module ZPNG class TextChunk < Chunk attr_accessor :keyword, :text def inspect verbosity = 10 vars = %w'keyword text language translated_keyword cmethod cflag' vars -= %w'text translated_keyword' if verbosity <=0 super.sub(/ *>$/,'') + ", " + do |var| t = instance_variable_get("@#{var}") unless t.is_a?(Fixnum) t = t.to_s t = t[0..20] + "..." if t.size > 20 end if t.nil? || t == '' nil else "#{'@','')}=#{t.inspect}" end end.compact.join(", ") + ">" end def to_hash { :keyword => keyword, :text => text} end end class Chunk class TEXT < TextChunk def initialize *args super @keyword,@text = data.unpack('Z*a*') end end class ZTXT < TextChunk attr_accessor :cmethod # compression method def initialize *args super @keyword,@cmethod,@text = data.unpack('Z*Ca*') # current only @cmethod value is 0 - deflate if @text @text = Zlib::Inflate.inflate(@text) end end end class ITXT < TextChunk attr_accessor :cflag, :cmethod # compression flag & method attr_accessor :language, :translated_keyword def initialize *args super # The text, unlike the other strings, is not null-terminated; its length is implied by the chunk length. # @keyword, @cflag, @cmethod, @language, @translated_keyword, @text = data.unpack('Z*CCZ*Z*a*') if @cflag == 1 && @cmethod == 0 @text = Zlib::Inflate.inflate(@text) end if @text @text.force_encoding('utf-8') rescue nil end if @translated_keyword @translated_keyword.force_encoding('utf-8') rescue nil end end def to_hash super.tap do |h| h[:language] = @language if @language || !@language.empty? h[:translated_keyword] = @translated_keyword if @translated_keyword || !@translated_keyword.empty? end end end end end