#-- # Copyright (C) 2006 Andrea Censi <andrea (at) rubyforge.org> # # This file is part of Maruku. # # Maruku is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Maruku is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Maruku; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #++ require 'maruku' class Maruku def Maruku.failed(test, doc, s) raise "Test failed: #{s}\n*****\n#{test}\n*****\n"+ "#{doc.inspect}\n*****\n{doc.to_html}" end def Maruku.metaTests ref = {:id => 'id1', :class => ['class1','class2'], :style=> 'Style is : important = for all } things'} tests = MetaTests.split('***') for test in tests #puts "Test: #{test.inspect}" doc = Maruku.new(test) doc.children.size == 1 || failed(test, doc, "children != 1") h = doc.children[0] h.node_type==:header || failed(test, doc, "child not header") # puts doc.inspect # puts doc.to_html end end MetaTests = <<EOF # Head # {ref1 ref2 ref3} {ref1}: id: id1; class: class1 {ref2}: class: class2 {ref3}: style: "Style is : important = for all } things" *** # Head # {ref1 ref3 ref2} {ref1}: id: id1; class: class1 {ref2}: class: class2 {ref3}: style: "Style is : important = for all } things" *** # Head # {ref1 ref2 ref3} {ref1}: id= id1; class=class1 {ref2}: class=class2 {ref3}: style="Style is : important = for all } things" *** # Head # {ref1 ref2 ref3} {ref1}: id=id1 class=class1 {ref2}: class=class2 {ref3}: style="Style is : important = for all } things" *** # Head # {ref1 ref2 ref3} {ref1}: id:id1 class:class1 {ref2}: class : class2 {ref3}: style = "Style is : important = for all } things" *** # Head # {ref1 ref2 ref3} {ref1}: id:id1 class:class1 {ref2}: class : class2 {ref3}: style = "Style is : important = for all } things" *** # Head # {#id1 .class1 ref2 ref3} {ref2}: class : class2 {ref3}: style = "Style is : important = for all } things" *** # Head # { #id1 .class1 ref2 ref3 } {ref2}: class : class2 {ref3}: style = "Style is : important = for all } things" *** # Head # { id=id1 class=class1 ref2 ref3 } {ref2}: class : class2 {ref3}: style = "Style is : important = for all } things" *** # Head # { id:id1 class="class1" class:"class2" style="Style is : important = for all } things"} EOF end if File.basename($0) == 'tests.rb' Maruku.metaTests end