Feature: Persisting the feature state in a cookie Background: Given the host is 'www.simplybusiness.co.uk' And the feature name is 'example_feature' And the time is '2015-01-22 15:26:31 +0000' And the state of the feature is 'enabled' Scenario: The cookie should apply to the root path (/) When I persist the feature state in a cookie Then the cookie has the path '/' Scenario Outline: The cookie should apply for all domains under the top-level domain (no domain for localhost or IP addresses, however) Given the host is '' When I persist the feature state in a cookie Then the cookie has the domain '' Examples: | host | cookie domain | | localhost | | | | | | | | | www.simplybusiness.co.uk | .simplybusiness.co.uk | | www.quote.simplybusiness.co.uk | .simplybusiness.co.uk | | simplybusiness.co.uk | .simplybusiness.co.uk | | www.simplybusiness.com | .simplybusiness.com | Scenario Outline: The cookie should be named using the name of the gem and name of feature, concatenated with a dot Given the feature name is '' When I persist the feature state in a cookie Then the cookie has the name '' Examples: | feature name | cookie name | | cool_new_feature | flip_fab.cool_new_feature | | other_cool_new_feature | flip_fab.other_cool_new_feature | Scenario: The cookie should expire after 1 year When I persist the feature state in a cookie Then the cookie expires at 'Fri, 22 Jan 2016 15:26:31 -0000' Scenario Outline: The cookie's value should be the state of the feature Given the state of the feature is '' When I persist the feature state in a cookie Then the cookie value is '' Examples: | feature state | | enabled | | disabled |