= mercurial-ruby Ruby API for Mercurial DVCS. Powers Mercurial on http://beanstalkapp.com == Documentation Please refer to YARD documentation here: http://rubydoc.info/gems/mercurial-ruby/file/README.rdoc Github doesn't support some YARd-specific syntax so this README can look broken. == Installation gem install mercurial-ruby == Compatibility Tested with Mercurial versions 1.9, 1.9.1 and 2.1; Ruby version 1.8.7. == Configuration There are several settings you can configure. Do it like this: Mercurial.configure do |conf| conf.hg_binary_path = "/usr/bin/hg" end See {Mercurial::Configuration Configuration} class for details. == Usage All actions are performed through {Mercurial::Repository Repository} object. So before you can start doing anything you need to initialize one. Either by creating a new repository: repository = Mercurial::Repository.create("/path/to/new_repository") or opening an existing one: repository = Mercurial::Repository.open("/path/to/existing_repository") Now feel free to invoke various methods to get changesets, branches, nodes, etc: repository.commits.by_hash_ids('291a498f04e9', '63f70b2314ed') repository.branches.all repository.hooks.by_name('commit') ... See Features section below for a full list of entities and their methods. == Features === Mercurial Entities * {Mercurial::Repository Repository} * {Mercurial::ConfigFile .hgrc} — hooks and various settings * {Mercurial::Commit Commits} * {Mercurial::Node Nodes} — files and directories * {Mercurial::Branch Branches} * {Mercurial::Tag Tags} * {Mercurial::Diff Diffs} * {Mercurial::Blame Blame} * {Mercurial::Manifest Manifest} * {Mercurial::FileIndex File Index} === Custom Commands You can use {Mercurial::Shell Shell} class to execute custom shell commands that weren't added to the gem as first-class citizens yet. === Built-in Caching There's a simple caching mechanism built into the gem. If you pass Rails CacheStore compatible caching store to the Configuration block, mercurial-ruby will cache output of all hg commands it's executing. Then if you execute same method again and it will run the same command, the gem will return the output from cache. Here's how you configure it: Mercurial.configure do |conf| conf.cache_store = Rails.cache end The gem is using a single method of the CacheStore called +fetch+. Cache expires automatically when repository's mtime changes, and it's your job to update it. === Built-in Timeouts You can provide a timeout for pretty much any command you are running. Do it like this: repository.commits.all(:timeout => 5) == Copyright Copyright (c) 2012 Ilya Sabanin. See LICENSE.txt for further details.