module Alchemy module Upgrader::TwoPointFive private def convert_picture_storage desc "Convert the picture storage" converted_images = [] images = Dir.glob Rails.root.join 'uploads/pictures/**/*.*' if images.blank? log "No pictures found", :skip else images.each do |image| image_uid = image.gsub(/#{Rails.root.to_s}\/uploads\/pictures\//, '') image_id = image_uid.split('/').last.split('.').first picture = Alchemy::Picture.find_by_id(image_id) if picture && picture.image_file_uid.blank? picture.image_file_uid = image_uid picture.image_file_size = if! log "Converted #{image_uid}" end else log "Picture with id #{image_id} not found or already converted.", :skip end end end end def removed_standard_set_notice warn = <<-WARN We removed the standard set from Alchemy core! In order to get the standard set back, install the `alchemy-demo_kit` gem. WARN todo warn end def renamed_t_method warn = <<-WARN We renamed alchemy's `t` method override into `_t` to avoid conflicts with Rails own t method! If you use the `t` method to translate alchemy scoped keys, then you have to use the `_t` method from now on. WARN todo warn end def migrated_to_devise warn = <<-WARN We changed the authentication provider from Authlogic to Devise. If you are upgrading from an old Alchemy version < 2.5.0, then you have to make changes to your Devise configuration. 1. Run: $ rails g alchemy:devise And alter the encryptor to authlogic_sha512 and the stretches value from 10 to 20 # config/initializers/devise.rb config.stretches = Rails.env.test? ? 1 : 20 config.encryptor = :authlogic_sha512 2. Add the encryptable module to your Alchemy config.yml: # config/alchemy/config.yml devise_modules: - :database_authenticatable - :trackable - :validatable - :timeoutable - :recoverable - :encryptable WARN todo warn end end end