class Tabs constructor: (@el) -> @$tabList = $(@el) @$tabs = @$tabList.find("li:not(.tabs-dropdown)") @tabs = @$tabs.toArray() @$tabList.append("
  • ") @$dropdown = @$tabList.find(".tabs-dropdown") @setWidths() @initEvents() initEvents: -> $(window).on "resize", @overflowTabs @overflowTabs() setWidths: -> @tabWidths = (tab) -> tab.offsetWidth @totalTabsWidth = @tabWidths.reduce (previousValue, currentValue) -> previousValue + currentValue overflowTabs: => containerWidth = @$tabList[0].offsetWidth @lastKnownWidth = containerWidth unless @lastKnownWidth widthDifference = @totalTabsWidth - containerWidth widthDifferenceWithDropdown = widthDifference + @dropdownWidth() dropdownActive = @$dropdown.find("li").length if containerWidth <= @lastKnownWidth # The window is being sized down or we've just loaded the page if (dropdownActive and widthDifferenceWithDropdown > 0) or (not dropdownActive and widthDifference > 0) @hideTabsToFit(widthDifferenceWithDropdown) if containerWidth > @lastKnownWidth # The window is getting larger @showTabsToFit(widthDifference) @lastKnownWidth = containerWidth dropdownWidth: -> # If the dropdown isn't initiated we need to provide # our best guess of the size it will take up @$dropdown[0].offsetWidth or 50 hideTabsToFit: (widthDifference) -> @$tabList.addClass("tabs-overflowed") tabs = @tabs.slice().reverse() for tab in tabs # Bail if things are now fitting return if widthDifference <= 0 # Skip items already in the dropdown or active continue if $(tab).hasClass("in-dropdown") or $(tab).hasClass("active") tabWidth = tab.offsetWidth @totalTabsWidth -= tabWidth widthDifference -= tabWidth $(tab).appendTo(@$dropdown.find("ul")).addClass("in-dropdown") showTabsToFit: (widthDifference) -> for tab, i in @tabs.slice() # Skip items that aren't already in the dropdown continue unless $(tab).hasClass("in-dropdown") # Get our tab's width from the array # We can't measure it here because it's hidden in the dropdown tabWidth = @tabWidths[i] # Bail if there's no room for this tab break if widthDifference + tabWidth > 0 @totalTabsWidth += tabWidth widthDifference += tabWidth $(tab).insertBefore(@$dropdown).removeClass("in-dropdown") # Reset styles if our dropdown is now empty if @$dropdown.find("li").length is 0 @$tabList.removeClass("tabs-overflowed") window.onload = -> new Tabs(el) for el in $(".tabs")