# frozen_string_literal: true
# This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information:
# https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/version-3/CONTRIBUTING.md
require 'seahorse/client/plugins/content_length.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/credentials_configuration.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/logging.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/param_converter.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/param_validator.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/user_agent.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/helpful_socket_errors.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/retry_errors.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/global_configuration.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/regional_endpoint.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/endpoint_discovery.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/endpoint_pattern.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/response_paging.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/stub_responses.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/idempotency_token.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/jsonvalue_converter.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/client_metrics_plugin.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/client_metrics_send_plugin.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/transfer_encoding.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/http_checksum.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/defaults_mode.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/recursion_detection.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/signature_v4.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/protocols/json_rpc.rb'
module Aws::MTurk
# An API client for MTurk. To construct a client, you need to configure a `:region` and `:credentials`.
# client = Aws::MTurk::Client.new(
# region: region_name,
# credentials: credentials,
# # ...
# )
# For details on configuring region and credentials see
# the [developer guide](/sdk-for-ruby/v3/developer-guide/setup-config.html).
# See {#initialize} for a full list of supported configuration options.
class Client < Seahorse::Client::Base
include Aws::ClientStubs
@identifier = :mturk
# @overload initialize(options)
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [required, Aws::CredentialProvider] :credentials
# Your AWS credentials. This can be an instance of any one of the
# following classes:
# * `Aws::Credentials` - Used for configuring static, non-refreshing
# credentials.
# * `Aws::SharedCredentials` - Used for loading static credentials from a
# shared file, such as `~/.aws/config`.
# * `Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials` - Used when you need to assume a role.
# * `Aws::AssumeRoleWebIdentityCredentials` - Used when you need to
# assume a role after providing credentials via the web.
# * `Aws::SSOCredentials` - Used for loading credentials from AWS SSO using an
# access token generated from `aws login`.
# * `Aws::ProcessCredentials` - Used for loading credentials from a
# process that outputs to stdout.
# * `Aws::InstanceProfileCredentials` - Used for loading credentials
# from an EC2 IMDS on an EC2 instance.
# * `Aws::ECSCredentials` - Used for loading credentials from
# instances running in ECS.
# * `Aws::CognitoIdentityCredentials` - Used for loading credentials
# from the Cognito Identity service.
# When `:credentials` are not configured directly, the following
# locations will be searched for credentials:
# * `Aws.config[:credentials]`
# * The `:access_key_id`, `:secret_access_key`, and `:session_token` options.
# * `~/.aws/credentials`
# * `~/.aws/config`
# * EC2/ECS IMDS instance profile - When used by default, the timeouts
# are very aggressive. Construct and pass an instance of
# `Aws::InstanceProfileCredentails` or `Aws::ECSCredentials` to
# enable retries and extended timeouts. Instance profile credential
# fetching can be disabled by setting ENV['AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED']
# to true.
# @option options [required, String] :region
# The AWS region to connect to. The configured `:region` is
# used to determine the service `:endpoint`. When not passed,
# a default `:region` is searched for in the following locations:
# * `Aws.config[:region]`
# * `~/.aws/credentials`
# * `~/.aws/config`
# @option options [String] :access_key_id
# @option options [Boolean] :active_endpoint_cache (false)
# When set to `true`, a thread polling for endpoints will be running in
# the background every 60 secs (default). Defaults to `false`.
# @option options [Boolean] :adaptive_retry_wait_to_fill (true)
# Used only in `adaptive` retry mode. When true, the request will sleep
# until there is sufficent client side capacity to retry the request.
# When false, the request will raise a `RetryCapacityNotAvailableError` and will
# not retry instead of sleeping.
# @option options [Boolean] :client_side_monitoring (false)
# When `true`, client-side metrics will be collected for all API requests from
# this client.
# @option options [String] :client_side_monitoring_client_id ("")
# Allows you to provide an identifier for this client which will be attached to
# all generated client side metrics. Defaults to an empty string.
# @option options [String] :client_side_monitoring_host ("")
# Allows you to specify the DNS hostname or IPv4 or IPv6 address that the client
# side monitoring agent is running on, where client metrics will be published via UDP.
# @option options [Integer] :client_side_monitoring_port (31000)
# Required for publishing client metrics. The port that the client side monitoring
# agent is running on, where client metrics will be published via UDP.
# @option options [Aws::ClientSideMonitoring::Publisher] :client_side_monitoring_publisher (Aws::ClientSideMonitoring::Publisher)
