/* date_parse.c: Coded by Tadayoshi Funaba 2011,2012 */ #include "ruby.h" #include "ruby/encoding.h" #include "ruby/re.h" #include #undef strncasecmp #define strncasecmp STRNCASECMP RUBY_EXTERN VALUE rb_int_positive_pow(long x, unsigned long y); RUBY_EXTERN unsigned long ruby_scan_digits(const char *str, ssize_t len, int base, size_t *retlen, int *overflow); /* #define TIGHT_PARSER */ #define sizeof_array(o) (sizeof o / sizeof o[0]) #define f_negate(x) rb_funcall(x, rb_intern("-@"), 0) #define f_add(x,y) rb_funcall(x, '+', 1, y) #define f_sub(x,y) rb_funcall(x, '-', 1, y) #define f_mul(x,y) rb_funcall(x, '*', 1, y) #define f_div(x,y) rb_funcall(x, '/', 1, y) #define f_idiv(x,y) rb_funcall(x, rb_intern("div"), 1, y) #define f_mod(x,y) rb_funcall(x, '%', 1, y) #define f_expt(x,y) rb_funcall(x, rb_intern("**"), 1, y) #define f_lt_p(x,y) rb_funcall(x, '<', 1, y) #define f_gt_p(x,y) rb_funcall(x, '>', 1, y) #define f_le_p(x,y) rb_funcall(x, rb_intern("<="), 1, y) #define f_ge_p(x,y) rb_funcall(x, rb_intern(">="), 1, y) #define f_to_s(x) rb_funcall(x, rb_intern("to_s"), 0) #define f_match(r,s) rb_funcall(r, rb_intern("match"), 1, s) #define f_aref(o,i) rb_funcall(o, rb_intern("[]"), 1, i) #define f_aref2(o,i,j) rb_funcall(o, rb_intern("[]"), 2, i, j) #define f_begin(o,i) rb_funcall(o, rb_intern("begin"), 1, i) #define f_end(o,i) rb_funcall(o, rb_intern("end"), 1, i) #define f_aset(o,i,v) rb_funcall(o, rb_intern("[]="), 2, i, v) #define f_aset2(o,i,j,v) rb_funcall(o, rb_intern("[]="), 3, i, j, v) #define f_sub_bang(s,r,x) rb_funcall(s, rb_intern("sub!"), 2, r, x) #define f_gsub_bang(s,r,x) rb_funcall(s, rb_intern("gsub!"), 2, r, x) #define set_hash(k,v) rb_hash_aset(hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern(k"")), v) #define ref_hash(k) rb_hash_aref(hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern(k""))) #define del_hash(k) rb_hash_delete(hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern(k""))) #define cstr2num(s) rb_cstr_to_inum(s, 10, 0) #define str2num(s) rb_str_to_inum(s, 10, 0) static const char abbr_days[][4] = { "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat" }; static const char abbr_months[][4] = { "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec" }; #define issign(c) ((c) == '-' || (c) == '+') #define asp_string() rb_str_new(" ", 1) #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER #define asuba_string() rb_str_new("\001", 1) #define asubb_string() rb_str_new("\002", 1) #define asubw_string() rb_str_new("\027", 1) #define asubt_string() rb_str_new("\024", 1) #endif static size_t digit_span(const char *s, const char *e) { size_t i = 0; while (s + i < e && isdigit((unsigned char)s[i])) i++; return i; } static void s3e(VALUE hash, VALUE y, VALUE m, VALUE d, int bc) { VALUE vbuf = 0; VALUE c = Qnil; if (!RB_TYPE_P(m, T_STRING)) m = f_to_s(m); if (!NIL_P(y) && !NIL_P(m) && NIL_P(d)) { VALUE oy = y; VALUE om = m; VALUE od = d; y = od; m = oy; d = om; } if (NIL_P(y)) { if (!NIL_P(d) && RSTRING_LEN(d) > 2) { y = d; d = Qnil; } if (!NIL_P(d) && RSTRING_LEN(d) > 0 && *RSTRING_PTR(d) == '\'') { y = d; d = Qnil; } } if (!NIL_P(y)) { const char *s, *bp, *ep; size_t l; s = RSTRING_PTR(y); ep = RSTRING_END(y); while (s < ep && !issign(*s) && !isdigit((unsigned char)*s)) s++; if (s >= ep) goto no_date; bp = s; if (issign((unsigned char)*s)) s++; l = digit_span(s, ep); ep = s + l; if (*ep) { y = d; d = rb_str_new(bp, ep - bp); } no_date:; } if (!NIL_P(m)) { const char *s; s = RSTRING_PTR(m); if (*s == '\'' || RSTRING_LEN(m) > 2) { /* us -> be */ VALUE oy = y; VALUE om = m; VALUE od = d; y = om; m = od; d = oy; } } if (!NIL_P(d)) { const char *s; s = RSTRING_PTR(d); if (*s == '\'' || RSTRING_LEN(d) > 2) { VALUE oy = y; VALUE od = d; y = od; d = oy; } } if (!NIL_P(y)) { const char *s, *bp, *ep; int sign = 0; size_t l; VALUE iy; s = RSTRING_PTR(y); ep = RSTRING_END(y); while (s < ep && !issign(*s) && !isdigit((unsigned char)*s)) s++; if (s >= ep) goto no_year; bp = s; if (issign(*s)) { s++; sign = 1; } if (sign) c = Qfalse; l = digit_span(s, ep); ep = s + l; if (l > 2) c = Qfalse; { char *buf; buf = ALLOCV_N(char, vbuf, ep - bp + 1); memcpy(buf, bp, ep - bp); buf[ep - bp] = '\0'; iy = cstr2num(buf); ALLOCV_END(vbuf); } set_hash("year", iy); no_year:; } if (bc) set_hash("_bc", Qtrue); if (!NIL_P(m)) { const char *s, *bp, *ep; size_t l; VALUE im; s = RSTRING_PTR(m); ep = RSTRING_END(m); while (s < ep && !isdigit((unsigned char)*s)) s++; if (s >= ep) goto no_month; bp = s; l = digit_span(s, ep); ep = s + l; { char *buf; buf = ALLOCV_N(char, vbuf, ep - bp + 1); memcpy(buf, bp, ep - bp); buf[ep - bp] = '\0'; im = cstr2num(buf); ALLOCV_END(vbuf); } set_hash("mon", im); no_month:; } if (!NIL_P(d)) { const char *s, *bp, *ep; size_t l; VALUE id; s = RSTRING_PTR(d); ep = RSTRING_END(d); while (s < ep && !isdigit((unsigned char)*s)) s++; if (s >= ep) goto no_mday; bp = s; l = digit_span(s, ep); ep = s + l; { char *buf; buf = ALLOCV_N(char, vbuf, ep - bp + 1); memcpy(buf, bp, ep - bp); buf[ep - bp] = '\0'; id = cstr2num(buf); ALLOCV_END(vbuf); } set_hash("mday", id); no_mday:; } if (!NIL_P(c)) set_hash("_comp", c); } #define DAYS "sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday" #define MONTHS "january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december" #define ABBR_DAYS "sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat" #define ABBR_MONTHS "jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec" #define NUMBER "(? n && isspace((unsigned char)s[l - n - 1])); return n; } static long shrunk_size(const char *s, long l) { long i, ni; int sp = 0; for (i = ni = 0; i < l; ++i) { if (!isspace((unsigned char)s[i])) { if (sp) ni++; sp = 0; ni++; } else { sp = 1; } } return ni < l ? ni : 0; } static long shrink_space(char *d, const char *s, long l) { long i, ni; int sp = 0; for (i = ni = 0; i < l; ++i) { if (!isspace((unsigned char)s[i])) { if (sp) d[ni++] = ' '; sp = 0; d[ni++] = s[i]; } else { sp = 1; } } return ni; } VALUE date_zone_to_diff(VALUE str) { VALUE offset = Qnil; long l = RSTRING_LEN(str); const char *s = RSTRING_PTR(str); { int dst = 0; int w; if ((w = str_end_with_word(s, l, "time")) > 0) { int wtime = w; l -= w; if ((w = str_end_with_word(s, l, "standard")) > 0) { l -= w; } else if ((w = str_end_with_word(s, l, "daylight")) > 0) { l -= w; dst = 1; } else { l += wtime; } } else if ((w = str_end_with_word(s, l, "dst")) > 0) { l -= w; dst = 1; } { const char *zn = s; long sl = shrunk_size(s, l); char shrunk_buff[MAX_WORD_LENGTH]; /* no terminator to be added */ const struct zone *z = 0; if (sl <= 0) { sl = l; } else if (sl <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH) { char *d = shrunk_buff; sl = shrink_space(d, s, l); zn = d; } if (sl > 0 && sl <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH) { z = zonetab(zn, (unsigned int)sl); } if (z) { int d = z->offset; if (dst) d += 3600; offset = INT2FIX(d); goto ok; } } { char *p; int sign = 0; long hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0; if (l > 3 && (strncasecmp(s, "gmt", 3) == 0 || strncasecmp(s, "utc", 3) == 0)) { s += 3; l -= 3; } if (issign(*s)) { sign = *s == '-'; s++; l--; #define out_of_range(v, min, max) ((v) < (min) || (max) < (v)) hour = STRTOUL(s, &p, 10); if (*p == ':') { if (out_of_range(hour, 0, 23)) return Qnil; s = ++p; min = STRTOUL(s, &p, 10); if (out_of_range(min, 0, 59)) return Qnil; if (*p == ':') { s = ++p; sec = STRTOUL(s, &p, 10); if (out_of_range(sec, 0, 59)) return Qnil; } } else if (*p == ',' || *p == '.') { /* fractional hour */ size_t n; int ov; /* no over precision for offset; 10**-7 hour = 0.36 * milliseconds should be enough. */ const size_t max_digits = 7; /* 36 * 10**7 < 32-bit FIXNUM_MAX */ if (out_of_range(hour, 0, 23)) return Qnil; n = (s + l) - ++p; if (n > max_digits) n = max_digits; sec = ruby_scan_digits(p, n, 10, &n, &ov); if ((p += n) < s + l && *p >= ('5' + !(sec & 1)) && *p <= '9') { /* round half to even */ sec++; } sec *= 36; if (sign) { hour = -hour; sec = -sec; } if (n <= 2) { /* HH.nn or HH.n */ if (n == 1) sec *= 10; offset = INT2FIX(sec + hour * 3600); } else { VALUE denom = rb_int_positive_pow(10, (int)(n - 2)); offset = f_add(rb_rational_new(INT2FIX(sec), denom), INT2FIX(hour * 3600)); if (rb_rational_den(offset) == INT2FIX(1)) { offset = rb_rational_num(offset); } } goto ok; } else if (l > 2) { size_t n; int ov; if (l >= 1) hour = ruby_scan_digits(&s[0], 2 - l % 2, 10, &n, &ov); if (l >= 3) min = ruby_scan_digits(&s[2 - l % 2], 2, 10, &n, &ov); if (l >= 5) sec = ruby_scan_digits(&s[4 - l % 2], 2, 10, &n, &ov); } sec += min * 60 + hour * 3600; if (sign) sec = -sec; offset = INT2FIX(sec); #undef out_of_range } } } RB_GC_GUARD(str); ok: return offset; } static int day_num(VALUE s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof_array(abbr_days); i++) if (strncasecmp(abbr_days[i], RSTRING_PTR(s), 3) == 0) break; return i; } static int mon_num(VALUE s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof_array(abbr_months); i++) if (strncasecmp(abbr_months[i], RSTRING_PTR(s), 3) == 0) break; return i + 1; } static int parse_day_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s; s = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); set_hash("wday", INT2FIX(day_num(s))); return 1; } static int parse_day(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "\\b(" ABBR_DAYS ")[^-/\\d\\s]*" #else "(" VALID_DAYS ")" #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER SUBS(str, pat, parse_day_cb); #else SUBW(str, pat, parse_day_cb); #endif } static int parse_time2_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE h, min, s, f, p; h = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); h = str2num(h); min = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); if (!NIL_P(min)) min = str2num(min); s = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); if (!NIL_P(s)) s = str2num(s); f = rb_reg_nth_match(4, m); if (!NIL_P(f)) f = rb_rational_new2(str2num(f), f_expt(INT2FIX(10), LONG2NUM(RSTRING_LEN(f)))); p = rb_reg_nth_match(5, m); if (!NIL_P(p)) { int ih = NUM2INT(h); ih %= 12; if (*RSTRING_PTR(p) == 'P' || *RSTRING_PTR(p) == 'p') ih += 12; h = INT2FIX(ih); } set_hash("hour", h); if (!NIL_P(min)) set_hash("min", min); if (!NIL_P(s)) set_hash("sec", s); if (!NIL_P(f)) set_hash("sec_fraction", f); return 1; } static int parse_time_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A(\\d+)h?" "(?:\\s*:?\\s*(\\d+)m?" "(?:" "\\s*:?\\s*(\\d+)(?:[,.](\\d+))?s?" ")?" ")?" "(?:\\s*([ap])(?:m\\b|\\.m\\.))?"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; VALUE s1, s2; s1 = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); s2 = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); if (!NIL_P(s2)) set_hash("zone", s2); REGCOMP_I(pat); { VALUE m = f_match(pat, s1); if (NIL_P(m)) return 0; parse_time2_cb(m, hash); } return 1; } static int parse_time(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "(" "" NUMBER "+\\s*" "(?:" "(?:" ":\\s*\\d+" "(?:" #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "\\s*:\\s*\\d+(?:[,.]\\d*)?" #else "\\s*:\\s*\\d+(?:[,.]\\d+)?" #endif ")?" "|" "h(?:\\s*\\d+m?(?:\\s*\\d+s?)?)?" ")" "(?:" "\\s*" "[ap](?:m\\b|\\.m\\.)" ")?" "|" "[ap](?:m\\b|\\.m\\.)" ")" ")" "(?:" "\\s*" "(" "(?:gmt|utc?)?[-+]\\d+(?:[,.:]\\d+(?::\\d+)?)?" "|" "(?-i:[[:alpha:].\\s]+)(?:standard|daylight)\\stime\\b" "|" "(?-i:[[:alpha:]]+)(?:\\sdst)?\\b" ")" ")?"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER SUBS(str, pat, parse_time_cb); #else SUBT(str, pat, parse_time_cb); #endif } #define BEGIN_ERA "\\b" #define END_ERA "(?!(? 1) return 0; return 1; } #endif static int parse_eu_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER VALUE y, mon, d, b; d = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); mon = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); b = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); y = rb_reg_nth_match(4, m); mon = INT2FIX(mon_num(mon)); s3e(hash, y, mon, d, !NIL_P(b) && (*RSTRING_PTR(b) == 'B' || *RSTRING_PTR(b) == 'b')); #else VALUE y, mon, d; d = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); mon = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); y = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); if (!check_apost(d, mon, y)) return 0; mon = INT2FIX(mon_num(mon)); s3e(hash, y, mon, d, 0); #endif return 1; } static int parse_eu(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM #endif #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "('?" NUMBER "+)[^-\\d\\s]*" #else "(\\d+)(?:(?:st|nd|rd|th)\\b)?" #endif "\\s*" #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "(" ABBR_MONTHS ")[^-\\d\\s']*" #else "(" VALID_MONTHS ")" #endif "(?:" "\\s*" #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "(?:" BEGIN_ERA "(c(?:e|\\.e\\.)|b(?:ce|\\.c\\.e\\.)|a(?:d|\\.d\\.)|b(?:c|\\.c\\.))" END_ERA ")?" "\\s*" "('?-?\\d+(?:(?:st|nd|rd|th)\\b)?)" #else "(?:" FPA ")?" "\\s*" "([-']?