class Proton # Class: Proton::Page # A page. # # ## Common usage # # Getting pages from paths: # # # Feed it a URL path, not a filename. # page = Proton::Page['/index.html'] # uses Proton.project # page = Proton::Page['/index.html', project] # # Getting pages from files: # # # Feed it a file name, not a URL path. # # Also, this does no sanity checks. # page ='/home/rsc/index.html', project) # # page.exists? # page.valid? # # Paths: # # page.filepath #=> "index.haml" -- path in the filesystem # page.path #=> "/index.html" -- path as a RUL # # Meta: # # page.meta #=> OpenStruct of the metadata # page.title #=> "Welcome to my site!" # # page.layout # Proton::Layout or nil # page.layout? # # Types: # # page.html? # page.mime_type #=> "text/html" or nil -- only for tilt? == true # page.default_ext #=> "html" # # Contents: # # page.to_html # page.to_html(locals={}) # page.content # page.markup # # Traversion: # # # # Pages (a Proton::Page or nil) # page.parent # # # # Sets (a Proton::Set) # page.children # page.siblings # page.breadcrumbs # # # Misc # page.index? # if it's an index.html # page.parent? # page.root? # true if no parents # page.depth # # Tilt: # # page.tilt? # true, if it's a dynamic file # page.tilt_engine_name #=> 'RedCloth' # # Building: # # page.write # page.write('~/foo.html') # class Page # Attribute: project (Proton::Page) # A reference to the project. # attr_reader :project # Attribute: file (Proton::Page) # The full path of the source file. # # ## Example # page.filepath #=> "/index.haml" # page.file #=> "/home/rsc/project/index.haml" # # ## See also # - {Proton::Page.filepath} # attr_reader :file def self.[](id, project=Proton.project) Cacheable.cache(:lookup, id, project.root) do site_path = root_path(project) return nil if site_path.nil? site = lambda { |*x| File.join site_path, *(x.compact) } try = lambda { |_id| p = new(_id, project); p if p.exists? } # For paths like '/' or '/hello/' nonfile = File.basename(id).gsub('/','').empty? # Account for: # ~/mysite/site/about/us.html.haml # about/us.html.haml => ~/mysite/site/about/us.html.haml # about/us.html => ~/mysite/site/about/us.html.* # about/us.html => ~/mysite/site/about/us.* # about/us => ~/mysite/site/about/us/index.* # page = try[id] page ||= try[site[id]] unless nonfile page ||= try[Dir[site["#{id}.*"]].first] page ||= try[Dir[site["#{id.to_s.sub(/\.[^\.]*/,'')}.*"]].first] end page ||= try[Dir[site[id, "index.*"]].first] # Subclass if page && page.tilt? && page.meta[:type] klass = Page.get_type(page.meta[:type]) raise Error, "#{page.filepath}: Class for type '#{page.meta[:type]}' not found" unless klass page =, project) end page end end def initialize(file, project=Proton.project) @file = File.expand_path(file) if file.is_a?(String) @project = project raise Error if project.nil? end # Returns the URL path for a page. def path path = @file.sub(File.expand_path(root_path), '') # if xx.haml (but not xx.html.haml), if tilt? path = path.sub(/\.[^\.]*$/, "") path += ".#{default_ext}" unless File.basename(path).include?('.') end path end # Attribute: filepath (Proton::Page) # Returns a short filepath relative to the project path. # # ## Description # This is different from {Proton::Page.file} as this only returns the # path relative to the project's root instead of an absolute path. # # ## Example # See {Proton::Page.file} for an example. # def filepath root = project.root fpath = file fpath = fpath[root.size..-1] if fpath[0...root.size] == root fpath end # Attribute: title (Proton::Page) # Returns the page title as a string. # # ## Description # This attribute tries to infer the page's title based on metadata. If the # `title` key is not in the page's header metadata, then it returns the # path name instead. # # This is also aliased as `to_s`. # def title (meta.title if tilt?) || path end alias to_s title def position meta[:position] || title end def <=>(other) result = self.position <=> other.position result ||= self.position.to_s <=> other.position.to_s result end # Method: html? (Proton::Page) # Returns true if the page is an HTML page. def html? mime_type == 'text/html' end # Attribute: mime_type (Proton::Page) # The MIME type for the page, based on what template engine was used. # # ## Example # Page['/style.css'].mime_type #=> 'text/css' # Page['/index.html'].mime_type #=> 'text/html' # # ## See also # - {Proton::Page::default_ext} # def mime_type return nil unless tilt? mime = nil mime = tilt_engine.default_mime_type if tilt_engine.respond_to?(:default_mime_type) mime ||= case when 'Tilt::SassTemplate' then 'text/css' when 'Tilt::ScssTemplate' then 'text/css' when 'Tilt::LessTemplate' then 'text/css' when 'Tilt::CoffeeScriptTemplate' then 'application/javascript' when 'Tilt::NokogiriTemplate' then 'text/xml' when 'Tilt::BuilderTemplate' then 'text/xml' else 'text/html' end end # Attribute: default_ext (Proton::Page) # Returns a default extension for the page based on the page's MIME type. # # ## Example # Page['/style.css'].default_ext #=> 'css' # Page['/index.html'].default_ext #=> 'html' # # ## See also # - {Proton::Page::mime_type} def default_ext case mime_type when 'text/html' then 'html' when 'text/css' then 'css' when 'text/xml' then 'xml' when 'application/javascript' then 'js' end end # Method: get_type (Proton::Page) # Returns a page subtype. # # ## Example # Page.get_type('post') => Proton::Page::Post def self.get_type(type) type = type.to_s klass = type[0..0].upcase + type[1..