# Allows you to provide a custom client-side monitoring publisher class. By default,
# will use the Client Side Monitoring Agent Publisher.
# @option options [Boolean] :convert_params (true)
# When `true`, an attempt is made to coerce request parameters into
# the required types.
# @option options [Boolean] :correct_clock_skew (true)
# Used only in `standard` and adaptive retry modes. Specifies whether to apply
# a clock skew correction and retry requests with skewed client clocks.
# @option options [String] :defaults_mode ("legacy")
# See {Aws::DefaultsModeConfiguration} for a list of the
# accepted modes and the configuration defaults that are included.
# @option options [Boolean] :disable_host_prefix_injection (false)
# Set to true to disable SDK automatically adding host prefix
# to default service endpoint when available.
# @option options [String] :endpoint
# The client endpoint is normally constructed from the `:region`
# option. You should only configure an `:endpoint` when connecting
# to test or custom endpoints. This should be a valid HTTP(S) URI.
# @option options [Integer] :endpoint_cache_max_entries (1000)
# Used for the maximum size limit of the LRU cache storing endpoints data
# for endpoint discovery enabled operations. Defaults to 1000.
# @option options [Integer] :endpoint_cache_max_threads (10)
# Used for the maximum threads in use for polling endpoints to be cached, defaults to 10.
# @option options [Integer] :endpoint_cache_poll_interval (60)
# When :endpoint_discovery and :active_endpoint_cache is enabled,
# Use this option to config the time interval in seconds for making
# requests fetching endpoints information. Defaults to 60 sec.
# @option options [Boolean] :endpoint_discovery (false)
# When set to `true`, endpoint discovery will be enabled for operations when available.
# @option options [Aws::Log::Formatter] :log_formatter (Aws::Log::Formatter.default)
# The log formatter.
# @option options [Symbol] :log_level (:info)
# The log level to send messages to the `:logger` at.
# @option options [Logger] :logger
# The Logger instance to send log messages to. If this option
# is not set, logging will be disabled.
# @option options [Integer] :max_attempts (3)
# An integer representing the maximum number attempts that will be made for
# a single request, including the initial attempt. For example,
# setting this value to 5 will result in a request being retried up to
# 4 times. Used in `standard` and `adaptive` retry modes.
# @option options [String] :profile ("default")
# Used when loading credentials from the shared credentials file
# at HOME/.aws/credentials. When not specified, 'default' is used.
# @option options [Proc] :retry_backoff
# A proc or lambda used for backoff. Defaults to 2**retries * retry_base_delay.
# This option is only used in the `legacy` retry mode.
# @option options [Float] :retry_base_delay (0.3)
# The base delay in seconds used by the default backoff function. This option
# is only used in the `legacy` retry mode.
# @option options [Symbol] :retry_jitter (:none)
# A delay randomiser function used by the default backoff function.
# Some predefined functions can be referenced by name - :none, :equal, :full,
# otherwise a Proc that takes and returns a number. This option is only used
# in the `legacy` retry mode.
# @see https://www.awsarchitectureblog.com/2015/03/backoff.html
# @option options [Integer] :retry_limit (3)
# The maximum number of times to retry failed requests. Only
# ~ 500 level server errors and certain ~ 400 level client errors
# are retried. Generally, these are throttling errors, data
# checksum errors, networking errors, timeout errors, auth errors,
# endpoint discovery, and errors from expired credentials.
# This option is only used in the `legacy` retry mode.
# @option options [Integer] :retry_max_delay (0)
# The maximum number of seconds to delay between retries (0 for no limit)
# used by the default backoff function. This option is only used in the
# `legacy` retry mode.
# @option options [String] :retry_mode ("legacy")
# Specifies which retry algorithm to use. Values are:
# * `legacy` - The pre-existing retry behavior. This is default value if
# no retry mode is provided.
# * `standard` - A standardized set of retry rules across the AWS SDKs.
# This includes support for retry quotas, which limit the number of
# unsuccessful retries a client can make.
# * `adaptive` - An experimental retry mode that includes all the
# functionality of `standard` mode along with automatic client side
# throttling. This is a provisional mode that may change behavior
# in the future.
# @option options [String] :secret_access_key
# @option options [String] :session_token
# @option options [Boolean] :simple_json (false)
# Disables request parameter conversion, validation, and formatting.
# Also disable response data type conversions. This option is useful
# when you want to ensure the highest level of performance by
# avoiding overhead of walking request parameters and response data
# structures.
# When `:simple_json` is enabled, the request parameters hash must
# be formatted exactly as the DynamoDB API expects.
# @option options [Boolean] :stub_responses (false)
# Causes the client to return stubbed responses. By default
# fake responses are generated and returned. You can specify
# the response data to return or errors to raise by calling
# {ClientStubs#stub_responses}. See {ClientStubs} for more information.
# ** Please note ** When response stubbing is enabled, no HTTP
# requests are made, and retries are disabled.
# @option options [Boolean] :use_dualstack_endpoint
# When set to `true`, dualstack enabled endpoints (with `.aws` TLD)
# will be used if available.
# @option options [Boolean] :use_fips_endpoint
# When set to `true`, fips compatible endpoints will be used if available.
# When a `fips` region is used, the region is normalized and this config
# is set to `true`.
# @option options [Boolean] :validate_params (true)
# When `true`, request parameters are validated before
# sending the request.
# @option options [URI::HTTP,String] :http_proxy A proxy to send
# requests through. Formatted like 'http://proxy.com:123'.
# @option options [Float] :http_open_timeout (15) The number of
# seconds to wait when opening a HTTP session before raising a
# `Timeout::Error`.
# @option options [Float] :http_read_timeout (60) The default
# number of seconds to wait for response data. This value can
# safely be set per-request on the session.
# @option options [Float] :http_idle_timeout (5) The number of
# seconds a connection is allowed to sit idle before it is
# considered stale. Stale connections are closed and removed
# from the pool before making a request.
# @option options [Float] :http_continue_timeout (1) The number of
# seconds to wait for a 100-continue response before sending the
# request body. This option has no effect unless the request has
# "Expect" header set to "100-continue". Defaults to `nil` which
# disables this behaviour. This value can safely be set per
# request on the session.
# @option options [Float] :ssl_timeout (nil) Sets the SSL timeout
# in seconds.
# @option options [Boolean] :http_wire_trace (false) When `true`,
# HTTP debug output will be sent to the `:logger`.
# @option options [Boolean] :ssl_verify_peer (true) When `true`,
# SSL peer certificates are verified when establishing a
# connection.
# @option options [String] :ssl_ca_bundle Full path to the SSL
# certificate authority bundle file that should be used when
# verifying peer certificates. If you do not pass
# `:ssl_ca_bundle` or `:ssl_ca_directory` the the system default
# will be used if available.
# @option options [String] :ssl_ca_directory Full path of the
# directory that contains the unbundled SSL certificate
# authority files for verifying peer certificates. If you do
# not pass `:ssl_ca_bundle` or `:ssl_ca_directory` the the
# system default will be used if available.
def initialize(*args)
# @!group API Operations
# The `AcceptQualificationRequest` operation approves a Worker's
# request for a Qualification.
# Only the owner of the Qualification type can grant a Qualification
# request for that type.
# A successful request for the `AcceptQualificationRequest` operation
# returns with no errors and an empty body.
# @option params [required, String] :qualification_request_id
# The ID of the Qualification request, as returned by the
# `GetQualificationRequests` operation.
# @option params [Integer] :integer_value
# The value of the Qualification. You can omit this value if you are
# using the presence or absence of the Qualification as the basis for a
# HIT requirement.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.accept_qualification_request({
# qualification_request_id: "String", # required
# integer_value: 1,
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/AcceptQualificationRequest AWS API Documentation
# @overload accept_qualification_request(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def accept_qualification_request(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:accept_qualification_request, params)
# The `ApproveAssignment` operation approves the results of a completed
# assignment.
# Approving an assignment initiates two payments from the Requester's
# Amazon.com account
# * The Worker who submitted the results is paid the reward specified in
# the HIT.
# * Amazon Mechanical Turk fees are debited.
# If the Requester's account does not have adequate funds for these
# payments, the call to ApproveAssignment returns an exception, and the
# approval is not processed. You can include an optional feedback
# message with the approval, which the Worker can see in the Status
# section of the web site.
# You can also call this operation for assignments that were previous
# rejected and approve them by explicitly overriding the previous
# rejection. This only works on rejected assignments that were submitted
# within the previous 30 days and only if the assignment's related HIT
# has not been deleted.
# @option params [required, String] :assignment_id
# The ID of the assignment. The assignment must correspond to a HIT
# created by the Requester.
# @option params [String] :requester_feedback
# A message for the Worker, which the Worker can see in the Status
# section of the web site.
# @option params [Boolean] :override_rejection
# A flag indicating that an assignment should be approved even if it was
# previously rejected. Defaults to `False`.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.approve_assignment({
# assignment_id: "EntityId", # required
# requester_feedback: "String",
# override_rejection: false,
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/ApproveAssignment AWS API Documentation
# @overload approve_assignment(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def approve_assignment(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:approve_assignment, params)
# The `AssociateQualificationWithWorker` operation gives a Worker a
# Qualification. `AssociateQualificationWithWorker` does not require
# that the Worker submit a Qualification request. It gives the
# Qualification directly to the Worker.
# You can only assign a Qualification of a Qualification type that you
# created (using the `CreateQualificationType` operation).
# Note: `AssociateQualificationWithWorker` does not affect any pending
# Qualification requests for the Qualification by the Worker. If you
# assign a Qualification to a Worker, then later grant a Qualification
# request made by the Worker, the granting of the request may modify the
# Qualification score. To resolve a pending Qualification request
# without affecting the Qualification the Worker already has, reject the
# request with the `RejectQualificationRequest` operation.
# @option params [required, String] :qualification_type_id
# The ID of the Qualification type to use for the assigned
# Qualification.
# @option params [required, String] :worker_id
# The ID of the Worker to whom the Qualification is being assigned.
# Worker IDs are included with submitted HIT assignments and
# Qualification requests.
# @option params [Integer] :integer_value
# The value of the Qualification to assign.
# @option params [Boolean] :send_notification
# Specifies whether to send a notification email message to the Worker
# saying that the qualification was assigned to the Worker. Note: this
# is true by default.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.associate_qualification_with_worker({
# qualification_type_id: "EntityId", # required
# worker_id: "CustomerId", # required
# integer_value: 1,
# send_notification: false,
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/AssociateQualificationWithWorker AWS API Documentation
# @overload associate_qualification_with_worker(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def associate_qualification_with_worker(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:associate_qualification_with_worker, params)
# The `CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHIT` operation increases the
# maximum number of assignments of an existing HIT.
# To extend the maximum number of assignments, specify the number of
# additional assignments.
# * HITs created with fewer than 10 assignments cannot be extended to
# have 10 or more assignments. Attempting to add assignments in a way
# that brings the total number of assignments for a HIT from fewer
# than 10 assignments to 10 or more assignments will result in an
# `AWS.MechanicalTurk.InvalidMaximumAssignmentsIncrease` exception.
# * HITs that were created before July 22, 2015 cannot be extended.
# Attempting to extend HITs that were created before July 22, 2015
# will result in an `AWS.MechanicalTurk.HITTooOldForExtension`
# exception.
# @option params [required, String] :hit_id
# The ID of the HIT to extend.
# @option params [required, Integer] :number_of_additional_assignments
# The number of additional assignments to request for this HIT.
# @option params [String] :unique_request_token
# A unique identifier for this request, which allows you to retry the
# call on error without extending the HIT multiple times. This is useful
# in cases such as network timeouts where it is unclear whether or not
# the call succeeded on the server. If the extend HIT already exists in
# the system from a previous call using the same `UniqueRequestToken`,
# subsequent calls will return an error with a message containing the
# request ID.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_additional_assignments_for_hit({
# hit_id: "EntityId", # required
# number_of_additional_assignments: 1, # required
# unique_request_token: "IdempotencyToken",
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHIT AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_additional_assignments_for_hit(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_additional_assignments_for_hit(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_additional_assignments_for_hit, params)