\\d+)" "\\s*" "(?:" FPA "|" FPB ")?" #endif ")?" #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER COM_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_eu_cb); } static int parse_us_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER VALUE y, mon, d, b; mon = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); d = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); b = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); y = rb_reg_nth_match(4, m); mon = INT2FIX(mon_num(mon)); s3e(hash, y, mon, d, !NIL_P(b) && (*RSTRING_PTR(b) == 'B' || *RSTRING_PTR(b) == 'b')); #else VALUE y, mon, d; mon = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); d = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); y = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); if (!check_apost(mon, d, y)) return 0; mon = INT2FIX(mon_num(mon)); s3e(hash, y, mon, d, 0); #endif return 1; } static int parse_us(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM #endif #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "\\b(" ABBR_MONTHS ")[^-\\d\\s']*" #else "\\b(" VALID_MONTHS ")" #endif "\\s*" #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "('?\\d+)[^-\\d\\s']*" #else "('?\\d+)(?:(?:st|nd|rd|th)\\b)?" COM_FPT #endif "(?:" "\\s*+,?" "\\s*+" #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "(c(?:e|\\.e\\.)|b(?:ce|\\.c\\.e\\.)|a(?:d|\\.d\\.)|b(?:c|\\.c\\.))?" "\\s*" "('?-?\\d+)" #else "(?:" FPA ")?" "\\s*" "([-']?\\d+)" "\\s*" "(?:" FPA "|" FPB ")?" #endif ")?" #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER COM_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_us_cb); } static int parse_iso_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE y, mon, d; y = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); mon = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); d = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER if (!check_apost(y, mon, d)) return 0; #endif s3e(hash, y, mon, d, 0); return 1; } static int parse_iso(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "('?[-+]?" NUMBER "+)-(\\d+)-('?-?\\d+)" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "([-+']?\\d+)-(\\d+)-([-']?\\d+)" TEE_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_0(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_iso_cb); } static int parse_iso21_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE y, w, d; y = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); w = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); d = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); if (!NIL_P(y)) set_hash("cwyear", str2num(y)); set_hash("cweek", str2num(w)); if (!NIL_P(d)) set_hash("cwday", str2num(d)); return 1; } static int parse_iso21(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "\\b(\\d{2}|\\d{4})?-?w(\\d{2})(?:-?(\\d))?\\b" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "(\\d{2}|\\d{4})?-?w(\\d{2})(?:-?(\\d))?" TEE_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_iso21_cb); } static int parse_iso22_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE d; d = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); set_hash("cwday", str2num(d)); return 1; } static int parse_iso22(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "-w-(\\d)\\b" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "-w-(\\d)" TEE_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_iso22_cb); } static int parse_iso23_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE mon, d; mon = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); d = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); if (!NIL_P(mon)) set_hash("mon", str2num(mon)); set_hash("mday", str2num(d)); return 1; } static int parse_iso23(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "--(\\d{2})?-(\\d{2})\\b" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "--(\\d{2})?-(\\d{2})" TEE_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_0(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_iso23_cb); } static int parse_iso24_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE mon, d; mon = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); d = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); set_hash("mon", str2num(mon)); if (!NIL_P(d)) set_hash("mday", str2num(d)); return 1; } static int parse_iso24(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "--(\\d{2})(\\d{2})?\\b" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "--(\\d{2})(\\d{2})?" TEE_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_0(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_iso24_cb); } static int parse_iso25_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE y, d; y = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); d = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); set_hash("year", str2num(y)); set_hash("yday", str2num(d)); return 1; } static int parse_iso25(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat0_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "[,.](\\d{2}|\\d{4})-\\d{3}\\b" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "[,.](\\d{2}|\\d{4})-\\d{3}" TEE_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat0 = Qnil; static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "\\b(\\d{2}|\\d{4})-(\\d{3})\\b" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "(\\d{2}|\\d{4})-(\\d{3})" TEE_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_0(pat0); REGCOMP_0(pat); if (!NIL_P(f_match(pat0, str))) return 0; SUBS(str, pat, parse_iso25_cb); } static int parse_iso26_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE d; d = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); set_hash("yday", str2num(d)); return 1; } static int parse_iso26(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat0_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "\\d-\\d{3}\\b" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "\\d-\\d{3}" TEE_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat0 = Qnil; static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "\\b-(\\d{3})\\b" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "-(\\d{3})" TEE_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_0(pat0); REGCOMP_0(pat); if (!NIL_P(f_match(pat0, str))) return 0; SUBS(str, pat, parse_iso26_cb); } static int parse_iso2(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { if (parse_iso21(str, hash)) goto ok; if (parse_iso22(str, hash)) goto ok; if (parse_iso23(str, hash)) goto ok; if (parse_iso24(str, hash)) goto ok; if (parse_iso25(str, hash)) goto ok; if (parse_iso26(str, hash)) goto ok; return 0; ok: return 1; } #define JISX0301_ERA_INITIALS "mtshr" #define JISX0301_DEFAULT_ERA 'H' /* obsolete */ static int gengo(int c) { int e; switch (c) { case 'M': case 'm': e = 1867; break; case 'T': case 't': e = 1911; break; case 'S': case 's': e = 1925; break; case 'H': case 'h': e = 1988; break; case 'R': case 'r': e = 2018; break; default: e = 0; break; } return e; } static int parse_jis_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE e, y, mon, d; int ep; e = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); y = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); mon = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); d = rb_reg_nth_match(4, m); ep = gengo(*RSTRING_PTR(e)); set_hash("year", f_add(str2num(y), INT2FIX(ep))); set_hash("mon", str2num(mon)); set_hash("mday", str2num(d)); return 1; } static int parse_jis(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "\\b([" JISX0301_ERA_INITIALS "])(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "([" JISX0301_ERA_INITIALS "])(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)" TEE_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_jis_cb); } static int parse_vms11_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE y, mon, d; d = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); mon = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); y = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER if (!check_apost(d, mon, y)) return 0; #endif mon = INT2FIX(mon_num(mon)); s3e(hash, y, mon, d, 0); return 1; } static int parse_vms11(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "('?