module CloudCrowd # Base CloudCrowd::Action class. Override this with your custom action steps. # # Public API to CloudCrowd::Action subclasses: # +input+, +input_path+, +file_name+, +work_directory+, +options+, +save+ # # CloudCrowd::Actions must implement a +process+ method, which must return a # JSON-serializeable object that will be used as the output for the work unit. # Optionally, actions may define +split+ and +merge+ methods to do mapping # and reducing around the input. # +split+ must return an array of inputs. # +merge+ must return the output for the job. # All actions run inside of their individual +work_directory+. class Action attr_reader :input, :input_path, :file_name, :options, :work_directory # Configuring a new Action sets up all of the read-only variables that # form the bulk of the API for action subclasses. (Paths to read from and # write to). def configure(status, input, options, store) @input, @options, @store = input, options, store @job_id, @work_unit_id = options['job_id'], options['work_unit_id'] @work_directory = File.expand_path(File.join(@store.temp_storage_path, storage_prefix)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@work_directory) unless File.exists?(@work_directory) Dir.chdir @work_directory unless status == CloudCrowd::MERGING @input_path = File.join(@work_directory, File.basename(@input)) @file_name = File.basename(@input_path, File.extname(@input_path)) download(@input, @input_path) end end # Each CloudCrowd::Action must implement a +process+ method. def process raise"CloudCrowd::Actions must override 'process' with their own processing code.") end # Download a file to the specified path using curl. def download(url, path) `curl -s "#{url}" > #{path}` path end # Takes a local filesystem path, and returns the public url on S3 where the # file was saved. def save(file_path) save_path = File.join(s3_storage_path, File.basename(file_path)), save_path) return @store.url(save_path) end # After the Action has finished, we remove the work directory. def cleanup_work_directory Dir.chdir '/' FileUtils.rm_r(@work_directory) end private # The directory prefix to use for both local and S3 storage. # [action_name]/job_[job_id]/unit_[work_unit_it] def storage_prefix path_parts = [] path_parts << underscore(self.class.to_s) path_parts << "job_#{@job_id}" path_parts << "unit_#{@work_unit_id}" if @work_unit_id @storage_prefix ||= File.join(path_parts) end def s3_storage_path @s3_storage_path ||= storage_prefix end # Pilfered from the ActiveSupport::Inflector. def underscore(word) word.to_s.gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase end end end