# The `CreateHIT` operation creates a new Human Intelligence Task (HIT).
# The new HIT is made available for Workers to find and accept on the
# Amazon Mechanical Turk website.
# This operation allows you to specify a new HIT by passing in values
# for the properties of the HIT, such as its title, reward amount and
# number of assignments. When you pass these values to `CreateHIT`, a
# new HIT is created for you, with a new `HITTypeID`. The HITTypeID can
# be used to create additional HITs in the future without needing to
# specify common parameters such as the title, description and reward
# amount each time.
# An alternative way to create HITs is to first generate a HITTypeID
# using the `CreateHITType` operation and then call the
# `CreateHITWithHITType` operation. This is the recommended best
# practice for Requesters who are creating large numbers of HITs.
# CreateHIT also supports several ways to provide question data: by
# providing a value for the `Question` parameter that fully specifies
# the contents of the HIT, or by providing a `HitLayoutId` and
# associated `HitLayoutParameters`.
# If a HIT is created with 10 or more maximum assignments, there is an
# additional fee. For more information, see [Amazon Mechanical Turk
# Pricing][1].
# [1]: https://requester.mturk.com/pricing
# @option params [Integer] :max_assignments
# The number of times the HIT can be accepted and completed before the
# HIT becomes unavailable.
# @option params [Integer] :auto_approval_delay_in_seconds
# The number of seconds after an assignment for the HIT has been
# submitted, after which the assignment is considered Approved
# automatically unless the Requester explicitly rejects it.
# @option params [required, Integer] :lifetime_in_seconds
# An amount of time, in seconds, after which the HIT is no longer
# available for users to accept. After the lifetime of the HIT elapses,
# the HIT no longer appears in HIT searches, even if not all of the
# assignments for the HIT have been accepted.
# @option params [required, Integer] :assignment_duration_in_seconds
# The amount of time, in seconds, that a Worker has to complete the HIT
# after accepting it. If a Worker does not complete the assignment
# within the specified duration, the assignment is considered abandoned.
# If the HIT is still active (that is, its lifetime has not elapsed),
# the assignment becomes available for other users to find and accept.
# @option params [required, String] :reward
# The amount of money the Requester will pay a Worker for successfully
# completing the HIT.
# @option params [required, String] :title
# The title of the HIT. A title should be short and descriptive about
# the kind of task the HIT contains. On the Amazon Mechanical Turk web
# site, the HIT title appears in search results, and everywhere the HIT
# is mentioned.
# @option params [String] :keywords
# One or more words or phrases that describe the HIT, separated by
# commas. These words are used in searches to find HITs.
# @option params [required, String] :description
# A general description of the HIT. A description includes detailed
# information about the kind of task the HIT contains. On the Amazon
# Mechanical Turk web site, the HIT description appears in the expanded
# view of search results, and in the HIT and assignment screens. A good
# description gives the user enough information to evaluate the HIT
# before accepting it.
# @option params [String] :question
# The data the person completing the HIT uses to produce the results.
# Constraints: Must be a QuestionForm data structure, an
# ExternalQuestion data structure, or an HTMLQuestion data structure.
# The XML question data must not be larger than 64 kilobytes (65,535
# bytes) in size, including whitespace.
# Either a Question parameter or a HITLayoutId parameter must be
# provided.
# @option params [String] :requester_annotation
# An arbitrary data field. The RequesterAnnotation parameter lets your
# application attach arbitrary data to the HIT for tracking purposes.
# For example, this parameter could be an identifier internal to the
# Requester's application that corresponds with the HIT.
# The RequesterAnnotation parameter for a HIT is only visible to the
# Requester who created the HIT. It is not shown to the Worker, or any
# other Requester.
# The RequesterAnnotation parameter may be different for each HIT you
# submit. It does not affect how your HITs are grouped.
# @option params [Array] :qualification_requirements
# Conditions that a Worker's Qualifications must meet in order to
# accept the HIT. A HIT can have between zero and ten Qualification
# requirements. All requirements must be met in order for a Worker to
# accept the HIT. Additionally, other actions can be restricted using
# the `ActionsGuarded` field on each `QualificationRequirement`
# structure.
# @option params [String] :unique_request_token
# A unique identifier for this request which allows you to retry the
# call on error without creating duplicate HITs. This is useful in cases
# such as network timeouts where it is unclear whether or not the call
# succeeded on the server. If the HIT already exists in the system from
# a previous call using the same UniqueRequestToken, subsequent calls
# will return a AWS.MechanicalTurk.HitAlreadyExists error with a message
# containing the HITId.
# Note: It is your responsibility to ensure uniqueness of the token. The
# unique token expires after 24 hours. Subsequent calls using the same
# UniqueRequestToken made after the 24 hour limit could create duplicate
# HITs.
# @option params [Types::ReviewPolicy] :assignment_review_policy
# The Assignment-level Review Policy applies to the assignments under
# the HIT. You can specify for Mechanical Turk to take various actions
# based on the policy.
# @option params [Types::ReviewPolicy] :hit_review_policy
# The HIT-level Review Policy applies to the HIT. You can specify for
# Mechanical Turk to take various actions based on the policy.
# @option params [String] :hit_layout_id
# The HITLayoutId allows you to use a pre-existing HIT design with
# placeholder values and create an additional HIT by providing those
# values as HITLayoutParameters.
# Constraints: Either a Question parameter or a HITLayoutId parameter
# must be provided.
# @option params [Array] :hit_layout_parameters
# If the HITLayoutId is provided, any placeholder values must be filled
# in with values using the HITLayoutParameter structure. For more
# information, see HITLayout.
# @return [Types::CreateHITResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreateHITResponse#hit #hit} => Types::HIT
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_hit({
# max_assignments: 1,
# auto_approval_delay_in_seconds: 1,
# lifetime_in_seconds: 1, # required
# assignment_duration_in_seconds: 1, # required
# reward: "CurrencyAmount", # required
# title: "String", # required
# keywords: "String",
# description: "String", # required
# question: "String",
# requester_annotation: "String",
# qualification_requirements: [
# {
# qualification_type_id: "String", # required
# comparator: "LessThan", # required, accepts LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, EqualTo, NotEqualTo, Exists, DoesNotExist, In, NotIn
# integer_values: [1],
# locale_values: [
# {
# country: "CountryParameters", # required
# subdivision: "CountryParameters",
# },
# ],
# required_to_preview: false,
# actions_guarded: "Accept", # accepts Accept, PreviewAndAccept, DiscoverPreviewAndAccept
# },
# ],
# unique_request_token: "IdempotencyToken",
# assignment_review_policy: {
# policy_name: "String", # required
# parameters: [
# {
# key: "String",
# values: ["String"],
# map_entries: [
# {
# key: "String",
# values: ["String"],
# },
# ],
# },
# ],
# },
# hit_review_policy: {
# policy_name: "String", # required
# parameters: [
# {
# key: "String",
# values: ["String"],
# map_entries: [
# {
# key: "String",
# values: ["String"],
# },
# ],
# },
# ],
# },
# hit_layout_id: "EntityId",
# hit_layout_parameters: [
# {
# name: "String", # required
# value: "String", # required
# },
# ],
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.hit.hit_id #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_type_id #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_group_id #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_layout_id #=> String
# resp.hit.creation_time #=> Time
# resp.hit.title #=> String
# resp.hit.description #=> String
# resp.hit.question #=> String
# resp.hit.keywords #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_status #=> String, one of "Assignable", "Unassignable", "Reviewable", "Reviewing", "Disposed"
# resp.hit.max_assignments #=> Integer
# resp.hit.reward #=> String
# resp.hit.auto_approval_delay_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.hit.expiration #=> Time
# resp.hit.assignment_duration_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.hit.requester_annotation #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements #=> Array
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].qualification_type_id #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].comparator #=> String, one of "LessThan", "LessThanOrEqualTo", "GreaterThan", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo", "EqualTo", "NotEqualTo", "Exists", "DoesNotExist", "In", "NotIn"
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].integer_values #=> Array
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].integer_values[0] #=> Integer
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].locale_values #=> Array
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].locale_values[0].country #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].locale_values[0].subdivision #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].required_to_preview #=> Boolean
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].actions_guarded #=> String, one of "Accept", "PreviewAndAccept", "DiscoverPreviewAndAccept"
# resp.hit.hit_review_status #=> String, one of "NotReviewed", "MarkedForReview", "ReviewedAppropriate", "ReviewedInappropriate"
# resp.hit.number_of_assignments_pending #=> Integer
# resp.hit.number_of_assignments_available #=> Integer
# resp.hit.number_of_assignments_completed #=> Integer
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/CreateHIT AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_hit(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_hit(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_hit, params)
# The `CreateHITType` operation creates a new HIT type. This operation
# allows you to define a standard set of HIT properties to use when
# creating HITs. If you register a HIT type with values that match an
# existing HIT type, the HIT type ID of the existing type will be
# returned.
# @option params [Integer] :auto_approval_delay_in_seconds
# The number of seconds after an assignment for the HIT has been
# submitted, after which the assignment is considered Approved
# automatically unless the Requester explicitly rejects it.
# @option params [required, Integer] :assignment_duration_in_seconds
# The amount of time, in seconds, that a Worker has to complete the HIT
# after accepting it. If a Worker does not complete the assignment
# within the specified duration, the assignment is considered abandoned.
# If the HIT is still active (that is, its lifetime has not elapsed),
# the assignment becomes available for other users to find and accept.
# @option params [required, String] :reward
# The amount of money the Requester will pay a Worker for successfully
# completing the HIT.
# @option params [required, String] :title
# The title of the HIT. A title should be short and descriptive about
# the kind of task the HIT contains. On the Amazon Mechanical Turk web
# site, the HIT title appears in search results, and everywhere the HIT
# is mentioned.
# @option params [String] :keywords
# One or more words or phrases that describe the HIT, separated by
# commas. These words are used in searches to find HITs.
# @option params [required, String] :description
# A general description of the HIT. A description includes detailed
# information about the kind of task the HIT contains. On the Amazon
# Mechanical Turk web site, the HIT description appears in the expanded
# view of search results, and in the HIT and assignment screens. A good
# description gives the user enough information to evaluate the HIT
# before accepting it.
# @option params [Array] :qualification_requirements
# Conditions that a Worker's Qualifications must meet in order to
# accept the HIT. A HIT can have between zero and ten Qualification
# requirements. All requirements must be met in order for a Worker to
# accept the HIT. Additionally, other actions can be restricted using
# the `ActionsGuarded` field on each `QualificationRequirement`
# structure.
# @return [Types::CreateHITTypeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreateHITTypeResponse#hit_type_id #hit_type_id} => String
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_hit_type({
# auto_approval_delay_in_seconds: 1,
# assignment_duration_in_seconds: 1, # required
# reward: "CurrencyAmount", # required
# title: "String", # required
# keywords: "String",
# description: "String", # required
# qualification_requirements: [
# {
# qualification_type_id: "String", # required
# comparator: "LessThan", # required, accepts LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, EqualTo, NotEqualTo, Exists, DoesNotExist, In, NotIn
# integer_values: [1],
# locale_values: [
# {
# country: "CountryParameters", # required
# subdivision: "CountryParameters",
# },
# ],
# required_to_preview: false,
# actions_guarded: "Accept", # accepts Accept, PreviewAndAccept, DiscoverPreviewAndAccept
# },
# ],
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.hit_type_id #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/CreateHITType AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_hit_type(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_hit_type(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_hit_type, params)