-?" NUMBER "+)-(" ABBR_MONTHS ")[^-/.]*" "-('?-?\\d+)" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "([-']?\\d+)-(" DOTLESS_VALID_MONTHS ")" "-([-']?\\d+)" COM_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_vms11_cb); } static int parse_vms12_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE y, mon, d; mon = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); d = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); y = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER if (!check_apost(mon, d, y)) return 0; #endif mon = INT2FIX(mon_num(mon)); s3e(hash, y, mon, d, 0); return 1; } static int parse_vms12(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "\\b(" ABBR_MONTHS ")[^-/.]*" "-('?-?\\d+)(?:-('?-?\\d+))?" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "(" DOTLESS_VALID_MONTHS ")" "-([-']?\\d+)(?:-([-']?\\d+))?" COM_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_vms12_cb); } static int parse_vms(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { if (parse_vms11(str, hash)) goto ok; if (parse_vms12(str, hash)) goto ok; return 0; ok: return 1; } static int parse_sla_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE y, mon, d; y = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); mon = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); d = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER if (!check_apost(y, mon, d)) return 0; #endif s3e(hash, y, mon, d, 0); return 1; } static int parse_sla(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "('?-?" NUMBER "+)/\\s*('?\\d+)(?:\\D\\s*('?-?\\d+))?" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "([-']?\\d+)/\\s*('?\\d+)(?:(?:[-/]|\\s+)\\s*([-']?\\d+))?" COM_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_sla_cb); } #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER static int parse_sla2_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE y, mon, d; d = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); mon = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); y = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); if (!check_apost(d, mon, y)) return 0; mon = INT2FIX(mon_num(mon)); s3e(hash, y, mon, d, 0); return 1; } static int parse_sla2(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "([-']?\\d+)/\\s*(" DOTLESS_VALID_MONTHS ")(?:(?:[-/]|\\s+)\\s*([-']?\\d+))?" COM_FPT COM_FPW EOS ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_sla2_cb); } static int parse_sla3_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE y, mon, d; mon = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); d = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); y = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); if (!check_apost(mon, d, y)) return 0; mon = INT2FIX(mon_num(mon)); s3e(hash, y, mon, d, 0); return 1; } static int parse_sla3(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "(" DOTLESS_VALID_MONTHS ")/\\s*([-']?\\d+)(?:(?:[-/]|\\s+)\\s*([-']?\\d+))?" COM_FPT COM_FPW EOS ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_sla3_cb); } #endif static int parse_dot_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE y, mon, d; y = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); mon = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); d = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER if (!check_apost(y, mon, d)) return 0; #endif s3e(hash, y, mon, d, 0); return 1; } static int parse_dot(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "('?-?" NUMBER "+)\\.\\s*('?\\d+)\\.\\s*('?-?\\d+)" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "([-']?\\d+)\\.\\s*(\\d+)\\.\\s*([-']?\\d+)" COM_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_dot_cb); } #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER static int parse_dot2_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE y, mon, d; d = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); mon = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); y = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); if (!check_apost(d, mon, y)) return 0; mon = INT2FIX(mon_num(mon)); s3e(hash, y, mon, d, 0); return 1; } static int parse_dot2(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "([-']?\\d+)\\.\\s*(" DOTLESS_VALID_MONTHS ")(?:(?:[./])\\s*([-']?\\d+))?" COM_FPT COM_FPW EOS ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_dot2_cb); } static int parse_dot3_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE y, mon, d; mon = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); d = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); y = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); if (!check_apost(mon, d, y)) return 0; mon = INT2FIX(mon_num(mon)); s3e(hash, y, mon, d, 0); return 1; } static int parse_dot3(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "(" DOTLESS_VALID_MONTHS ")\\.\\s*([-']?\\d+)(?:(?:[./])\\s*([-']?