-1].downcase klass = klass.to_sym self.const_get(klass) if self.const_defined?(klass) end def exists? @file and File.file?(@file||'') and valid? end # Ensures that the page is in the right folder. def valid? prefix = File.expand_path(root_path) prefix == File.expand_path(@file)[0...prefix.size] end def content(locals={}, tilt_options={}, &blk) return markup unless tilt? tilt(tilt_options).render(dup.extend(Helpers), locals, &blk) end # Method: to_html (Proton::Page) # Returns the full HTML document for the page. # def to_html(locals={}, tilt_options={}, &blk) html = content(locals, tilt_options, &blk) html = layout.to_html(locals, tilt_options) { html } if layout? html end def layout layout = meta.layout layout ||= default_layout unless meta.layout == false Layout[layout, page] if layout end def page self end def layout? !! layout end # Method: meta (Proton::Page) # Returns the metadata for the page. # # ## Description # This returns an instance of {Proton::Meta}. # def meta @meta ||= end # Method: write (Proton::Page) # Writes to the given output file. # # ## Description # This is the method used by `proton build`. # def write(out=nil) out ||= project.path(:output, path) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(out) if tilt?, 'w') { |f| f.write to_html({}, :build => true) } else FileUtils.cp file, out end end # Method: tilt? (Proton::Page) # Checks if the file is supported by tilt. # def tilt? !! tilt_engine end # Attribute: tilt_engine (Proton::Page) # Returns the Tilt engine (eg Tilt::HamlEngine). def tilt_engine Tilt[@file] end def tilt_engine_name[^:]*)(?:Template?)$/)[1] end # Attribute: tilt (Proton::Page) # Returns the tilt layout. # # This returns an instance of `Tilt`. # def tilt(tilt_options={}) if tilt? parts # HAML options and such (like :escape_html) options = project.config.tilt_options_for(@file, tilt_options) offset = @offset || 1, offset, options) { markup } end end def markup parts.last end def method_missing(meth, *args, &blk) super unless meta.instance_variable_get(:@table).keys.include?(meth.to_sym) meta.send(meth) end # Attribute: parent (Proton::Page) # Returns the page's parent page, or nil. # # ## Usage # page.parent # # ## Description # This will return the page's parent (also a {Proton::Page} instance), or # `nil` if it's the page is already the root. # def parent parts = path.split('/') # ['', 'about', 'index.html'] try = lambda { |newpath| p = self.class[newpath, project]; p if p && p.path != path } # Absolute root return nil if index? and parts.size <= 2 parent = try[parts[0...-1].join('/')] # ['','about'] => '/about' parent ||= try['/'] # Home end # Method: children (Proton::Page) # Returns a Set of the page's subpages. # def children files = if index? # about/index.html => about/* File.expand_path('../*', @file) else # products.html => products/* base = File.basename(@file, '.*') File.expand_path("../#{base}/*", @file) end Dir[files]. reject { |f| f == @file || project.ignored_files.include?(f) }. map { |f| self.class[f, project] }. compact.sort end # Method: siblings (Proton::Page) # Returns a Set of pages that share the same parent as the current page. # def siblings pages = (p = parent and p.children) return unless pages return unless pages.include?(self) end # Attribute: breadcrumbs (Proton::Page) # Returns an array of the page's ancestors, including itself. # # ## Example # Proton::Page['/about/company/contact.html'].breadcrumbs # # May look like: # [ Page, Page, Page ] # def breadcrumbs ? (parent.breadcrumbs + [self]) : [self]) end # Method: index? (Proton::Page) # Returns true if the page is and index page. # def index? File.basename(path, '.*') == 'index' end # Method: parent? (Proton::Page) # Returns true if the page has a parent. # # ## Description # This is the opposite of {Proton::Page::root?}. # # ## See also # - {Proton::Page::root?} def parent? !parent.nil? end # Method: root? (Proton::Page) # Returns true if the page is the home page. # # ## Description # This is the opposite of {Proton::Page::parent?}. # # ## See also # - {Proton::Page::parent?} def root? parent.nil? end # Attribute: depth (Proton::Page) # Returns how deep the page is in the heirarchy. # # ## Description # This counts the number of pages from the root page. This means: # # * The root page (eg, `/index.html`) has a depth of `1` # * A child page of the root (eg, `/about.html`) has a depth of `2` # * A child of that (eg, `/about/company.html`) has a depth of `3` # * ...and so on # # def depth breadcrumbs.size end def next page = self while true do page.siblings.index(self) end end def ==(other) self.path == other.path end def inspect "<##{} #{path.inspect}>" end protected # Method: default_layout (Proton::Page) # Returns the default layout. # # This method may be overridden by subclasses as needed. def default_layout 'default' if html? end # Returns the two parts of the markup. def parts @parts ||= begin t = t = t.force_encoding('UTF-8') if t.respond_to?(:force_encoding) m = t.match(/^(.*?)\n--+\n(.*)$/m) if m.nil? [{}, t] else @offset = m[1].count("\n") + 2 data = YAML::load(m[1]) raise ArgumentError unless data.is_a?(Hash) [data, m[2]] end rescue ArgumentError [{}, t] end end extend Cacheable cache_method :children, :siblings, :parent, :next, :breadcrumbs, :path, :tilt def self.root_path(project, *a) project.path(:site, *a) end def root_path(*a) self.class.root_path(project, *a) end end end