// wrapped by build app define("dojox/lang/functional/numrec", ["dijit","dojo","dojox","dojo/require!dojox/lang/functional/lambda,dojox/lang/functional/util"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){ dojo.provide("dojox.lang.functional.numrec"); dojo.require("dojox.lang.functional.lambda"); dojo.require("dojox.lang.functional.util"); // This module provides recursion combinators: // - a simplified numeric linear recursion combinator. // Acknowledgements: // - recursion combinators are inspired by Manfred von Thun's article // "Recursion Theory and Joy" // (http://www.latrobe.edu.au/philosophy/phimvt/joy/j05cmp.html) // Notes: // - recursion combinators produce a function, which implements // their respective recusion patterns. String lambdas are inlined, if possible. (function(){ var df = dojox.lang.functional, inline = df.inlineLambda, _r_i = ["_r", "_i"]; df.numrec = function(/*Object*/ then, /*Function|String|Array*/ after){ // summary: // Generates a function for the simplified numeric linear recursion pattern. // All parameter functions are called in the context of "this" object. // description: // This is a simplification of the linear recursion combinator: // - the generated function takes one numeric parameter "x", // - the "cond" is fixed and checks for 0. // - the "before" is fixed and the generated function is called with "x - 1". // - the "above is called with two parameters: the return from the generated // function, and with "x". // - as you can see the recursion is done by decreasing the parameter, // and calling itself until it reaches 0. // then: // The value, which is used upon termination of the recursion. // It will be returned as the value of the generated function. // above: // The lambda expression, which is called after the recursive step. // It accepts two parameters: the returned value from the recursive step, and // the original parameter. The returned value will be returned as the value of // the generated function. var a, as, dict = {}, add2dict = function(x){ dict[x] = 1; }; if(typeof after == "string"){ as = inline(after, _r_i, add2dict); }else{ a = df.lambda(after); as = "_a.call(this, _r, _i)"; } var locals = df.keys(dict), f = new Function(["_x"], "var _t=arguments.callee,_r=_t.t,_i".concat( // Function locals.length ? "," + locals.join(",") : "", a ? ",_a=_t.a" : "", ";for(_i=1;_i<=_x;++_i){_r=", as, "}return _r" )); f.t = then; if(a){ f.a = a; } return f; }; })(); /* For documentation only: 1) The original recursive version: var numrec1 = function(then, after){ var after = df.lambda(after); return function(x){ return x ? after.call(this, arguments.callee.call(this, x - 1), x) : then; }; }; 2) The original iterative version (before minification and inlining): var numrec2 = function(then, after){ var after = df.lambda(after); return function(x){ var ret = then, i; for(i = 1; i <= x; ++i){ ret = after.call(this, ret, i); } return ret; }; }; */ });