require 'pty' require 'open3' require 'fileutils' module Gym class Runner # @return (String) The path to the resulting ipa def run clear_old_files if Gym.project.tvos? UI.user_error!("gym doesn't suppoort tvOS projects yet, we're working on adding this feature!") end build_app verify_archive FileUtils.mkdir_p(Gym.config[:output_directory]) if Gym.project.ios? || Gym.project.tvos? package_app fix_package compress_and_move_dsym move_ipa elsif Gym.project.mac? compress_and_move_dsym move_mac_app end end ##################################################### # @!group Printing out things ##################################################### # @param [Array] An array containing all the parts of the command def print_command(command, title) rows = do |c| current = c.to_s.dup next unless current.length > 0 match_default_parameter = current.match(/(-.*) '(.*)'/) if match_default_parameter # That's a default parameter, like `-project 'Name'` match_default_parameter[1, 2] else current.gsub!("| ", "\| ") # as the | will somehow break the terminal table [current, ""] end end puts title:, headings: ["Option", "Value"], rows: rows.delete_if { |c| c.to_s.empty? } ) end private ##################################################### # @!group The individual steps ##################################################### def clear_old_files return unless Gym.config[:use_legacy_build_api] if File.exist?(PackageCommandGenerator.ipa_path) File.delete(PackageCommandGenerator.ipa_path) end end def fix_package return unless Gym.config[:use_legacy_build_api] Gym::XcodebuildFixes.swift_library_fix Gym::XcodebuildFixes.watchkit_fix Gym::XcodebuildFixes.watchkit2_fix end # Builds the app and prepares the archive def build_app command = BuildCommandGenerator.generate print_command(command, "Generated Build Command") if $verbose FastlaneCore::CommandExecutor.execute(command: command, print_all: true, print_command: !Gym.config[:silent], error: proc do |output| ErrorHandler.handle_build_error(output) end) UI.success "Successfully stored the archive. You can find it in the Xcode Organizer." UI.verbose("Stored the archive in: " + BuildCommandGenerator.archive_path) end # Makes sure the archive is there and valid def verify_archive # from if (Dir[BuildCommandGenerator.archive_path + "/*"]).count == 0 ErrorHandler.handle_empty_archive end end def package_app command = PackageCommandGenerator.generate print_command(command, "Generated Package Command") if $verbose FastlaneCore::CommandExecutor.execute(command: command, print_all: false, print_command: !Gym.config[:silent], error: proc do |output| ErrorHandler.handle_package_error(output) end) end def compress_and_move_dsym return unless PackageCommandGenerator.dsym_path # Compress and move the dsym file containing_directory = File.expand_path("..", PackageCommandGenerator.dsym_path) available_dsyms = Dir.glob("#{containing_directory}/*.dSYM") UI.message "Compressing #{available_dsyms.count} dSYM(s)" unless Gym.config[:silent] output_path = File.expand_path(File.join(Gym.config[:output_directory], Gym.config[:output_name] + "")) command = "cd '#{containing_directory}' && zip -r '#{output_path}' *.dSYM" Helper.backticks(command, print: !Gym.config[:silent]) puts "" # new line UI.success "Successfully exported and compressed dSYM file" end # Moves over the binary and dsym file to the output directory # @return (String) The path to the resulting ipa file def move_ipa, File.expand_path(Gym.config[:output_directory]), force: true) ipa_path = File.expand_path(File.join(Gym.config[:output_directory], File.basename(PackageCommandGenerator.ipa_path))) UI.success "Successfully exported and signed the ipa file:" UI.message ipa_path ipa_path end # Move the .app from the archive into the output directory def move_mac_app app_path = Dir[File.join(BuildCommandGenerator.archive_path, "Products/Applications/*.app")].last UI.crash!("Couldn't find application in '#{BuildCommandGenerator.archive_path}'") unless app_path, File.expand_path(Gym.config[:output_directory]), force: true) app_path = File.join(Gym.config[:output_directory], File.basename(app_path)) UI.success "Successfully exported the .app file:" UI.message app_path app_path end private def find_archive_path if Gym.config[:use_legacy_build_api] BuildCommandGenerator.archive_path else Dir.glob(File.join(BuildCommandGenerator.build_path, "*.ipa")).last end end end end