= Whois CHANGELOG == 0.4.2 * Fixed bug #15959 (exception description fix needed) * Fixed bug #17655 (ipv4 yaml has blanks that can crush into a compile error) * Change Licence to GPL to MIT == 0.4.1 * Update data of server whois == 0.4.0 * Add new list of IPv4 by whois programm of Marco d'Itri * Fixed a bug of generate list of Ipv4-6. Now the search of good server is made by higher mask before smaller. * Add support of Ipv6, by IPAddr or String * Add several unittest of Whois class * Add Coverage of Code (89%) * No support of ToRedo (RFC 4773) and 6To4 (RFC 3056) == 0.3.0 * Add possibility construct the Whois Object with a IPAddr object * Add the host information when you search a whois with an Ipv4. This information is optionnal. By default it's false. For that the host is resolv, the second arg to Whois.new must be true * Add request whois with a host String. == 0.2.1 * Fix bug in gem where the data/ipv4.yaml is not load * Fix bug in gem where the link to require server was bad * Fix bad Name to server class == 0.2.0 * Recode all class for check all IPv4 and search good Server == 0.1.0 It's the Old version by Michael Neumann