# The `CreateHITWithHITType` operation creates a new Human Intelligence
# Task (HIT) using an existing HITTypeID generated by the
# `CreateHITType` operation.
# This is an alternative way to create HITs from the `CreateHIT`
# operation. This is the recommended best practice for Requesters who
# are creating large numbers of HITs.
# CreateHITWithHITType also supports several ways to provide question
# data: by providing a value for the `Question` parameter that fully
# specifies the contents of the HIT, or by providing a `HitLayoutId` and
# associated `HitLayoutParameters`.
# If a HIT is created with 10 or more maximum assignments, there is an
# additional fee. For more information, see [Amazon Mechanical Turk
# Pricing][1].
# [1]: https://requester.mturk.com/pricing
# @option params [required, String] :hit_type_id
# The HIT type ID you want to create this HIT with.
# @option params [Integer] :max_assignments
# The number of times the HIT can be accepted and completed before the
# HIT becomes unavailable.
# @option params [required, Integer] :lifetime_in_seconds
# An amount of time, in seconds, after which the HIT is no longer
# available for users to accept. After the lifetime of the HIT elapses,
# the HIT no longer appears in HIT searches, even if not all of the
# assignments for the HIT have been accepted.
# @option params [String] :question
# The data the person completing the HIT uses to produce the results.
# Constraints: Must be a QuestionForm data structure, an
# ExternalQuestion data structure, or an HTMLQuestion data structure.
# The XML question data must not be larger than 64 kilobytes (65,535
# bytes) in size, including whitespace.
# Either a Question parameter or a HITLayoutId parameter must be
# provided.
# @option params [String] :requester_annotation
# An arbitrary data field. The RequesterAnnotation parameter lets your
# application attach arbitrary data to the HIT for tracking purposes.
# For example, this parameter could be an identifier internal to the
# Requester's application that corresponds with the HIT.
# The RequesterAnnotation parameter for a HIT is only visible to the
# Requester who created the HIT. It is not shown to the Worker, or any
# other Requester.
# The RequesterAnnotation parameter may be different for each HIT you
# submit. It does not affect how your HITs are grouped.
# @option params [String] :unique_request_token
# A unique identifier for this request which allows you to retry the
# call on error without creating duplicate HITs. This is useful in cases
# such as network timeouts where it is unclear whether or not the call
# succeeded on the server. If the HIT already exists in the system from
# a previous call using the same UniqueRequestToken, subsequent calls
# will return a AWS.MechanicalTurk.HitAlreadyExists error with a message
# containing the HITId.
# Note: It is your responsibility to ensure uniqueness of the token. The
# unique token expires after 24 hours. Subsequent calls using the same
# UniqueRequestToken made after the 24 hour limit could create duplicate
# HITs.
# @option params [Types::ReviewPolicy] :assignment_review_policy
# The Assignment-level Review Policy applies to the assignments under
# the HIT. You can specify for Mechanical Turk to take various actions
# based on the policy.
# @option params [Types::ReviewPolicy] :hit_review_policy
# The HIT-level Review Policy applies to the HIT. You can specify for
# Mechanical Turk to take various actions based on the policy.
# @option params [String] :hit_layout_id
# The HITLayoutId allows you to use a pre-existing HIT design with
# placeholder values and create an additional HIT by providing those
# values as HITLayoutParameters.
# Constraints: Either a Question parameter or a HITLayoutId parameter
# must be provided.
# @option params [Array] :hit_layout_parameters
# If the HITLayoutId is provided, any placeholder values must be filled
# in with values using the HITLayoutParameter structure. For more
# information, see HITLayout.
# @return [Types::CreateHITWithHITTypeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreateHITWithHITTypeResponse#hit #hit} => Types::HIT
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_hit_with_hit_type({
# hit_type_id: "EntityId", # required
# max_assignments: 1,
# lifetime_in_seconds: 1, # required
# question: "String",
# requester_annotation: "String",
# unique_request_token: "IdempotencyToken",
# assignment_review_policy: {
# policy_name: "String", # required
# parameters: [
# {
# key: "String",
# values: ["String"],
# map_entries: [
# {
# key: "String",
# values: ["String"],
# },
# ],
# },
# ],
# },
# hit_review_policy: {
# policy_name: "String", # required
# parameters: [
# {
# key: "String",
# values: ["String"],
# map_entries: [
# {
# key: "String",
# values: ["String"],
# },
# ],
# },
# ],
# },
# hit_layout_id: "EntityId",
# hit_layout_parameters: [
# {
# name: "String", # required
# value: "String", # required
# },
# ],
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.hit.hit_id #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_type_id #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_group_id #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_layout_id #=> String
# resp.hit.creation_time #=> Time
# resp.hit.title #=> String
# resp.hit.description #=> String
# resp.hit.question #=> String
# resp.hit.keywords #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_status #=> String, one of "Assignable", "Unassignable", "Reviewable", "Reviewing", "Disposed"
# resp.hit.max_assignments #=> Integer
# resp.hit.reward #=> String
# resp.hit.auto_approval_delay_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.hit.expiration #=> Time
# resp.hit.assignment_duration_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.hit.requester_annotation #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements #=> Array
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].qualification_type_id #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].comparator #=> String, one of "LessThan", "LessThanOrEqualTo", "GreaterThan", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo", "EqualTo", "NotEqualTo", "Exists", "DoesNotExist", "In", "NotIn"
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].integer_values #=> Array
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].integer_values[0] #=> Integer
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].locale_values #=> Array
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].locale_values[0].country #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].locale_values[0].subdivision #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].required_to_preview #=> Boolean
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].actions_guarded #=> String, one of "Accept", "PreviewAndAccept", "DiscoverPreviewAndAccept"
# resp.hit.hit_review_status #=> String, one of "NotReviewed", "MarkedForReview", "ReviewedAppropriate", "ReviewedInappropriate"
# resp.hit.number_of_assignments_pending #=> Integer
# resp.hit.number_of_assignments_available #=> Integer
# resp.hit.number_of_assignments_completed #=> Integer
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/CreateHITWithHITType AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_hit_with_hit_type(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_hit_with_hit_type(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_hit_with_hit_type, params)
# The `CreateQualificationType` operation creates a new Qualification
# type, which is represented by a `QualificationType` data structure.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The name you give to the Qualification type. The type name is used to
# represent the Qualification to Workers, and to find the type using a
# Qualification type search. It must be unique across all of your
# Qualification types.
# @option params [String] :keywords
# One or more words or phrases that describe the Qualification type,
# separated by commas. The keywords of a type make the type easier to
# find during a search.
# @option params [required, String] :description
# A long description for the Qualification type. On the Amazon
# Mechanical Turk website, the long description is displayed when a
# Worker examines a Qualification type.
# @option params [required, String] :qualification_type_status
# The initial status of the Qualification type.
# Constraints: Valid values are: Active \| Inactive
# @option params [Integer] :retry_delay_in_seconds
# The number of seconds that a Worker must wait after requesting a
# Qualification of the Qualification type before the worker can retry
# the Qualification request.
# Constraints: None. If not specified, retries are disabled and Workers
# can request a Qualification of this type only once, even if the Worker
# has not been granted the Qualification. It is not possible to disable
# retries for a Qualification type after it has been created with
# retries enabled. If you want to disable retries, you must delete
# existing retry-enabled Qualification type and then create a new
# Qualification type with retries disabled.
# @option params [String] :test
# The questions for the Qualification test a Worker must answer
# correctly to obtain a Qualification of this type. If this parameter is
# specified, `TestDurationInSeconds` must also be specified.
# Constraints: Must not be longer than 65535 bytes. Must be a
# QuestionForm data structure. This parameter cannot be specified if
# AutoGranted is true.
# Constraints: None. If not specified, the Worker may request the
# Qualification without answering any questions.
# @option params [String] :answer_key
# The answers to the Qualification test specified in the Test parameter,
# in the form of an AnswerKey data structure.
# Constraints: Must not be longer than 65535 bytes.
# Constraints: None. If not specified, you must process Qualification
# requests manually.
# @option params [Integer] :test_duration_in_seconds
# The number of seconds the Worker has to complete the Qualification
# test, starting from the time the Worker requests the Qualification.
# @option params [Boolean] :auto_granted
# Specifies whether requests for the Qualification type are granted
# immediately, without prompting the Worker with a Qualification test.
# Constraints: If the Test parameter is specified, this parameter cannot
# be true.
# @option params [Integer] :auto_granted_value
# The Qualification value to use for automatically granted
# Qualifications. This parameter is used only if the AutoGranted
# parameter is true.
# @return [Types::CreateQualificationTypeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreateQualificationTypeResponse#qualification_type #qualification_type} => Types::QualificationType
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_qualification_type({
# name: "String", # required
# keywords: "String",
# description: "String", # required
# qualification_type_status: "Active", # required, accepts Active, Inactive
# retry_delay_in_seconds: 1,
# test: "String",
# answer_key: "String",
# test_duration_in_seconds: 1,
# auto_granted: false,
# auto_granted_value: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.qualification_type.qualification_type_id #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.creation_time #=> Time
# resp.qualification_type.name #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.description #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.keywords #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.qualification_type_status #=> String, one of "Active", "Inactive"
# resp.qualification_type.test #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.test_duration_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.qualification_type.answer_key #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.retry_delay_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.qualification_type.is_requestable #=> Boolean
# resp.qualification_type.auto_granted #=> Boolean
# resp.qualification_type.auto_granted_value #=> Integer
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/CreateQualificationType AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_qualification_type(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_qualification_type(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_qualification_type, params)
# The `CreateWorkerBlock` operation allows you to prevent a Worker from
# working on your HITs. For example, you can block a Worker who is
# producing poor quality work. You can block up to 100,000 Workers.
# @option params [required, String] :worker_id
# The ID of the Worker to block.
# @option params [required, String] :reason
# A message explaining the reason for blocking the Worker. This
# parameter enables you to keep track of your Workers. The Worker does
# not see this message.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_worker_block({
# worker_id: "CustomerId", # required
# reason: "String", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/CreateWorkerBlock AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_worker_block(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_worker_block(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_worker_block, params)
# The `DeleteHIT` operation is used to delete HIT that is no longer
# needed. Only the Requester who created the HIT can delete it.
# You can only dispose of HITs that are in the `Reviewable` state, with
# all of their submitted assignments already either approved or
# rejected. If you call the DeleteHIT operation on a HIT that is not in
# the `Reviewable` state (for example, that has not expired, or still
# has active assignments), or on a HIT that is Reviewable but without
# all of its submitted assignments already approved or rejected, the
# service will return an error.
# * HITs are automatically disposed of after 120 days.
# * After you dispose of a HIT, you can no longer approve the HIT's
# rejected assignments.
# * Disposed HITs are not returned in results for the ListHITs
# operation.
# * Disposing HITs can improve the performance of operations such as
# ListReviewableHITs and ListHITs.
# @option params [required, String] :hit_id
# The ID of the HIT to be deleted.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_hit({
# hit_id: "EntityId", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/DeleteHIT AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_hit(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_hit(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_hit, params)
# The `DeleteQualificationType` deletes a Qualification type and deletes
# any HIT types that are associated with the Qualification type.
# This operation does not revoke Qualifications already assigned to
# Workers because the Qualifications might be needed for active HITs. If
# there are any pending requests for the Qualification type, Amazon
# Mechanical Turk rejects those requests. After you delete a
# Qualification type, you can no longer use it to create HITs or HIT
# types.
# DeleteQualificationType must wait for all the HITs that use the
# deleted Qualification type to be deleted before completing. It may
# take up to 48 hours before DeleteQualificationType completes and the
# unique name of the Qualification type is available for reuse with
# CreateQualificationType.
# @option params [required, String] :qualification_type_id
# The ID of the QualificationType to dispose.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_qualification_type({
# qualification_type_id: "EntityId", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/DeleteQualificationType AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_qualification_type(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_qualification_type(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_qualification_type, params)
# The `DeleteWorkerBlock` operation allows you to reinstate a blocked
# Worker to work on your HITs. This operation reverses the effects of
# the CreateWorkerBlock operation. You need the Worker ID to use this
# operation. If the Worker ID is missing or invalid, this operation
# fails and returns the message “WorkerId is invalid.” If the specified
# Worker is not blocked, this operation returns successfully.
# @option params [required, String] :worker_id
# The ID of the Worker to unblock.
# @option params [String] :reason
# A message that explains the reason for unblocking the Worker. The
# Worker does not see this message.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_worker_block({
# worker_id: "CustomerId", # required
# reason: "String",
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/DeleteWorkerBlock AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_worker_block(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_worker_block(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_worker_block, params)
# The `DisassociateQualificationFromWorker` revokes a previously granted
# Qualification from a user.
# You can provide a text message explaining why the Qualification was
# revoked. The user who had the Qualification can see this message.
# @option params [required, String] :worker_id
# The ID of the Worker who possesses the Qualification to be revoked.
# @option params [required, String] :qualification_type_id
# The ID of the Qualification type of the Qualification to be revoked.
# @option params [String] :reason
# A text message that explains why the Qualification was revoked. The
# user who had the Qualification sees this message.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.disassociate_qualification_from_worker({
# worker_id: "CustomerId", # required
# qualification_type_id: "EntityId", # required
# reason: "String",
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/DisassociateQualificationFromWorker AWS API Documentation
# @overload disassociate_qualification_from_worker(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def disassociate_qualification_from_worker(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:disassociate_qualification_from_worker, params)
# The `GetAccountBalance` operation retrieves the Prepaid HITs balance
# in your Amazon Mechanical Turk account if you are a Prepaid Requester.
# Alternatively, this operation will retrieve the remaining available
# AWS Billing usage if you have enabled AWS Billing. Note: If you have
# enabled AWS Billing and still have a remaining Prepaid HITs balance,
# this balance can be viewed on the My Account page in the Requester
# console.
# @return [Types::GetAccountBalanceResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetAccountBalanceResponse#available_balance #available_balance} => String
# * {Types::GetAccountBalanceResponse#on_hold_balance #on_hold_balance} => String
# @example Response structure
# resp.available_balance #=> String
# resp.on_hold_balance #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/GetAccountBalance AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_account_balance(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_account_balance(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_account_balance, params)