\\d+))?" COM_FPT COM_FPW EOS ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_dot3_cb); } #endif static int parse_year_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE y; y = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); set_hash("year", str2num(y)); return 1; } static int parse_year(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "'(\\d+)\\b" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "'(\\d+)" COM_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_0(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_year_cb); } static int parse_mon_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE mon; mon = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); set_hash("mon", INT2FIX(mon_num(mon))); return 1; } static int parse_mon(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "\\b(" ABBR_MONTHS ")\\S*" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "(" VALID_MONTHS ")" COM_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_mon_cb); } static int parse_mday_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE d; d = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); set_hash("mday", str2num(d)); return 1; } static int parse_mday(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "(" NUMBER "+)(st|nd|rd|th)\\b" #else BOS FPW_COM FPT_COM "(\\d+)(st|nd|rd|th)" COM_FPT COM_FPW EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_mday_cb); } static int n2i(const char *s, long f, long w) { long e, i; int v; e = f + w; v = 0; for (i = f; i < e; i++) { v *= 10; v += s[i] - '0'; } return v; } static int parse_ddd_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s1, s2, s3, s4, s5; const char *cs2, *cs3, *cs5; long l2, l3, l4, l5; s1 = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); s2 = rb_reg_nth_match(2, m); s3 = rb_reg_nth_match(3, m); s4 = rb_reg_nth_match(4, m); s5 = rb_reg_nth_match(5, m); cs2 = RSTRING_PTR(s2); l2 = RSTRING_LEN(s2); switch (l2) { case 2: if (NIL_P(s3) && !NIL_P(s4)) set_hash("sec", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-2, 2))); else set_hash("mday", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, 0, 2))); break; case 4: if (NIL_P(s3) && !NIL_P(s4)) { set_hash("sec", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-2, 2))); set_hash("min", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-4, 2))); } else { set_hash("mon", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, 0, 2))); set_hash("mday", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, 2, 2))); } break; case 6: if (NIL_P(s3) && !NIL_P(s4)) { set_hash("sec", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-2, 2))); set_hash("min", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-4, 2))); set_hash("hour", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-6, 2))); } else { int y = n2i(cs2, 0, 2); if (!NIL_P(s1) && *RSTRING_PTR(s1) == '-') y = -y; set_hash("year", INT2FIX(y)); set_hash("mon", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, 2, 2))); set_hash("mday", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, 4, 2))); } break; case 8: case 10: case 12: case 14: if (NIL_P(s3) && !NIL_P(s4)) { set_hash("sec", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-2, 2))); set_hash("min", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-4, 2))); set_hash("hour", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-6, 2))); set_hash("mday", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-8, 2))); if (l2 >= 10) set_hash("mon", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-10, 2))); if (l2 == 12) { int y = n2i(cs2, l2-12, 2); if (!NIL_P(s1) && *RSTRING_PTR(s1) == '-') y = -y; set_hash("year", INT2FIX(y)); } if (l2 == 14) { int y = n2i(cs2, l2-14, 4); if (!NIL_P(s1) && *RSTRING_PTR(s1) == '-') y = -y; set_hash("year", INT2FIX(y)); set_hash("_comp", Qfalse); } } else { int y = n2i(cs2, 0, 4); if (!NIL_P(s1) && *RSTRING_PTR(s1) == '-') y = -y; set_hash("year", INT2FIX(y)); set_hash("mon", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, 4, 2))); set_hash("mday", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, 6, 2))); if (l2 >= 10) set_hash("hour", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, 8, 2))); if (l2 >= 12) set_hash("min", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, 10, 2))); if (l2 >= 14) set_hash("sec", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, 12, 2))); set_hash("_comp", Qfalse); } break; case 3: if (NIL_P(s3) && !NIL_P(s4)) { set_hash("sec", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-2, 2))); set_hash("min", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-3, 1))); } else set_hash("yday", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, 0, 3))); break; case 5: if (NIL_P(s3) && !NIL_P(s4)) { set_hash("sec", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-2, 2))); set_hash("min", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-4, 2))); set_hash("hour", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-5, 1))); } else { int y = n2i(cs2, 0, 2); if (!NIL_P(s1) && *RSTRING_PTR(s1) == '-') y = -y; set_hash("year", INT2FIX(y)); set_hash("yday", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, 2, 3))); } break; case 7: if (NIL_P(s3) && !NIL_P(s4)) { set_hash("sec", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-2, 2))); set_hash("min", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-4, 2))); set_hash("hour", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-6, 2))); set_hash("mday", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, l2-7, 1))); } else { int y = n2i(cs2, 0, 4); if (!NIL_P(s1) && *RSTRING_PTR(s1) == '-') y = -y; set_hash("year", INT2FIX(y)); set_hash("yday", INT2FIX(n2i(cs2, 4, 3))); } break; } RB_GC_GUARD(s2); if (!NIL_P(s3)) { cs3 = RSTRING_PTR(s3); l3 = RSTRING_LEN(s3); if (!NIL_P(s4)) { switch (l3) { case 2: case 4: case 6: set_hash("sec", INT2FIX(n2i(cs3, l3-2, 2))); if (l3 >= 4) set_hash("min", INT2FIX(n2i(cs3, l3-4, 2))); if (l3 >= 6) set_hash("hour", INT2FIX(n2i(cs3, l3-6, 2))); break; } } else { switch (l3) { case 2: case 4: case 6: set_hash("hour", INT2FIX(n2i(cs3, 0, 2))); if (l3 >= 4) set_hash("min", INT2FIX(n2i(cs3, 2, 2))); if (l3 >= 6) set_hash("sec", INT2FIX(n2i(cs3, 4, 2))); break; } } RB_GC_GUARD(s3); } if (!NIL_P(s4)) { l4 = RSTRING_LEN(s4); set_hash("sec_fraction", rb_rational_new2(str2num(s4), f_expt(INT2FIX(10), LONG2NUM(l4)))); } if (!NIL_P(s5)) { cs5 = RSTRING_PTR(s5); l5 = RSTRING_LEN(s5); set_hash("zone", s5); if (*cs5 == '[') { const char *s1, *s2; VALUE zone; l5 -= 2; s1 = cs5 + 1; s2 = memchr(s1, ':', l5); if (s2) { s2++; zone = rb_str_subseq(s5, s2 - cs5, l5 - (s2 - s1)); s5 = rb_str_subseq(s5, 1, s2 - s1); } else { zone = rb_str_subseq(s5, 1, l5); if (isdigit((unsigned char)*s1)) s5 = rb_str_append(rb_str_new_cstr("+"), zone); else s5 = zone; } set_hash("zone", zone); set_hash("offset", date_zone_to_diff(s5)); } RB_GC_GUARD(s5); } return 1; } static int parse_ddd(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER BOS #endif "([-+]?)(" NUMBER "{2,14})" "(?:" "\\s*" "t?" "\\s*" "(\\d{2,6})?(?:[,.](\\d*))?" ")?" "(?:" "\\s*" "(" "z\\b" "|" "[-+]\\d{1,4}\\b" "|" "\\[[-+]?\\d[^\\]]*\\]" ")" ")?" #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER EOS #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_ddd_cb); } #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER static int parse_bc_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { set_hash("_bc", Qtrue); return 1; } static int parse_bc(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\b(bc\\b|bce\\b|b\\.c\\.|b\\.c\\.e\\.)"