Feature: Index Parameters Scenario: Viewing index when download_links disabled Given an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index :as => :table, :download_links => false end """ Given 31 posts exist When I am on the index page for posts Then I should not see a link to download "CSV" Scenario: Viewing index when download_links disabled globally Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.application.download_links = false """ Given an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index :as => :table end """ Given 1 posts exist When I am on the index page for posts Then I should be on the index page for posts Then I should not see a link to download "CSV" Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.application.download_links = true """ Scenario: Viewing index when download_links disabled only in one namespace Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.setup do |config| config.namespace :superadmin do |namespace| namespace.download_links = false end end """ Given an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index :as => :table end ActiveAdmin.register Post, :namespace => :superadmin do index :as => :table end """ Given 1 posts exist When I am on the index page for posts in the superadmin namespace Then I should be on the index page for posts in the superadmin namespace Then I should not see a link to download "CSV" When I am on the index page for posts Then I should be on the index page for posts Then I should see a link to download "CSV" Scenario: Viewing index when download_links enabled only for a resource Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.setup do |config| config.namespace :superadmin do |namespace| namespace.download_links = false end end """ Given an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do index :as => :table end ActiveAdmin.register Post, :namespace => :superadmin do index :as => :table, :download_links => true end """ Given 1 posts exist When I am on the index page for posts in the superadmin namespace Then I should be on the index page for posts in the superadmin namespace Then I should see a link to download "CSV"