require 'oga' require 'awestruct/util/exception_helper' module Awestruct module ContextHelper def html_to_text(str) str.gsub( /<[^>]+>/, '' ).gsub( / /, ' ' ) end def clean_html(str) str.gsub( / /, ' ' ) end def without_images(str) str.gsub(/]+>/,'').gsub(/]+>([^<]*)<\/a>/, '\1') end def close_tags(s) stack = [] s.scan(/<\/?[^>]+>/).each do |tag| if tag[1] != '/' tag = tag[1..-1].scan(/\w+/).first stack = [ tag ] + stack else tag = tag[2..-1].scan(/\w+/).first if stack[0] == tag stack = stack.drop(1) else raise "Malformed HTML expected #{tag[0]} but got #{tag} '#{s}'" end end end stack.inject(s) { |memo,tag| memo += "" } end def summarize(text, numwords=20, ellipsis='...') close_tags(text.split(/ /)[0, numwords].join(' ') + ellipsis) end def fully_qualify_urls(base_url, text) begin doc = Oga.parse_xml text doc.each_node do |elem| if elem.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element) case when 'a' elem.set 'href', fix_url(base_url, elem.get('href')) if elem.get('href') when 'link' elem.set 'href', fix_url(base_url, elem.get('href')) if elem.get('href') when 'img' elem.set 'src', fix_url(base_url, elem.get('src')) if elem.get('src') end end end doc.to_xml.tap do |d| d.force_encoding(text.encoding) if d.encoding != text.encoding end rescue => e Awestruct::ExceptionHelper.log_error e $ %Q(If the error has to do with 'end of input' ensure none of the following tags have a closing tag: #{Oga::XML::HTML_VOID_ELEMENTS.to_a.collect {|a| a.downcase}.uniq.join(', ')}) if $ $LOG.warn "Text being parsed:\n#{text}" if $LOG.warn? text # returning the bad text, which hopefully will help find the cause end end def fix_url(base_url, url) return url unless ( url =~ /^\// ) "#{base_url}#{url}" end end end