# The `GetAssignment` operation retrieves the details of the specified
# Assignment.
# @option params [required, String] :assignment_id
# The ID of the Assignment to be retrieved.
# @return [Types::GetAssignmentResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetAssignmentResponse#assignment #assignment} => Types::Assignment
# * {Types::GetAssignmentResponse#hit #hit} => Types::HIT
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_assignment({
# assignment_id: "EntityId", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.assignment.assignment_id #=> String
# resp.assignment.worker_id #=> String
# resp.assignment.hit_id #=> String
# resp.assignment.assignment_status #=> String, one of "Submitted", "Approved", "Rejected"
# resp.assignment.auto_approval_time #=> Time
# resp.assignment.accept_time #=> Time
# resp.assignment.submit_time #=> Time
# resp.assignment.approval_time #=> Time
# resp.assignment.rejection_time #=> Time
# resp.assignment.deadline #=> Time
# resp.assignment.answer #=> String
# resp.assignment.requester_feedback #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_id #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_type_id #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_group_id #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_layout_id #=> String
# resp.hit.creation_time #=> Time
# resp.hit.title #=> String
# resp.hit.description #=> String
# resp.hit.question #=> String
# resp.hit.keywords #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_status #=> String, one of "Assignable", "Unassignable", "Reviewable", "Reviewing", "Disposed"
# resp.hit.max_assignments #=> Integer
# resp.hit.reward #=> String
# resp.hit.auto_approval_delay_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.hit.expiration #=> Time
# resp.hit.assignment_duration_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.hit.requester_annotation #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements #=> Array
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].qualification_type_id #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].comparator #=> String, one of "LessThan", "LessThanOrEqualTo", "GreaterThan", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo", "EqualTo", "NotEqualTo", "Exists", "DoesNotExist", "In", "NotIn"
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].integer_values #=> Array
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].integer_values[0] #=> Integer
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].locale_values #=> Array
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].locale_values[0].country #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].locale_values[0].subdivision #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].required_to_preview #=> Boolean
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].actions_guarded #=> String, one of "Accept", "PreviewAndAccept", "DiscoverPreviewAndAccept"
# resp.hit.hit_review_status #=> String, one of "NotReviewed", "MarkedForReview", "ReviewedAppropriate", "ReviewedInappropriate"
# resp.hit.number_of_assignments_pending #=> Integer
# resp.hit.number_of_assignments_available #=> Integer
# resp.hit.number_of_assignments_completed #=> Integer
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/GetAssignment AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_assignment(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_assignment(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_assignment, params)
# The `GetFileUploadURL` operation generates and returns a temporary
# URL. You use the temporary URL to retrieve a file uploaded by a Worker
# as an answer to a FileUploadAnswer question for a HIT. The temporary
# URL is generated the instant the GetFileUploadURL operation is called,
# and is valid for 60 seconds. You can get a temporary file upload URL
# any time until the HIT is disposed. After the HIT is disposed, any
# uploaded files are deleted, and cannot be retrieved. Pending
# Deprecation on December 12, 2017. The Answer Specification structure
# will no longer support the `FileUploadAnswer` element to be used for
# the QuestionForm data structure. Instead, we recommend that Requesters
# who want to create HITs asking Workers to upload files to use Amazon
# S3.
# @option params [required, String] :assignment_id
# The ID of the assignment that contains the question with a
# FileUploadAnswer.
# @option params [required, String] :question_identifier
# The identifier of the question with a FileUploadAnswer, as specified
# in the QuestionForm of the HIT.
# @return [Types::GetFileUploadURLResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetFileUploadURLResponse#file_upload_url #file_upload_url} => String
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_file_upload_url({
# assignment_id: "EntityId", # required
# question_identifier: "String", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.file_upload_url #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/GetFileUploadURL AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_file_upload_url(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_file_upload_url(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_file_upload_url, params)
# The `GetHIT` operation retrieves the details of the specified HIT.
# @option params [required, String] :hit_id
# The ID of the HIT to be retrieved.
# @return [Types::GetHITResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetHITResponse#hit #hit} => Types::HIT
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_hit({
# hit_id: "EntityId", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.hit.hit_id #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_type_id #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_group_id #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_layout_id #=> String
# resp.hit.creation_time #=> Time
# resp.hit.title #=> String
# resp.hit.description #=> String
# resp.hit.question #=> String
# resp.hit.keywords #=> String
# resp.hit.hit_status #=> String, one of "Assignable", "Unassignable", "Reviewable", "Reviewing", "Disposed"
# resp.hit.max_assignments #=> Integer
# resp.hit.reward #=> String
# resp.hit.auto_approval_delay_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.hit.expiration #=> Time
# resp.hit.assignment_duration_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.hit.requester_annotation #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements #=> Array
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].qualification_type_id #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].comparator #=> String, one of "LessThan", "LessThanOrEqualTo", "GreaterThan", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo", "EqualTo", "NotEqualTo", "Exists", "DoesNotExist", "In", "NotIn"
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].integer_values #=> Array
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].integer_values[0] #=> Integer
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].locale_values #=> Array
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].locale_values[0].country #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].locale_values[0].subdivision #=> String
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].required_to_preview #=> Boolean
# resp.hit.qualification_requirements[0].actions_guarded #=> String, one of "Accept", "PreviewAndAccept", "DiscoverPreviewAndAccept"
# resp.hit.hit_review_status #=> String, one of "NotReviewed", "MarkedForReview", "ReviewedAppropriate", "ReviewedInappropriate"
# resp.hit.number_of_assignments_pending #=> Integer
# resp.hit.number_of_assignments_available #=> Integer
# resp.hit.number_of_assignments_completed #=> Integer
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/GetHIT AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_hit(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_hit(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_hit, params)
# The `GetQualificationScore` operation returns the value of a Worker's
# Qualification for a given Qualification type.
# To get a Worker's Qualification, you must know the Worker's ID. The
# Worker's ID is included in the assignment data returned by the
# `ListAssignmentsForHIT` operation.
# Only the owner of a Qualification type can query the value of a
# Worker's Qualification of that type.
# @option params [required, String] :qualification_type_id
# The ID of the QualificationType.
# @option params [required, String] :worker_id
# The ID of the Worker whose Qualification is being updated.
# @return [Types::GetQualificationScoreResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetQualificationScoreResponse#qualification #qualification} => Types::Qualification
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_qualification_score({
# qualification_type_id: "EntityId", # required
# worker_id: "CustomerId", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.qualification.qualification_type_id #=> String
# resp.qualification.worker_id #=> String
# resp.qualification.grant_time #=> Time
# resp.qualification.integer_value #=> Integer
# resp.qualification.locale_value.country #=> String
# resp.qualification.locale_value.subdivision #=> String
# resp.qualification.status #=> String, one of "Granted", "Revoked"
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/GetQualificationScore AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_qualification_score(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_qualification_score(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_qualification_score, params)
# The `GetQualificationType`operation retrieves information about a
# Qualification type using its ID.
# @option params [required, String] :qualification_type_id
# The ID of the QualificationType.
# @return [Types::GetQualificationTypeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::GetQualificationTypeResponse#qualification_type #qualification_type} => Types::QualificationType
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.get_qualification_type({
# qualification_type_id: "EntityId", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.qualification_type.qualification_type_id #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.creation_time #=> Time
# resp.qualification_type.name #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.description #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.keywords #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.qualification_type_status #=> String, one of "Active", "Inactive"
# resp.qualification_type.test #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.test_duration_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.qualification_type.answer_key #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.retry_delay_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.qualification_type.is_requestable #=> Boolean
# resp.qualification_type.auto_granted #=> Boolean
# resp.qualification_type.auto_granted_value #=> Integer
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/GetQualificationType AWS API Documentation
# @overload get_qualification_type(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def get_qualification_type(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:get_qualification_type, params)
# The `ListAssignmentsForHIT` operation retrieves completed assignments
# for a HIT. You can use this operation to retrieve the results for a
# HIT.
# You can get assignments for a HIT at any time, even if the HIT is not
# yet Reviewable. If a HIT requested multiple assignments, and has
# received some results but has not yet become Reviewable, you can still
# retrieve the partial results with this operation.
# Use the AssignmentStatus parameter to control which set of assignments
# for a HIT are returned. The ListAssignmentsForHIT operation can return
# submitted assignments awaiting approval, or it can return assignments
# that have already been approved or rejected. You can set
# AssignmentStatus=Approved,Rejected to get assignments that have
# already been approved and rejected together in one result set.
# Only the Requester who created the HIT can retrieve the assignments
# for that HIT.
# Results are sorted and divided into numbered pages and the operation
# returns a single page of results. You can use the parameters of the
# operation to control sorting and pagination.
# @option params [required, String] :hit_id
# The ID of the HIT.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Pagination token
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# @option params [Array] :assignment_statuses
# The status of the assignments to return: Submitted \| Approved \|
# Rejected
# @return [Types::ListAssignmentsForHITResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListAssignmentsForHITResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# * {Types::ListAssignmentsForHITResponse#num_results #num_results} => Integer
# * {Types::ListAssignmentsForHITResponse#assignments #assignments} => Array<Types::Assignment>
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_assignments_for_hit({
# hit_id: "EntityId", # required
# next_token: "PaginationToken",
# max_results: 1,
# assignment_statuses: ["Submitted"], # accepts Submitted, Approved, Rejected
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.next_token #=> String
# resp.num_results #=> Integer
# resp.assignments #=> Array
# resp.assignments[0].assignment_id #=> String
# resp.assignments[0].worker_id #=> String
# resp.assignments[0].hit_id #=> String
# resp.assignments[0].assignment_status #=> String, one of "Submitted", "Approved", "Rejected"
# resp.assignments[0].auto_approval_time #=> Time
# resp.assignments[0].accept_time #=> Time
# resp.assignments[0].submit_time #=> Time
# resp.assignments[0].approval_time #=> Time
# resp.assignments[0].rejection_time #=> Time
# resp.assignments[0].deadline #=> Time
# resp.assignments[0].answer #=> String
# resp.assignments[0].requester_feedback #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/ListAssignmentsForHIT AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_assignments_for_hit(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_assignments_for_hit(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_assignments_for_hit, params)