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_bc_cb); } static int parse_frag_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s, n; s = rb_reg_nth_match(1, m); if (!NIL_P(ref_hash("hour")) && NIL_P(ref_hash("mday"))) { n = str2num(s); if (f_ge_p(n, INT2FIX(1)) && f_le_p(n, INT2FIX(31))) set_hash("mday", n); } if (!NIL_P(ref_hash("mday")) && NIL_P(ref_hash("hour"))) { n = str2num(s); if (f_ge_p(n, INT2FIX(0)) && f_le_p(n, INT2FIX(24))) set_hash("hour", n); } return 1; } static int parse_frag(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*(\\d{1,2})\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_frag_cb); } #endif #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER static int parse_dummy_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { return 1; } static int parse_wday_only(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*" FPW "\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_0(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_dummy_cb); } static int parse_time_only(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*" FPT "\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_0(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_dummy_cb); } static int parse_wday_and_time(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*(" FPW "\\s+" FPT "|" FPT "\\s+" FPW ")\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_0(pat); SUBS(str, pat, parse_dummy_cb); } static unsigned have_invalid_char_p(VALUE s) { long i; for (i = 0; i < RSTRING_LEN(s); i++) if (iscntrl((unsigned char)RSTRING_PTR(s)[i]) && !isspace((unsigned char)RSTRING_PTR(s)[i])) return 1; return 0; } #endif #define HAVE_ALPHA (1<<0) #define HAVE_DIGIT (1<<1) #define HAVE_DASH (1<<2) #define HAVE_DOT (1<<3) #define HAVE_SLASH (1<<4) static unsigned check_class(VALUE s) { unsigned flags; long i; flags = 0; for (i = 0; i < RSTRING_LEN(s); i++) { if (isalpha((unsigned char)RSTRING_PTR(s)[i])) flags |= HAVE_ALPHA; if (isdigit((unsigned char)RSTRING_PTR(s)[i])) flags |= HAVE_DIGIT; if (RSTRING_PTR(s)[i] == '-') flags |= HAVE_DASH; if (RSTRING_PTR(s)[i] == '.') flags |= HAVE_DOT; if (RSTRING_PTR(s)[i] == '/') flags |= HAVE_SLASH; } return flags; } #define HAVE_ELEM_P(x) ((check_class(str) & (x)) == (x)) #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER #define PARSER_ERROR return rb_hash_new() #endif VALUE date__parse(VALUE str, VALUE comp) { VALUE backref, hash; #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER if (have_invalid_char_p(str)) PARSER_ERROR; #endif backref = rb_backref_get(); rb_match_busy(backref); { static const char pat_source[] = #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER "[^-+',./:@[:alnum:]\\[\\]]+" #else "[^[:graph:]]+" #endif ; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_0(pat); str = rb_str_dup(str); f_gsub_bang(str, pat, asp_string()); } hash = rb_hash_new(); set_hash("_comp", comp); if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_ALPHA)) parse_day(str, hash); if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_DIGIT)) parse_time(str, hash); #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_ALPHA)) parse_era(str, hash); #endif if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_ALPHA|HAVE_DIGIT)) { if (parse_eu(str, hash)) goto ok; if (parse_us(str, hash)) goto ok; } if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_DIGIT|HAVE_DASH)) if (parse_iso(str, hash)) goto ok; if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_DIGIT|HAVE_DOT)) if (parse_jis(str, hash)) goto ok; if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_ALPHA|HAVE_DIGIT|HAVE_DASH)) if (parse_vms(str, hash)) goto ok; if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_DIGIT|HAVE_SLASH)) if (parse_sla(str, hash)) goto ok; #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_ALPHA|HAVE_DIGIT|HAVE_SLASH)) { if (parse_sla2(str, hash)) goto ok; if (parse_sla3(str, hash)) goto ok; } #endif if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_DIGIT|HAVE_DOT)) if (parse_dot(str, hash)) goto ok; #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_ALPHA|HAVE_DIGIT|HAVE_DOT)) { if (parse_dot2(str, hash)) goto ok; if (parse_dot3(str, hash)) goto ok; } #endif if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_DIGIT)) if (parse_iso2(str, hash)) goto ok; if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_DIGIT)) if (parse_year(str, hash)) goto ok; if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_ALPHA)) if (parse_mon(str, hash)) goto ok; if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_DIGIT)) if (parse_mday(str, hash)) goto ok; if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_DIGIT)) if (parse_ddd(str, hash)) goto ok; #ifdef TIGHT_PARSER if (parse_wday_only(str, hash)) goto ok; if (parse_time_only(str, hash)) goto ok; if (parse_wday_and_time(str, hash)) goto ok; PARSER_ERROR; /* not found */ #endif ok: #ifndef TIGHT_PARSER if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_ALPHA)) parse_bc(str, hash); if (HAVE_ELEM_P(HAVE_DIGIT)) parse_frag(str, hash); #endif { if (RTEST(del_hash("_bc"))) { VALUE y; y = ref_hash("cwyear"); if (!NIL_P(y)) { y = f_add(f_negate(y), INT2FIX(1)); set_hash("cwyear", y); } y = ref_hash("year"); if (!NIL_P(y)) { y = f_add(f_negate(y), INT2FIX(1)); set_hash("year", y); } } if (RTEST(del_hash("_comp"))) { VALUE y; y = ref_hash("cwyear"); if (!NIL_P(y)) if (f_ge_p(y, INT2FIX(0)) && f_le_p(y, INT2FIX(99))) { if (f_ge_p(y, INT2FIX(69))) set_hash("cwyear", f_add(y, INT2FIX(1900))); else set_hash("cwyear", f_add(y, INT2FIX(2000))); } y = ref_hash("year"); if (!NIL_P(y)) if (f_ge_p(y, INT2FIX(0)) && f_le_p(y, INT2FIX(99))) { if (f_ge_p(y, INT2FIX(69))) set_hash("year", f_add(y, INT2FIX(1900))); else set_hash("year", f_add(y, INT2FIX(2000))); } } } { VALUE zone = ref_hash("zone"); if (!NIL_P(zone) && NIL_P(ref_hash("offset"))) set_hash("offset", date_zone_to_diff(zone)); } rb_backref_set(backref); return hash; } static VALUE comp_year69(VALUE y) { if (f_ge_p(y, INT2FIX(69))) return f_add(y, INT2FIX(1900)); return f_add(y, INT2FIX(2000)); } static VALUE comp_year50(VALUE y) { if (f_ge_p(y, INT2FIX(50))) return f_add(y, INT2FIX(1900)); return f_add(y, INT2FIX(2000)); } static VALUE sec_fraction(VALUE f) { return rb_rational_new2(str2num(f), f_expt(INT2FIX(10), LONG2NUM(RSTRING_LEN(f)))); } #define SNUM 14 static int iso8601_ext_datetime_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s[SNUM + 1], y; { int i; s[0] = Qnil; for (i = 1; i <= SNUM; i++) s[i] = rb_reg_nth_match(i, m); } if (!NIL_P(s[1])) { if (!NIL_P(s[3])) set_hash("mday", str2num(s[3])); if (strcmp(RSTRING_PTR(s[1]), "-") != 0) { y = str2num(s[1]); if (RSTRING_LEN(s[1]) < 4) y = comp_year69(y); set_hash("year", y); } if (NIL_P(s[2])) { if (strcmp(RSTRING_PTR(s[1]), "-") != 0) return 0; } else set_hash("mon", str2num(s[2])); } else if (!NIL_P(s[5])) { set_hash("yday", str2num(s[5])); if (!NIL_P(s[4])) { y = str2num(s[4]); if (RSTRING_LEN(s[4]) < 4) y = comp_year69(y); set_hash("year", y); } } else if (!NIL_P(s[8])) { set_hash("cweek", str2num(s[7])); set_hash("cwday", str2num(s[8])); if (!NIL_P(s[6])) { y = str2num(s[6]); if (RSTRING_LEN(s[6]) < 4) y = comp_year69(y); set_hash("cwyear", y); } } else if (!NIL_P(s[9])) { set_hash("cwday", str2num(s[9])); } if (!NIL_P(s[10])) { set_hash("hour", str2num(s[10])); set_hash("min", str2num(s[11])); if (!NIL_P(s[12])) set_hash("sec", str2num(s[12])); } if (!NIL_P(s[13])) { set_hash("sec_fraction", sec_fraction(s[13])); } if (!NIL_P(s[14])) { set_hash("zone", s[14]); set_hash("offset", date_zone_to_diff(s[14])); } return 1; } static int iso8601_ext_datetime(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*(?:([-+]?