--- Test the env feature in S::Command (env_cmd.yml): !S::Suite contents: - Check the env propagation with S::Command: !S::Suite attributes: !S::Command command: <> -e "print ENV['FOO']" exit: 0 contents: - simple env: env: FOO: bar DISPLAY: foo.bar:0 output: bar - set symtbl[:bar] to 42: !S::Block test: @symtbl[:bar] = 42 weight: 0 - advanced test <>: env: { FOO: <> } output: 42 - set symtbl[:foo] to 44: !S::Block test: @symtbl[:foo] = 44 weight: 0 - double substitution test <>: env: { FOO: <>43<> } output: 424344 --- # FIXME these tests below was not ran since a long time the env feature no # more works on blocks. symbols: env: A: B C: <>/D attributes: !S::Block {} contents: - Verify A in env: test: "ENV['A'] == 'B'" - Verify the suffix of C in env: test: "ENV['C'] =~ /\/D$/" - Verify the prefix of C in env: test: "ENV['C'] == '<>/D'" - Append something to A: symbols: env: A: $A:E test: "ENV['A'] == 'B:E'"