# The `ListBonusPayments` operation retrieves the amounts of bonuses you
# have paid to Workers for a given HIT or assignment.
# @option params [String] :hit_id
# The ID of the HIT associated with the bonus payments to retrieve. If
# not specified, all bonus payments for all assignments for the given
# HIT are returned. Either the HITId parameter or the AssignmentId
# parameter must be specified
# @option params [String] :assignment_id
# The ID of the assignment associated with the bonus payments to
# retrieve. If specified, only bonus payments for the given assignment
# are returned. Either the HITId parameter or the AssignmentId parameter
# must be specified
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Pagination token
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# @return [Types::ListBonusPaymentsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListBonusPaymentsResponse#num_results #num_results} => Integer
# * {Types::ListBonusPaymentsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# * {Types::ListBonusPaymentsResponse#bonus_payments #bonus_payments} => Array<Types::BonusPayment>
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_bonus_payments({
# hit_id: "EntityId",
# assignment_id: "EntityId",
# next_token: "PaginationToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.num_results #=> Integer
# resp.next_token #=> String
# resp.bonus_payments #=> Array
# resp.bonus_payments[0].worker_id #=> String
# resp.bonus_payments[0].bonus_amount #=> String
# resp.bonus_payments[0].assignment_id #=> String
# resp.bonus_payments[0].reason #=> String
# resp.bonus_payments[0].grant_time #=> Time
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/ListBonusPayments AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_bonus_payments(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_bonus_payments(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_bonus_payments, params)
# The `ListHITs` operation returns all of a Requester's HITs. The
# operation returns HITs of any status, except for HITs that have been
# deleted of with the DeleteHIT operation or that have been
# auto-deleted.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Pagination token
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# @return [Types::ListHITsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListHITsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# * {Types::ListHITsResponse#num_results #num_results} => Integer
# * {Types::ListHITsResponse#hits #hits} => Array<Types::HIT>
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_hits({
# next_token: "PaginationToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.next_token #=> String
# resp.num_results #=> Integer
# resp.hits #=> Array
# resp.hits[0].hit_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].hit_type_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].hit_group_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].hit_layout_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].creation_time #=> Time
# resp.hits[0].title #=> String
# resp.hits[0].description #=> String
# resp.hits[0].question #=> String
# resp.hits[0].keywords #=> String
# resp.hits[0].hit_status #=> String, one of "Assignable", "Unassignable", "Reviewable", "Reviewing", "Disposed"
# resp.hits[0].max_assignments #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].reward #=> String
# resp.hits[0].auto_approval_delay_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].expiration #=> Time
# resp.hits[0].assignment_duration_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].requester_annotation #=> String
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements #=> Array
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].qualification_type_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].comparator #=> String, one of "LessThan", "LessThanOrEqualTo", "GreaterThan", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo", "EqualTo", "NotEqualTo", "Exists", "DoesNotExist", "In", "NotIn"
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].integer_values #=> Array
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].integer_values[0] #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].locale_values #=> Array
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].locale_values[0].country #=> String
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].locale_values[0].subdivision #=> String
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].required_to_preview #=> Boolean
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].actions_guarded #=> String, one of "Accept", "PreviewAndAccept", "DiscoverPreviewAndAccept"
# resp.hits[0].hit_review_status #=> String, one of "NotReviewed", "MarkedForReview", "ReviewedAppropriate", "ReviewedInappropriate"
# resp.hits[0].number_of_assignments_pending #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].number_of_assignments_available #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].number_of_assignments_completed #=> Integer
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/ListHITs AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_hits(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_hits(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_hits, params)
# The `ListHITsForQualificationType` operation returns the HITs that use
# the given Qualification type for a Qualification requirement. The
# operation returns HITs of any status, except for HITs that have been
# deleted with the `DeleteHIT` operation or that have been auto-deleted.
# @option params [required, String] :qualification_type_id
# The ID of the Qualification type to use when querying HITs.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Pagination Token
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# Limit the number of results returned.
# @return [Types::ListHITsForQualificationTypeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListHITsForQualificationTypeResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# * {Types::ListHITsForQualificationTypeResponse#num_results #num_results} => Integer
# * {Types::ListHITsForQualificationTypeResponse#hits #hits} => Array<Types::HIT>
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_hits_for_qualification_type({
# qualification_type_id: "EntityId", # required
# next_token: "PaginationToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.next_token #=> String
# resp.num_results #=> Integer
# resp.hits #=> Array
# resp.hits[0].hit_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].hit_type_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].hit_group_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].hit_layout_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].creation_time #=> Time
# resp.hits[0].title #=> String
# resp.hits[0].description #=> String
# resp.hits[0].question #=> String
# resp.hits[0].keywords #=> String
# resp.hits[0].hit_status #=> String, one of "Assignable", "Unassignable", "Reviewable", "Reviewing", "Disposed"
# resp.hits[0].max_assignments #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].reward #=> String
# resp.hits[0].auto_approval_delay_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].expiration #=> Time
# resp.hits[0].assignment_duration_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].requester_annotation #=> String
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements #=> Array
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].qualification_type_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].comparator #=> String, one of "LessThan", "LessThanOrEqualTo", "GreaterThan", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo", "EqualTo", "NotEqualTo", "Exists", "DoesNotExist", "In", "NotIn"
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].integer_values #=> Array
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].integer_values[0] #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].locale_values #=> Array
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].locale_values[0].country #=> String
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].locale_values[0].subdivision #=> String
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].required_to_preview #=> Boolean
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].actions_guarded #=> String, one of "Accept", "PreviewAndAccept", "DiscoverPreviewAndAccept"
# resp.hits[0].hit_review_status #=> String, one of "NotReviewed", "MarkedForReview", "ReviewedAppropriate", "ReviewedInappropriate"
# resp.hits[0].number_of_assignments_pending #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].number_of_assignments_available #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].number_of_assignments_completed #=> Integer
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/ListHITsForQualificationType AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_hits_for_qualification_type(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_hits_for_qualification_type(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_hits_for_qualification_type, params)
# The `ListQualificationRequests` operation retrieves requests for
# Qualifications of a particular Qualification type. The owner of the
# Qualification type calls this operation to poll for pending requests,
# and accepts them using the AcceptQualification operation.
# @option params [String] :qualification_type_id
# The ID of the QualificationType.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# If the previous response was incomplete (because there is more data to
# retrieve), Amazon Mechanical Turk returns a pagination token in the
# response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set
# of results.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# The maximum number of results to return in a single call.
# @return [Types::ListQualificationRequestsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListQualificationRequestsResponse#num_results #num_results} => Integer
# * {Types::ListQualificationRequestsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# * {Types::ListQualificationRequestsResponse#qualification_requests #qualification_requests} => Array<Types::QualificationRequest>
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_qualification_requests({
# qualification_type_id: "EntityId",
# next_token: "PaginationToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.num_results #=> Integer
# resp.next_token #=> String
# resp.qualification_requests #=> Array
# resp.qualification_requests[0].qualification_request_id #=> String
# resp.qualification_requests[0].qualification_type_id #=> String
# resp.qualification_requests[0].worker_id #=> String
# resp.qualification_requests[0].test #=> String
# resp.qualification_requests[0].answer #=> String
# resp.qualification_requests[0].submit_time #=> Time
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/ListQualificationRequests AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_qualification_requests(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_qualification_requests(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_qualification_requests, params)
# The `ListQualificationTypes` operation returns a list of Qualification
# types, filtered by an optional search term.
# @option params [String] :query
# A text query against all of the searchable attributes of Qualification
# types.
# @option params [required, Boolean] :must_be_requestable
# Specifies that only Qualification types that a user can request
# through the Amazon Mechanical Turk web site, such as by taking a
# Qualification test, are returned as results of the search. Some
# Qualification types, such as those assigned automatically by the
# system, cannot be requested directly by users. If false, all
# Qualification types, including those managed by the system, are
# considered. Valid values are True \| False.
# @option params [Boolean] :must_be_owned_by_caller
# Specifies that only Qualification types that the Requester created are
# returned. If false, the operation returns all Qualification types.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# If the previous response was incomplete (because there is more data to
# retrieve), Amazon Mechanical Turk returns a pagination token in the
# response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set
# of results.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# The maximum number of results to return in a single call.
# @return [Types::ListQualificationTypesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListQualificationTypesResponse#num_results #num_results} => Integer
# * {Types::ListQualificationTypesResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# * {Types::ListQualificationTypesResponse#qualification_types #qualification_types} => Array<Types::QualificationType>
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_qualification_types({
# query: "String",
# must_be_requestable: false, # required
# must_be_owned_by_caller: false,
# next_token: "PaginationToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.num_results #=> Integer
# resp.next_token #=> String
# resp.qualification_types #=> Array
# resp.qualification_types[0].qualification_type_id #=> String
# resp.qualification_types[0].creation_time #=> Time
# resp.qualification_types[0].name #=> String
# resp.qualification_types[0].description #=> String
# resp.qualification_types[0].keywords #=> String
# resp.qualification_types[0].qualification_type_status #=> String, one of "Active", "Inactive"
# resp.qualification_types[0].test #=> String
# resp.qualification_types[0].test_duration_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.qualification_types[0].answer_key #=> String
# resp.qualification_types[0].retry_delay_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.qualification_types[0].is_requestable #=> Boolean
# resp.qualification_types[0].auto_granted #=> Boolean
# resp.qualification_types[0].auto_granted_value #=> Integer
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/ListQualificationTypes AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_qualification_types(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_qualification_types(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_qualification_types, params)
# The `ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT` operation retrieves the computed
# results and the actions taken in the course of executing your Review
# Policies for a given HIT. For information about how to specify Review
# Policies when you call CreateHIT, see Review Policies. The
# ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT operation can return results for both
# Assignment-level and HIT-level review results.
# @option params [required, String] :hit_id
# The unique identifier of the HIT to retrieve review results for.
# @option params [Array] :policy_levels
# The Policy Level(s) to retrieve review results for - HIT or
# Assignment. If omitted, the default behavior is to retrieve all data
# for both policy levels. For a list of all the described policies, see
# Review Policies.
# @option params [Boolean] :retrieve_actions
# Specify if the operation should retrieve a list of the actions taken
# executing the Review Policies and their outcomes.
# @option params [Boolean] :retrieve_results
# Specify if the operation should retrieve a list of the results
# computed by the Review Policies.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Pagination token
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# Limit the number of results returned.
