end it "is true for a proper list" do pair?(cons(1, cons(2, nil))).must_equal true end it "is false for an empty list" do pair?(nil).must_equal false end end describe "#lprint" do it "prints an expression correctly" do c = cons(1, cons(2, cons(cons(3, cons(4, nil)), cons(5, nil)))) lprint(c).must_equal "(1 2 (3 4) 5)" end it "prints a cons cell representation of a simple cell" do lprint(cons('a', 'b')).must_equal '("a" . "b")' end it "represents Integers and Floats" do lprint(cons(1, 2)).must_equal '(1 . 2)' end it "prints a nested expression" do lprint(cons('a', cons('b', 'c'))).must_equal '("a" "b" . "c")' end it "represents Arrays (in scheme, vectors) correctly in printed form" do lprint(cons('a', [])).must_equal '("a" . [])' end it "represents nil elements (in scheme, '())" do lprint(cons('a', nil)).must_equal '("a")' end end describe "#lists_equal?" do it "is true if the lists are equal" do lists_equal?(cons(1, cons(2, nil)), cons(1, cons(2, nil))).must_equal true end it "is false if the lists contain different objects" do lists_equal?(cons(1, cons(2, nil)), cons(1, nil)).must_equal false end end end