flowdock ======== Ruby Gem for using the Flowdock API. * http://www.flowdock.com/api Compatibility ------------- flowdock gem has been tested under Ruby 1.8.7. Requirements ------------ * HTTParty Install ------- * gem install flowdock Example ------- require 'flowdock' # create a new Flow object with target flow's api token and sender information flow = Flowdock::Flow.new(:api_token => "56188e2003e370c6efa9711988f7bf02", :source => "myapp", :from => {:name => "John Doe", :address => "john.doe@yourdomain.com"}) # send message to the flow flow.send_message(:subject => "Greetings from Flowdock API Gem!", :content => "

It works!

Now you can start developing your awesome application for Flowdock.

", :tags => ["cool", "stuff"], :link => "http://www.flowdock.com/") API methods ----------- * Flow methods send_message(params) - Send message to flow. See documentation for details: http://www.flowdock.com/help/api_documentation Copyright --------- Copyright (c) 2011 Flowdock Ltd. See MIT-LICENSE for further details.