# @return [Types::ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITResponse#hit_id #hit_id} => String
# * {Types::ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITResponse#assignment_review_policy #assignment_review_policy} => Types::ReviewPolicy
# * {Types::ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITResponse#hit_review_policy #hit_review_policy} => Types::ReviewPolicy
# * {Types::ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITResponse#assignment_review_report #assignment_review_report} => Types::ReviewReport
# * {Types::ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITResponse#hit_review_report #hit_review_report} => Types::ReviewReport
# * {Types::ListReviewPolicyResultsForHITResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_review_policy_results_for_hit({
# hit_id: "EntityId", # required
# policy_levels: ["Assignment"], # accepts Assignment, HIT
# retrieve_actions: false,
# retrieve_results: false,
# next_token: "PaginationToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.hit_id #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_policy.policy_name #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_policy.parameters #=> Array
# resp.assignment_review_policy.parameters[0].key #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_policy.parameters[0].values #=> Array
# resp.assignment_review_policy.parameters[0].values[0] #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_policy.parameters[0].map_entries #=> Array
# resp.assignment_review_policy.parameters[0].map_entries[0].key #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_policy.parameters[0].map_entries[0].values #=> Array
# resp.assignment_review_policy.parameters[0].map_entries[0].values[0] #=> String
# resp.hit_review_policy.policy_name #=> String
# resp.hit_review_policy.parameters #=> Array
# resp.hit_review_policy.parameters[0].key #=> String
# resp.hit_review_policy.parameters[0].values #=> Array
# resp.hit_review_policy.parameters[0].values[0] #=> String
# resp.hit_review_policy.parameters[0].map_entries #=> Array
# resp.hit_review_policy.parameters[0].map_entries[0].key #=> String
# resp.hit_review_policy.parameters[0].map_entries[0].values #=> Array
# resp.hit_review_policy.parameters[0].map_entries[0].values[0] #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_results #=> Array
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_results[0].action_id #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_results[0].subject_id #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_results[0].subject_type #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_results[0].question_id #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_results[0].key #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_results[0].value #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_actions #=> Array
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_actions[0].action_id #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_actions[0].action_name #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_actions[0].target_id #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_actions[0].target_type #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_actions[0].status #=> String, one of "Intended", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Cancelled"
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_actions[0].complete_time #=> Time
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_actions[0].result #=> String
# resp.assignment_review_report.review_actions[0].error_code #=> String
# resp.hit_review_report.review_results #=> Array
# resp.hit_review_report.review_results[0].action_id #=> String
# resp.hit_review_report.review_results[0].subject_id #=> String
# resp.hit_review_report.review_results[0].subject_type #=> String
# resp.hit_review_report.review_results[0].question_id #=> String
# resp.hit_review_report.review_results[0].key #=> String
# resp.hit_review_report.review_results[0].value #=> String
# resp.hit_review_report.review_actions #=> Array
# resp.hit_review_report.review_actions[0].action_id #=> String
# resp.hit_review_report.review_actions[0].action_name #=> String
# resp.hit_review_report.review_actions[0].target_id #=> String
# resp.hit_review_report.review_actions[0].target_type #=> String
# resp.hit_review_report.review_actions[0].status #=> String, one of "Intended", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Cancelled"
# resp.hit_review_report.review_actions[0].complete_time #=> Time
# resp.hit_review_report.review_actions[0].result #=> String
# resp.hit_review_report.review_actions[0].error_code #=> String
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_review_policy_results_for_hit(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_review_policy_results_for_hit(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_review_policy_results_for_hit, params)
# The `ListReviewableHITs` operation retrieves the HITs with Status
# equal to Reviewable or Status equal to Reviewing that belong to the
# Requester calling the operation.
# @option params [String] :hit_type_id
# The ID of the HIT type of the HITs to consider for the query. If not
# specified, all HITs for the Reviewer are considered
# @option params [String] :status
# Can be either `Reviewable` or `Reviewing`. Reviewable is the default
# value.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Pagination Token
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# Limit the number of results returned.
# @return [Types::ListReviewableHITsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListReviewableHITsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# * {Types::ListReviewableHITsResponse#num_results #num_results} => Integer
# * {Types::ListReviewableHITsResponse#hits #hits} => Array<Types::HIT>
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_reviewable_hits({
# hit_type_id: "EntityId",
# status: "Reviewable", # accepts Reviewable, Reviewing
# next_token: "PaginationToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.next_token #=> String
# resp.num_results #=> Integer
# resp.hits #=> Array
# resp.hits[0].hit_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].hit_type_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].hit_group_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].hit_layout_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].creation_time #=> Time
# resp.hits[0].title #=> String
# resp.hits[0].description #=> String
# resp.hits[0].question #=> String
# resp.hits[0].keywords #=> String
# resp.hits[0].hit_status #=> String, one of "Assignable", "Unassignable", "Reviewable", "Reviewing", "Disposed"
# resp.hits[0].max_assignments #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].reward #=> String
# resp.hits[0].auto_approval_delay_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].expiration #=> Time
# resp.hits[0].assignment_duration_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].requester_annotation #=> String
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements #=> Array
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].qualification_type_id #=> String
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].comparator #=> String, one of "LessThan", "LessThanOrEqualTo", "GreaterThan", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo", "EqualTo", "NotEqualTo", "Exists", "DoesNotExist", "In", "NotIn"
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].integer_values #=> Array
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].integer_values[0] #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].locale_values #=> Array
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].locale_values[0].country #=> String
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].locale_values[0].subdivision #=> String
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].required_to_preview #=> Boolean
# resp.hits[0].qualification_requirements[0].actions_guarded #=> String, one of "Accept", "PreviewAndAccept", "DiscoverPreviewAndAccept"
# resp.hits[0].hit_review_status #=> String, one of "NotReviewed", "MarkedForReview", "ReviewedAppropriate", "ReviewedInappropriate"
# resp.hits[0].number_of_assignments_pending #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].number_of_assignments_available #=> Integer
# resp.hits[0].number_of_assignments_completed #=> Integer
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/ListReviewableHITs AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_reviewable_hits(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_reviewable_hits(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_reviewable_hits, params)
# The `ListWorkersBlocks` operation retrieves a list of Workers who are
# blocked from working on your HITs.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Pagination token
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# @return [Types::ListWorkerBlocksResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListWorkerBlocksResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# * {Types::ListWorkerBlocksResponse#num_results #num_results} => Integer
# * {Types::ListWorkerBlocksResponse#worker_blocks #worker_blocks} => Array<Types::WorkerBlock>
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_worker_blocks({
# next_token: "PaginationToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.next_token #=> String
# resp.num_results #=> Integer
# resp.worker_blocks #=> Array
# resp.worker_blocks[0].worker_id #=> String
# resp.worker_blocks[0].reason #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/ListWorkerBlocks AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_worker_blocks(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_worker_blocks(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_worker_blocks, params)
# The `ListWorkersWithQualificationType` operation returns all of the
# Workers that have been associated with a given Qualification type.
# @option params [required, String] :qualification_type_id
# The ID of the Qualification type of the Qualifications to return.
# @option params [String] :status
# The status of the Qualifications to return. Can be `Granted |
# Revoked`.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Pagination Token
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# Limit the number of results returned.
# @return [Types::ListWorkersWithQualificationTypeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListWorkersWithQualificationTypeResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# * {Types::ListWorkersWithQualificationTypeResponse#num_results #num_results} => Integer
# * {Types::ListWorkersWithQualificationTypeResponse#qualifications #qualifications} => Array<Types::Qualification>
# The returned {Seahorse::Client::Response response} is a pageable response and is Enumerable. For details on usage see {Aws::PageableResponse PageableResponse}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_workers_with_qualification_type({
# qualification_type_id: "EntityId", # required
# status: "Granted", # accepts Granted, Revoked
# next_token: "PaginationToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.next_token #=> String
# resp.num_results #=> Integer
# resp.qualifications #=> Array
# resp.qualifications[0].qualification_type_id #=> String
# resp.qualifications[0].worker_id #=> String
# resp.qualifications[0].grant_time #=> Time
# resp.qualifications[0].integer_value #=> Integer
# resp.qualifications[0].locale_value.country #=> String
# resp.qualifications[0].locale_value.subdivision #=> String
# resp.qualifications[0].status #=> String, one of "Granted", "Revoked"
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/ListWorkersWithQualificationType AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_workers_with_qualification_type(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_workers_with_qualification_type(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_workers_with_qualification_type, params)
# The `NotifyWorkers` operation sends an email to one or more Workers
# that you specify with the Worker ID. You can specify up to 100 Worker
# IDs to send the same message with a single call to the NotifyWorkers
# operation. The NotifyWorkers operation will send a notification email
# to a Worker only if you have previously approved or rejected work from
# the Worker.
# @option params [required, String] :subject
# The subject line of the email message to send. Can include up to 200
# characters.
# @option params [required, String] :message_text
# The text of the email message to send. Can include up to 4,096
# characters
# @option params [required, Array] :worker_ids
# A list of Worker IDs you wish to notify. You can notify upto 100
# Workers at a time.
# @return [Types::NotifyWorkersResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::NotifyWorkersResponse#notify_workers_failure_statuses #notify_workers_failure_statuses} => Array<Types::NotifyWorkersFailureStatus>
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.notify_workers({
# subject: "String", # required
# message_text: "String", # required
# worker_ids: ["CustomerId"], # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.notify_workers_failure_statuses #=> Array
# resp.notify_workers_failure_statuses[0].notify_workers_failure_code #=> String, one of "SoftFailure", "HardFailure"
# resp.notify_workers_failure_statuses[0].notify_workers_failure_message #=> String
# resp.notify_workers_failure_statuses[0].worker_id #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/NotifyWorkers AWS API Documentation
# @overload notify_workers(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def notify_workers(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:notify_workers, params)
# The `RejectAssignment` operation rejects the results of a completed
# assignment.
# You can include an optional feedback message with the rejection, which
# the Worker can see in the Status section of the web site. When you
# include a feedback message with the rejection, it helps the Worker
# understand why the assignment was rejected, and can improve the
# quality of the results the Worker submits in the future.
# Only the Requester who created the HIT can reject an assignment for
# the HIT.
# @option params [required, String] :assignment_id
# The ID of the assignment. The assignment must correspond to a HIT
# created by the Requester.
# @option params [required, String] :requester_feedback
# A message for the Worker, which the Worker can see in the Status
# section of the web site.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.reject_assignment({
# assignment_id: "EntityId", # required
# requester_feedback: "String", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/RejectAssignment AWS API Documentation
# @overload reject_assignment(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def reject_assignment(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:reject_assignment, params)
# The `RejectQualificationRequest` operation rejects a user's request
# for a Qualification.
# You can provide a text message explaining why the request was
# rejected. The Worker who made the request can see this message.
# @option params [required, String] :qualification_request_id
# The ID of the Qualification request, as returned by the
# `ListQualificationRequests` operation.
# @option params [String] :reason
# A text message explaining why the request was rejected, to be shown to
# the Worker who made the request.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.reject_qualification_request({
# qualification_request_id: "String", # required
# reason: "String",
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/RejectQualificationRequest AWS API Documentation
# @overload reject_qualification_request(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def reject_qualification_request(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:reject_qualification_request, params)