\\d{2,}|-)-(\\d{2})?(?:-(\\d{2}))?|" "([-+]?\\d{2,})?-(\\d{3})|" "(\\d{4}|\\d{2})?-w(\\d{2})-(\\d)|" "-w-(\\d))" "(?:t" "(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})(?::(\\d{2})(?:[,.](\\d+))?)?" "(z|[-+]\\d{2}(?::?\\d{2})?)?)?\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); MATCH(str, pat, iso8601_ext_datetime_cb); } #undef SNUM #define SNUM 17 static int iso8601_bas_datetime_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s[SNUM + 1], y; { int i; s[0] = Qnil; for (i = 1; i <= SNUM; i++) s[i] = rb_reg_nth_match(i, m); } if (!NIL_P(s[3])) { set_hash("mday", str2num(s[3])); if (strcmp(RSTRING_PTR(s[1]), "--") != 0) { y = str2num(s[1]); if (RSTRING_LEN(s[1]) < 4) y = comp_year69(y); set_hash("year", y); } if (*RSTRING_PTR(s[2]) == '-') { if (strcmp(RSTRING_PTR(s[1]), "--") != 0) return 0; } else set_hash("mon", str2num(s[2])); } else if (!NIL_P(s[5])) { set_hash("yday", str2num(s[5])); y = str2num(s[4]); if (RSTRING_LEN(s[4]) < 4) y = comp_year69(y); set_hash("year", y); } else if (!NIL_P(s[6])) { set_hash("yday", str2num(s[6])); } else if (!NIL_P(s[9])) { set_hash("cweek", str2num(s[8])); set_hash("cwday", str2num(s[9])); y = str2num(s[7]); if (RSTRING_LEN(s[7]) < 4) y = comp_year69(y); set_hash("cwyear", y); } else if (!NIL_P(s[11])) { set_hash("cweek", str2num(s[10])); set_hash("cwday", str2num(s[11])); } else if (!NIL_P(s[12])) { set_hash("cwday", str2num(s[12])); } if (!NIL_P(s[13])) { set_hash("hour", str2num(s[13])); set_hash("min", str2num(s[14])); if (!NIL_P(s[15])) set_hash("sec", str2num(s[15])); } if (!NIL_P(s[16])) { set_hash("sec_fraction", sec_fraction(s[16])); } if (!NIL_P(s[17])) { set_hash("zone", s[17]); set_hash("offset", date_zone_to_diff(s[17])); } return 1; } static int iso8601_bas_datetime(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*(?:([-+]?(?:\\d{4}|\\d{2})|--)(\\d{2}|-)(\\d{2})|" "([-+]?(?:\\d{4}|\\d{2}))(\\d{3})|" "-(\\d{3})|" "(\\d{4}|\\d{2})w(\\d{2})(\\d)|" "-w(\\d{2})(\\d)|" "-w-(\\d))" "(?:t?" "(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(?:(\\d{2})(?:[,.](\\d+))?)?" "(z|[-+]\\d{2}(?:\\d{2})?)?)?\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); MATCH(str, pat, iso8601_bas_datetime_cb); } #undef SNUM #define SNUM 5 static int iso8601_ext_time_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s[SNUM + 1]; { int i; s[0] = Qnil; for (i = 1; i <= SNUM; i++) s[i] = rb_reg_nth_match(i, m); } set_hash("hour", str2num(s[1])); set_hash("min", str2num(s[2])); if (!NIL_P(s[3])) set_hash("sec", str2num(s[3])); if (!NIL_P(s[4])) set_hash("sec_fraction", sec_fraction(s[4])); if (!NIL_P(s[5])) { set_hash("zone", s[5]); set_hash("offset", date_zone_to_diff(s[5])); } return 1; } #define iso8601_bas_time_cb iso8601_ext_time_cb static int iso8601_ext_time(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})(?::(\\d{2})(?:[,.](\\d+))?" "(z|[-+]\\d{2}(:?\\d{2})?)?)?\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); MATCH(str, pat, iso8601_ext_time_cb); } static int iso8601_bas_time(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(?:(\\d{2})(?:[,.](\\d+))?" "(z|[-+]\\d{2}(\\d{2})?)?)?\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); MATCH(str, pat, iso8601_bas_time_cb); } VALUE date__iso8601(VALUE str) { VALUE backref, hash; backref = rb_backref_get(); rb_match_busy(backref); hash = rb_hash_new(); if (iso8601_ext_datetime(str, hash)) goto ok; if (iso8601_bas_datetime(str, hash)) goto ok; if (iso8601_ext_time(str, hash)) goto ok; if (iso8601_bas_time(str, hash)) goto ok; ok: rb_backref_set(backref); return hash; } #undef SNUM #define SNUM 8 static int rfc3339_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s[SNUM + 1]; { int i; s[0] = Qnil; for (i = 1; i <= SNUM; i++) s[i] = rb_reg_nth_match(i, m); } set_hash("year", str2num(s[1])); set_hash("mon", str2num(s[2])); set_hash("mday", str2num(s[3])); set_hash("hour", str2num(s[4])); set_hash("min", str2num(s[5])); set_hash("sec", str2num(s[6])); set_hash("zone", s[8]); set_hash("offset", date_zone_to_diff(s[8])); if (!NIL_P(s[7])) set_hash("sec_fraction", sec_fraction(s[7])); return 1; } static int rfc3339(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*(-?\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})" "(?:t|\\s)" "(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})(?:\\.(\\d+))?" "(z|[-+]\\d{2}:\\d{2})\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); MATCH(str, pat, rfc3339_cb); } VALUE date__rfc3339(VALUE str) { VALUE backref, hash; backref = rb_backref_get(); rb_match_busy(backref); hash = rb_hash_new(); rfc3339(str, hash); rb_backref_set(backref); return hash; } #undef SNUM #define SNUM 8 static int xmlschema_datetime_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s[SNUM + 1]; { int i; s[0] = Qnil; for (i = 1; i <= SNUM; i++) s[i] = rb_reg_nth_match(i, m); } set_hash("year", str2num(s[1])); if (!NIL_P(s[2])) set_hash("mon", str2num(s[2])); if (!NIL_P(s[3])) set_hash("mday", str2num(s[3])); if (!NIL_P(s[4])) set_hash("hour", str2num(s[4])); if (!NIL_P(s[5])) set_hash("min", str2num(s[5])); if (!NIL_P(s[6])) set_hash("sec", str2num(s[6])); if (!NIL_P(s[7])) set_hash("sec_fraction", sec_fraction(s[7])); if (!NIL_P(s[8])) { set_hash("zone", s[8]); set_hash("offset", date_zone_to_diff(s[8])); } return 1; } static int xmlschema_datetime(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*(-?\\d{4,})(?:-(\\d{2})(?:-(\\d{2}))?)?" "(?:t" "(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})(?:\\.(\\d+))?)?" "(z|[-+]\\d{2}:\\d{2})?\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); MATCH(str, pat, xmlschema_datetime_cb); } #undef SNUM #define SNUM 5 static int xmlschema_time_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s[SNUM + 1]; { int i; s[0] = Qnil; for (i = 1; i <= SNUM; i++) s[i] = rb_reg_nth_match(i, m); } set_hash("hour", str2num(s[1])); set_hash("min", str2num(s[2])); if (!NIL_P(s[3])) set_hash("sec", str2num(s[3])); if (!NIL_P(s[4])) set_hash("sec_fraction", sec_fraction(s[4])); if (!NIL_P(s[5])) { set_hash("zone", s[5]); set_hash("offset", date_zone_to_diff(s[5])); } return 1; } static int xmlschema_time(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})(?:\\.