package lingscope.algorithms; import generalutils.Statistics; import java.util.List; import; import lingscope.structures.AnnotatedSentence; /** * Compares two annotations or two annotation files * @author shashank */ public class AnnotationComparer { private double tp; private double fp; private double fn; private double tn; private double perfectMatches; private int totalSentences; private int numFolds; private double[] tpFolds; private double[] fpFolds; private double[] fnFolds; private double[] tnFolds; private double[] perfectMatchesFolds; private double[] totalSentencesFolds; public AnnotationComparer(int numFolds) { this.numFolds = numFolds; reset(); } /** * Resets the values for the comparer */ public final void reset() { tp = 0; fp = 0; fn = 0; tn = 0; perfectMatches = 0; totalSentences = 0; tpFolds = new double[numFolds]; resetFold(tpFolds, numFolds); fpFolds = new double[numFolds]; resetFold(fpFolds, numFolds); fnFolds = new double[numFolds]; resetFold(fnFolds, numFolds); tnFolds = new double[numFolds]; resetFold(tnFolds, numFolds); perfectMatchesFolds = new double[numFolds]; resetFold(perfectMatchesFolds, numFolds); totalSentencesFolds = new double[numFolds]; resetFold(totalSentencesFolds, numFolds); } private void resetFold(double[] folds, int numFolds) { for (int i = 0; i < numFolds; ++i) { folds[i] = 0; } } public void compareAnnotationFiles(String goldFile, String testFile) { List goldSentences =; List testSentences =; if (goldSentences.size() != testSentences.size()) { throw new RuntimeException("Number of sentences in gold and test file are not same"); } for (int i = 0; i < goldSentences.size(); ++i) { AnnotatedSentence goldSentence = goldSentences.get(i); AnnotatedSentence testSentence = testSentences.get(i); compareAnnotations(goldSentence, testSentence); } } public void compareAnnotations(AnnotatedSentence goldSentence, AnnotatedSentence testSentence) { int localTp = 0; int localFp = 0; int localFn = 0; int localTn = 0; if (goldSentence.getIsAnnotatedTags().size() != testSentence.getIsAnnotatedTags().size()) { System.err.println("Size mismatch GOLD: " + goldSentence.getRawText()); System.err.println("Size mismatch TEST: " + testSentence.getRawText()); } int numTags = Math.min(goldSentence.getIsAnnotatedTags().size(), testSentence.getIsAnnotatedTags().size()); for (int i = 0; i < numTags; ++i) { boolean goldTag = goldSentence.getIsAnnotatedTags().get(i); boolean testTag = testSentence.getIsAnnotatedTags().get(i); if (goldTag && testTag) { ++localTp; } else if (goldTag && (!testTag)) { ++localFn; } else if ((!goldTag) && testTag) { ++localFp; } else if ((!goldTag) && (!testTag)) { ++localTn; } } int foldNum = totalSentences % numFolds; tp += localTp; fp += localFp; fn += localFn; tn += localTn; tpFolds[foldNum] += localTp; fpFolds[foldNum] += localFp; fnFolds[foldNum] += localFn; tnFolds[foldNum] += localTn; if (localFp != 0) { System.out.println("FP Gold: " + goldSentence.getRawText()); System.out.println("FP Test: " + testSentence.getRawText()); } if (localFn != 0) { System.out.println("FN Gold: " + goldSentence.getRawText()); System.out.println("FN Test: " + testSentence.getRawText()); } if (localFp == 0 && localFn == 0) { ++perfectMatches; ++perfectMatchesFolds[foldNum]; } ++totalSentences; ++totalSentencesFolds[foldNum]; } public void printStats() { System.out.println("TP: " + tp); System.out.println("FP: " + fp); System.out.println("FN: " + fn); System.out.println("TN: " + tn); double precision = getPrecision(tp, fp); double recall = getRecall(tp, fn); System.out.println("Overall precision: " + precision); System.out.println("Overall recall: " + recall); System.out.println("Overall F1-score: " + getFScore(recall, precision)); System.out.println("Overall Accuracy: " + getAccuracy(tp, fp, fn, tn)); System.out.println("Overall Perfect : " + getPerfectAccuracy(perfectMatches, totalSentences)); double[] recalls = getRecalls(); double[] precisions = getPrecisions(); double[] fScores = getFScores(recalls, precisions); double[] accuracies = getAccuracies(); double[] perfectAccuracies = getPerfectAccuracies(); System.out.println("Average precision: " + Statistics.mean(precisions) + " +/- " + Statistics.stdDev(precisions)); System.out.println("Average recall: " + Statistics.mean(recalls) + " +/- " + Statistics.stdDev(recalls)); System.out.println("Average F1-score: " + Statistics.mean(fScores) + " +/- " + Statistics.stdDev(fScores)); System.out.println("Average Accuracy: " + Statistics.mean(accuracies) + " +/- " + Statistics.stdDev(accuracies)); System.out.println("Average Perfect: " + Statistics.mean(perfectAccuracies) + " +/- " + Statistics.stdDev(perfectAccuracies)); } public double[] getRecalls() { double[] recalls = new double[numFolds]; for (int i = 0; i < numFolds; ++i) { recalls[i] = getRecall(tpFolds[i], fnFolds[i]); } return recalls; } public double[] getPrecisions() { double[] precisions = new double[numFolds]; for (int i = 0; i < numFolds; ++i) { precisions[i] = getPrecision(tpFolds[i], fpFolds[i]); } return precisions; } public double[] getFScores(double[] recalls, double[] precisions) { double[] fScores = new double[numFolds]; for (int i = 0; i < numFolds; ++i) { fScores[i] = getFScore(recalls[i], precisions[i]); } return fScores; } public double[] getAccuracies() { double[] accuracies = new double[numFolds]; for (int i = 0; i < numFolds; ++i) { accuracies[i] = getAccuracy(tpFolds[i], fpFolds[i], fnFolds[i], tnFolds[i]); } return accuracies; } public double[] getPerfectAccuracies() { double[] pcss = new double[numFolds]; for (int i = 0; i < numFolds; ++i) { pcss[i] = getPerfectAccuracy(perfectMatchesFolds[i], totalSentencesFolds[i]); } return pcss; } public double getPerfectAccuracy(double trues, double total) { return trues / total; } public double getAccuracy(double tp, double fp, double fn, double tn) { return (tp + tn) / (tp + fp + fn + tn); } public double getRecall(double tp, double fn) { return tp / (tp + fn); } public double getPrecision(double tp, double fp) { return tp / (tp + fp); } public double getFScore(double recall, double precision) { return 2 * precision * recall / (recall + precision); } }