# The `SendBonus` operation issues a payment of money from your account
# to a Worker. This payment happens separately from the reward you pay
# to the Worker when you approve the Worker's assignment. The SendBonus
# operation requires the Worker's ID and the assignment ID as
# parameters to initiate payment of the bonus. You must include a
# message that explains the reason for the bonus payment, as the Worker
# may not be expecting the payment. Amazon Mechanical Turk collects a
# fee for bonus payments, similar to the HIT listing fee. This operation
# fails if your account does not have enough funds to pay for both the
# bonus and the fees.
# @option params [required, String] :worker_id
# The ID of the Worker being paid the bonus.
# @option params [required, String] :bonus_amount
# The Bonus amount is a US Dollar amount specified using a string (for
# example, "5" represents $5.00 USD and "101.42" represents $101.42
# USD). Do not include currency symbols or currency codes.
# @option params [required, String] :assignment_id
# The ID of the assignment for which this bonus is paid.
# @option params [required, String] :reason
# A message that explains the reason for the bonus payment. The Worker
# receiving the bonus can see this message.
# @option params [String] :unique_request_token
# A unique identifier for this request, which allows you to retry the
# call on error without granting multiple bonuses. This is useful in
# cases such as network timeouts where it is unclear whether or not the
# call succeeded on the server. If the bonus already exists in the
# system from a previous call using the same UniqueRequestToken,
# subsequent calls will return an error with a message containing the
# request ID.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.send_bonus({
# worker_id: "CustomerId", # required
# bonus_amount: "CurrencyAmount", # required
# assignment_id: "EntityId", # required
# reason: "String", # required
# unique_request_token: "IdempotencyToken",
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/SendBonus AWS API Documentation
# @overload send_bonus(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def send_bonus(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:send_bonus, params)
# The `SendTestEventNotification` operation causes Amazon Mechanical
# Turk to send a notification message as if a HIT event occurred,
# according to the provided notification specification. This allows you
# to test notifications without setting up notifications for a real HIT
# type and trying to trigger them using the website. When you call this
# operation, the service attempts to send the test notification
# immediately.
# @option params [required, Types::NotificationSpecification] :notification
# The notification specification to test. This value is identical to the
# value you would provide to the UpdateNotificationSettings operation
# when you establish the notification specification for a HIT type.
# @option params [required, String] :test_event_type
# The event to simulate to test the notification specification. This
# event is included in the test message even if the notification
# specification does not include the event type. The notification
# specification does not filter out the test event.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.send_test_event_notification({
# notification: { # required
# destination: "String", # required
# transport: "Email", # required, accepts Email, SQS, SNS
# version: "String", # required
# event_types: ["AssignmentAccepted"], # required, accepts AssignmentAccepted, AssignmentAbandoned, AssignmentReturned, AssignmentSubmitted, AssignmentRejected, AssignmentApproved, HITCreated, HITExpired, HITReviewable, HITExtended, HITDisposed, Ping
# },
# test_event_type: "AssignmentAccepted", # required, accepts AssignmentAccepted, AssignmentAbandoned, AssignmentReturned, AssignmentSubmitted, AssignmentRejected, AssignmentApproved, HITCreated, HITExpired, HITReviewable, HITExtended, HITDisposed, Ping
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/SendTestEventNotification AWS API Documentation
# @overload send_test_event_notification(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def send_test_event_notification(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:send_test_event_notification, params)
# The `UpdateExpirationForHIT` operation allows you update the
# expiration time of a HIT. If you update it to a time in the past, the
# HIT will be immediately expired.
# @option params [required, String] :hit_id
# The HIT to update.
# @option params [required, Time,DateTime,Date,Integer,String] :expire_at
# The date and time at which you want the HIT to expire
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.update_expiration_for_hit({
# hit_id: "EntityId", # required
# expire_at: Time.now, # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/UpdateExpirationForHIT AWS API Documentation
# @overload update_expiration_for_hit(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def update_expiration_for_hit(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:update_expiration_for_hit, params)
# The `UpdateHITReviewStatus` operation updates the status of a HIT. If
# the status is Reviewable, this operation can update the status to
# Reviewing, or it can revert a Reviewing HIT back to the Reviewable
# status.
# @option params [required, String] :hit_id
# The ID of the HIT to update.
# @option params [Boolean] :revert
# Specifies how to update the HIT status. Default is `False`.
# * Setting this to false will only transition a HIT from `Reviewable`
# to `Reviewing`
# * Setting this to true will only transition a HIT from `Reviewing` to
# `Reviewable`
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.update_hit_review_status({
# hit_id: "EntityId", # required
# revert: false,
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/UpdateHITReviewStatus AWS API Documentation
# @overload update_hit_review_status(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def update_hit_review_status(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:update_hit_review_status, params)
# The `UpdateHITTypeOfHIT` operation allows you to change the HITType
# properties of a HIT. This operation disassociates the HIT from its old
# HITType properties and associates it with the new HITType properties.
# The HIT takes on the properties of the new HITType in place of the old
# ones.
# @option params [required, String] :hit_id
# The HIT to update.
# @option params [required, String] :hit_type_id
# The ID of the new HIT type.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.update_hit_type_of_hit({
# hit_id: "EntityId", # required
# hit_type_id: "EntityId", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/UpdateHITTypeOfHIT AWS API Documentation
# @overload update_hit_type_of_hit(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def update_hit_type_of_hit(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:update_hit_type_of_hit, params)
# The `UpdateNotificationSettings` operation creates, updates, disables
# or re-enables notifications for a HIT type. If you call the
# UpdateNotificationSettings operation for a HIT type that already has a
# notification specification, the operation replaces the old
# specification with a new one. You can call the
# UpdateNotificationSettings operation to enable or disable
# notifications for the HIT type, without having to modify the
# notification specification itself by providing updates to the Active
# status without specifying a new notification specification. To change
# the Active status of a HIT type's notifications, the HIT type must
# already have a notification specification, or one must be provided in
# the same call to `UpdateNotificationSettings`.
# @option params [required, String] :hit_type_id
# The ID of the HIT type whose notification specification is being
# updated.
# @option params [Types::NotificationSpecification] :notification
# The notification specification for the HIT type.
# @option params [Boolean] :active
# Specifies whether notifications are sent for HITs of this HIT type,
# according to the notification specification. You must specify either
# the Notification parameter or the Active parameter for the call to
# UpdateNotificationSettings to succeed.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.update_notification_settings({
# hit_type_id: "EntityId", # required
# notification: {
# destination: "String", # required
# transport: "Email", # required, accepts Email, SQS, SNS
# version: "String", # required
# event_types: ["AssignmentAccepted"], # required, accepts AssignmentAccepted, AssignmentAbandoned, AssignmentReturned, AssignmentSubmitted, AssignmentRejected, AssignmentApproved, HITCreated, HITExpired, HITReviewable, HITExtended, HITDisposed, Ping
# },
# active: false,
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/UpdateNotificationSettings AWS API Documentation
# @overload update_notification_settings(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def update_notification_settings(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:update_notification_settings, params)
# The `UpdateQualificationType` operation modifies the attributes of an
# existing Qualification type, which is represented by a
# QualificationType data structure. Only the owner of a Qualification
# type can modify its attributes.
# Most attributes of a Qualification type can be changed after the type
# has been created. However, the Name and Keywords fields cannot be
# modified. The RetryDelayInSeconds parameter can be modified or added
# to change the delay or to enable retries, but RetryDelayInSeconds
# cannot be used to disable retries.
# You can use this operation to update the test for a Qualification
# type. The test is updated based on the values specified for the Test,
# TestDurationInSeconds and AnswerKey parameters. All three parameters
# specify the updated test. If you are updating the test for a type, you
# must specify the Test and TestDurationInSeconds parameters. The
# AnswerKey parameter is optional; omitting it specifies that the
# updated test does not have an answer key.
# If you omit the Test parameter, the test for the Qualification type is
# unchanged. There is no way to remove a test from a Qualification type
# that has one. If the type already has a test, you cannot update it to
# be AutoGranted. If the Qualification type does not have a test and one
# is provided by an update, the type will henceforth have a test.
# If you want to update the test duration or answer key for an existing
# test without changing the questions, you must specify a Test parameter
# with the original questions, along with the updated values.
# If you provide an updated Test but no AnswerKey, the new test will not
# have an answer key. Requests for such Qualifications must be granted
# manually.
# You can also update the AutoGranted and AutoGrantedValue attributes of
# the Qualification type.
# @option params [required, String] :qualification_type_id
# The ID of the Qualification type to update.
# @option params [String] :description
# The new description of the Qualification type.
# @option params [String] :qualification_type_status
# The new status of the Qualification type - Active \| Inactive
# @option params [String] :test
# The questions for the Qualification test a Worker must answer
# correctly to obtain a Qualification of this type. If this parameter is
# specified, `TestDurationInSeconds` must also be specified.
# Constraints: Must not be longer than 65535 bytes. Must be a
# QuestionForm data structure. This parameter cannot be specified if
# AutoGranted is true.
# Constraints: None. If not specified, the Worker may request the
# Qualification without answering any questions.
# @option params [String] :answer_key
# The answers to the Qualification test specified in the Test parameter,
# in the form of an AnswerKey data structure.
# @option params [Integer] :test_duration_in_seconds
# The number of seconds the Worker has to complete the Qualification
# test, starting from the time the Worker requests the Qualification.
# @option params [Integer] :retry_delay_in_seconds
# The amount of time, in seconds, that Workers must wait after
# requesting a Qualification of the specified Qualification type before
# they can retry the Qualification request. It is not possible to
# disable retries for a Qualification type after it has been created
# with retries enabled. If you want to disable retries, you must dispose
# of the existing retry-enabled Qualification type using
# DisposeQualificationType and then create a new Qualification type with
# retries disabled using CreateQualificationType.
# @option params [Boolean] :auto_granted
# Specifies whether requests for the Qualification type are granted
# immediately, without prompting the Worker with a Qualification test.
# Constraints: If the Test parameter is specified, this parameter cannot
# be true.
# @option params [Integer] :auto_granted_value
# The Qualification value to use for automatically granted
# Qualifications. This parameter is used only if the AutoGranted
# parameter is true.
# @return [Types::UpdateQualificationTypeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::UpdateQualificationTypeResponse#qualification_type #qualification_type} => Types::QualificationType
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.update_qualification_type({
# qualification_type_id: "EntityId", # required
# description: "String",
# qualification_type_status: "Active", # accepts Active, Inactive
# test: "String",
# answer_key: "String",
# test_duration_in_seconds: 1,
# retry_delay_in_seconds: 1,
# auto_granted: false,
# auto_granted_value: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.qualification_type.qualification_type_id #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.creation_time #=> Time
# resp.qualification_type.name #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.description #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.keywords #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.qualification_type_status #=> String, one of "Active", "Inactive"
# resp.qualification_type.test #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.test_duration_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.qualification_type.answer_key #=> String
# resp.qualification_type.retry_delay_in_seconds #=> Integer
# resp.qualification_type.is_requestable #=> Boolean
# resp.qualification_type.auto_granted #=> Boolean
# resp.qualification_type.auto_granted_value #=> Integer
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/mturk-requester-2017-01-17/UpdateQualificationType AWS API Documentation
# @overload update_qualification_type(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def update_qualification_type(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:update_qualification_type, params)
# @!endgroup
# @param params ({})
# @api private
def build_request(operation_name, params = {})
handlers = @handlers.for(operation_name)
context = Seahorse::Client::RequestContext.new(
operation_name: operation_name,
operation: config.api.operation(operation_name),
client: self,
params: params,
config: config)
context[:gem_name] = 'aws-sdk-mturk'
context[:gem_version] = '1.39.0'
Seahorse::Client::Request.new(handlers, context)
# @api private
# @deprecated
def waiter_names
class << self
# @api private
attr_reader :identifier
# @api private
def errors_module