require "ev/sgml" class SGMLObject def to_x(closetags=true) res = "" parsetree("prechildren_to_x", "postchildren_to_x", res, closetags) res end end class Text < SGMLObject def prechildren_to_x(res, closetags) res << @text.strip unless @text.strip.empty? end end class Comment < SGMLObject def prechildren_to_x(res, closetags) res << "\n" if not previous([], [Text]).kind_of?(Comment) lines = @text.gsub(/()/, "").lf.split(/\n/) if lines.length == 1 res << " "*(@level-1) + "" + "\n" else res << " "*(@level-1) + "" + "\n" res << "\n" end end end class Special < SGMLObject def prechildren_to_x(res, closetags) res << " "*(@level-1) + @text.compress + "\n" end end class Instruction < SGMLObject def prechildren_to_x(res, closetags) res << " "*(@level-1) + @text.compress + "\n" end end class OpenTag < Tag def prechildren_to_x(res, closetags) a = [@subtype] args = @args.dup args.delete("id") args.delete("name") args = args.sort args.unshift(["id", @args["id"]]) if @args.include?("id") args.unshift(["name", @args["name"]]) if @args.include?("name") args.each do |k, v| if not v.include?("'") a << "#{k}='#{v}'" else if not v.include?('"') a << "#{k}=\"#{v}\"" else a << "#{k}='#{v.gsub(/\'/, '"')}'" end end end if @children.length == 0 or (@children.length == 1 and @children[0].kind_of?(Text) and @children[0].text.compress.empty?) res << " "*(@level-1) + "<#{a.join(" ")}/>" + "\n" else if @children.length == 1 and @children[0].kind_of?(Text) and @children[0].text.lf.split(/\n/).length == 1 res << " "*(@level-1) + "<#{a.join(" ")}>" else res << " "*(@level-1) + "<#{a.join(" ")}>" + "\n" end end end def postchildren_to_x(res, closetags) if closetags unless @children.length == 0 or (@children.length == 1 and @children[0].kind_of?(Text) and @children[0].text.compress.empty?) res << "\n" if @children.length == 1 and @children[0].kind_of?(Text) and @children[0].text.lf.split(/\n/).length > 1 res << " "*(@level-1) unless @children.length == 1 and @children[0].kind_of?(Text) and @children[0].text.lf.split(/\n/).length == 1 res << "" res << "\n" end end end end class XML < SGML def to_x(closetags=true) res = "" parsetree("prechildren_to_x", "postchildren_to_x", res, closetags) res end end