(\\d+))?" "(z|[-+]\\d{2}:\\d{2})?\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); MATCH(str, pat, xmlschema_time_cb); } #undef SNUM #define SNUM 4 static int xmlschema_trunc_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s[SNUM + 1]; { int i; s[0] = Qnil; for (i = 1; i <= SNUM; i++) s[i] = rb_reg_nth_match(i, m); } if (!NIL_P(s[1])) set_hash("mon", str2num(s[1])); if (!NIL_P(s[2])) set_hash("mday", str2num(s[2])); if (!NIL_P(s[3])) set_hash("mday", str2num(s[3])); if (!NIL_P(s[4])) { set_hash("zone", s[4]); set_hash("offset", date_zone_to_diff(s[4])); } return 1; } static int xmlschema_trunc(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*(?:--(\\d{2})(?:-(\\d{2}))?|---(\\d{2}))" "(z|[-+]\\d{2}:\\d{2})?\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); MATCH(str, pat, xmlschema_trunc_cb); } VALUE date__xmlschema(VALUE str) { VALUE backref, hash; backref = rb_backref_get(); rb_match_busy(backref); hash = rb_hash_new(); if (xmlschema_datetime(str, hash)) goto ok; if (xmlschema_time(str, hash)) goto ok; if (xmlschema_trunc(str, hash)) goto ok; ok: rb_backref_set(backref); return hash; } #undef SNUM #define SNUM 8 static int rfc2822_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s[SNUM + 1], y; { int i; s[0] = Qnil; for (i = 1; i <= SNUM; i++) s[i] = rb_reg_nth_match(i, m); } if (!NIL_P(s[1])) { set_hash("wday", INT2FIX(day_num(s[1]))); } set_hash("mday", str2num(s[2])); set_hash("mon", INT2FIX(mon_num(s[3]))); y = str2num(s[4]); if (RSTRING_LEN(s[4]) < 4) y = comp_year50(y); set_hash("year", y); set_hash("hour", str2num(s[5])); set_hash("min", str2num(s[6])); if (!NIL_P(s[7])) set_hash("sec", str2num(s[7])); set_hash("zone", s[8]); set_hash("offset", date_zone_to_diff(s[8])); return 1; } static int rfc2822(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*(?:(" ABBR_DAYS ")\\s*,\\s+)?" "(\\d{1,2})\\s+" "(" ABBR_MONTHS ")\\s+" "(-?\\d{2,})\\s+" "(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})(?::(\\d{2}))?\\s*" "([-+]\\d{4}|ut|gmt|e[sd]t|c[sd]t|m[sd]t|p[sd]t|[a-ik-z])\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); MATCH(str, pat, rfc2822_cb); } VALUE date__rfc2822(VALUE str) { VALUE backref, hash; backref = rb_backref_get(); rb_match_busy(backref); hash = rb_hash_new(); rfc2822(str, hash); rb_backref_set(backref); return hash; } #undef SNUM #define SNUM 8 static int httpdate_type1_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s[SNUM + 1]; { int i; s[0] = Qnil; for (i = 1; i <= SNUM; i++) s[i] = rb_reg_nth_match(i, m); } set_hash("wday", INT2FIX(day_num(s[1]))); set_hash("mday", str2num(s[2])); set_hash("mon", INT2FIX(mon_num(s[3]))); set_hash("year", str2num(s[4])); set_hash("hour", str2num(s[5])); set_hash("min", str2num(s[6])); set_hash("sec", str2num(s[7])); set_hash("zone", s[8]); set_hash("offset", INT2FIX(0)); return 1; } static int httpdate_type1(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*(" ABBR_DAYS ")\\s*,\\s+" "(\\d{2})\\s+" "(" ABBR_MONTHS ")\\s+" "(-?\\d{4})\\s+" "(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})\\s+" "(gmt)\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); MATCH(str, pat, httpdate_type1_cb); } #undef SNUM #define SNUM 8 static int httpdate_type2_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s[SNUM + 1], y; { int i; s[0] = Qnil; for (i = 1; i <= SNUM; i++) s[i] = rb_reg_nth_match(i, m); } set_hash("wday", INT2FIX(day_num(s[1]))); set_hash("mday", str2num(s[2])); set_hash("mon", INT2FIX(mon_num(s[3]))); y = str2num(s[4]); if (f_ge_p(y, INT2FIX(0)) && f_le_p(y, INT2FIX(99))) y = comp_year69(y); set_hash("year", y); set_hash("hour", str2num(s[5])); set_hash("min", str2num(s[6])); set_hash("sec", str2num(s[7])); set_hash("zone", s[8]); set_hash("offset", INT2FIX(0)); return 1; } static int httpdate_type2(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*(" DAYS ")\\s*,\\s+" "(\\d{2})\\s*-\\s*" "(" ABBR_MONTHS ")\\s*-\\s*" "(\\d{2})\\s+" "(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})\\s+" "(gmt)\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); MATCH(str, pat, httpdate_type2_cb); } #undef SNUM #define SNUM 7 static int httpdate_type3_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s[SNUM + 1]; { int i; s[0] = Qnil; for (i = 1; i <= SNUM; i++) s[i] = rb_reg_nth_match(i, m); } set_hash("wday", INT2FIX(day_num(s[1]))); set_hash("mon", INT2FIX(mon_num(s[2]))); set_hash("mday", str2num(s[3])); set_hash("hour", str2num(s[4])); set_hash("min", str2num(s[5])); set_hash("sec", str2num(s[6])); set_hash("year", str2num(s[7])); return 1; } static int httpdate_type3(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*(" ABBR_DAYS ")\\s+" "(" ABBR_MONTHS ")\\s+" "(\\d{1,2})\\s+" "(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})\\s+" "(\\d{4})\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); MATCH(str, pat, httpdate_type3_cb); } VALUE date__httpdate(VALUE str) { VALUE backref, hash; backref = rb_backref_get(); rb_match_busy(backref); hash = rb_hash_new(); if (httpdate_type1(str, hash)) goto ok; if (httpdate_type2(str, hash)) goto ok; if (httpdate_type3(str, hash)) goto ok; ok: rb_backref_set(backref); return hash; } #undef SNUM #define SNUM 9 static int jisx0301_cb(VALUE m, VALUE hash) { VALUE s[SNUM + 1]; int ep; { int i; s[0] = Qnil; for (i = 1; i <= SNUM; i++) s[i] = rb_reg_nth_match(i, m); } ep = gengo(NIL_P(s[1]) ? JISX0301_DEFAULT_ERA : *RSTRING_PTR(s[1])); set_hash("year", f_add(str2num(s[2]), INT2FIX(ep))); set_hash("mon", str2num(s[3])); set_hash("mday", str2num(s[4])); if (!NIL_P(s[5])) { set_hash("hour", str2num(s[5])); if (!NIL_P(s[6])) set_hash("min", str2num(s[6])); if (!NIL_P(s[7])) set_hash("sec", str2num(s[7])); } if (!NIL_P(s[8])) set_hash("sec_fraction", sec_fraction(s[8])); if (!NIL_P(s[9])) { set_hash("zone", s[9]); set_hash("offset", date_zone_to_diff(s[9])); } return 1; } static int jisx0301(VALUE str, VALUE hash) { static const char pat_source[] = "\\A\\s*([" JISX0301_ERA_INITIALS "])?(\\d{2})\\.(\\d{2})\\.(\\d{2})" "(?:t" "(?:(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})(?::(\\d{2})(?:[,.](\\d*))?)?" "(z|[-+]\\d{2}(?::?\\d{2})?)?)?)?\\s*\\z"; static VALUE pat = Qnil; REGCOMP_I(pat); MATCH(str, pat, jisx0301_cb); } VALUE date__jisx0301(VALUE str) { VALUE backref, hash; backref = rb_backref_get(); rb_match_busy(backref); hash = rb_hash_new(); if (jisx0301(str, hash)) goto ok; hash = date__iso8601(str); ok: rb_backref_set(backref); return hash; } /* Local variables: c-file-style: "ruby" End: */