# frozen_string_literal: true namespace :benchmarks do # https://github.com/evanphx/benchmark-ips # Enable and start GC before each job run. Disable GC afterwards. # # Inspired by https://www.omniref.com/ruby/2.2.1/symbols/Benchmark/bm?#annotation=4095926&line=182 class GCSuite def warming(*) run_gc end def running(*) run_gc end def warmup_stats(*) end def add_report(*) end private def run_gc GC.enable GC.start GC.disable end end def classifier_dir File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'classifier-reborn') end def clone_classifier # rubocop:disable Style/IfUnlessModifier unless Dir.exist? classifier_dir system "git clone https://github.com/jekyll/classifier-reborn.git #{classifier_dir}" end # rubocop:enable Style/IfUnlessModifier end # desc 'setup standard benchmark' task :setup do clone_classifier $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(classifier_dir, 'lib')) require 'benchmark' require 'benchmark/ips' # TODO: ok this is interesting and weird # basically the earlier I require coverage and # then require files the larger perf impact # this is somewhat expected but can lead to significant perf diffs # for example moving `require 'classifier-reborn'` below the coverage.start # results in 1.5x slower vs "difference falls within error" # moving from 5 second of time to 12 still shows slower based on when classifier is required # make sure to be plugged in while benchmarking ;) Otherwise you get very unreliable results require 'classifier-reborn' if ENV['COVERAGE'] require 'coverage' ::Coverage.start end require 'redis' require 'coverband' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'dog') end def benchmark_redis_store redis = if ENV['REDIS_TEST_URL'] Redis.new(url: ENV['REDIS_TEST_URL']) else Redis.new end Coverband::Adapters::RedisStore.new(redis, redis_namespace: 'coverband_bench') end # desc 'set up coverband with Redis' task :setup_redis do Coverband.configure do |config| config.redis = Redis.new config.root = Dir.pwd config.reporting_frequency = 100.0 config.logger = $stdout config.store = benchmark_redis_store end end # desc 'set up coverband with filestore' task :setup_file do Coverband.configure do |config| config.root = Dir.pwd config.reporting_frequency = 100.0 config.logger = $stdout file_path = '/tmp/benchmark_store.json' config.store = Coverband::Adapters::FileStore.new(file_path) end end def bayes_classification b = ClassifierReborn::Bayes.new 'Interesting', 'Uninteresting' b.train_interesting 'here are some good words. I hope you love them' b.train_uninteresting 'here are some bad words, I hate you' b.classify 'I hate bad words and you' # returns 'Uninteresting' end def lsi_classification lsi = ClassifierReborn::LSI.new strings = [['This text deals with dogs. Dogs.', :dog], ['This text involves dogs too. Dogs! ', :dog], ['This text revolves around cats. Cats.', :cat], ['This text also involves cats. Cats!', :cat], ['This text involves birds. Birds.', :bird]] strings.each { |x| lsi.add_item x.first, x.last } lsi.search('dog', 3) lsi.find_related(strings[2], 2) lsi.classify 'This text is also about dogs!' end def work 5.times do bayes_classification lsi_classification end # simulate many calls to the same line 10_000.times { Dog.new.bark } end # puts "benchmark for: #{Coverband.configuration.inspect}" # puts "store: #{Coverband.configuration.store.inspect}" def run_work(hold_work = false) suite = GCSuite.new Benchmark.ips do |x| x.config(time: 12, warmup: 5, suite: suite) x.report 'coverband' do work Coverband::Collectors::Coverage.instance.report_coverage end x.report 'no coverband' do work end x.hold! 'temp_results' if hold_work x.compare! end Coverband::Collectors::Coverage.instance.reset_instance end def fake_line_numbers 24.times.each_with_object({}) do |line, line_hash| line_hash[(line + 1).to_s] = rand(5) end end def fake_report 2934.times.each_with_object({}) do |file_number, hash| hash["file#{file_number + 1}.rb"] = fake_line_numbers end end def adjust_report(report) report.keys.each do |file| next unless rand < 0.15 report[file] = fake_line_numbers end report end def reporting_speed report = fake_report store = benchmark_redis_store 5.times { store.save_report(report) } Benchmark.ips do |x| x.config(time: 15, warmup: 5) x.report('store_reports') { store.save_report(report) } end end desc 'runs benchmarks on reporting large sets of files to redis' task redis_reporting: [:setup] do puts 'runs benchmarks on reporting large sets of files to redis' reporting_speed end # desc 'runs benchmarks on default redis setup' task run_redis: [:setup, :setup_redis] do puts 'Coverband configured with default Redis store' run_work(true) end # desc 'runs benchmarks file store' task run_file: [:setup, :setup_file] do puts 'Coverband configured with file store' run_work(true) end desc 'benchmarks external requests to coverband_demo site' task :coverband_demo do # for local testing # puts `ab -n 200 -c 5 ""` puts `ab -n 500 -c 5 "https://coverband-demo.herokuapp.com/posts"` end desc 'compare Coverband Ruby Coverage with Filestore with normal Ruby' task :compare_file do puts 'comparing Coverage loaded/not, this takes some time for output...' puts 'coverage loaded' puts `COVERAGE=true rake benchmarks:run_file` puts 'just the work' puts `rake benchmarks:run_file` end desc 'compare Coverband Ruby Coverage with Redis and normal Ruby' task :compare_redis do puts 'comparing Coverage loaded/not, this takes some time for output...' puts 'coverage loaded' puts `COVERAGE=true rake benchmarks:run_redis` puts 'just the work' puts `rake benchmarks:run_redis` end end desc 'runs benchmarks' task benchmarks: ['benchmarks:redis_reporting', 'benchmarks:compare_file', 'benchmarks:compare_redis']