require 'matrix' require 'set' # Implementation of cosine similarity using TF-IDF for vectorization. # # In information retrieval, tf–idf, short for term frequency–inverse document frequency, # is a numerical statistic that is intended to reflect how important a word is to a # document in a collection or corpus # # Cosine Similarity a measurement to determine how similar 2 documents are to each other. # # These weights and measures are used to suggest which account a transaction should be # assigned to. module Reckon class CosineSimilarity DocumentInfo =, :accounts) def initialize(options) @docs ={}, {}) end def add_document(account, doc) tokens = tokenize(doc) "doc tokens: #{tokens}" tokens.each do |n| (token, count) = n @docs.tokens[token] ||= @docs.tokens[token][account] += count @docs.accounts[account] ||= @docs.accounts[account][token] += count end end # find most similar documents to query def find_similar(query) "find_similar #{query}" accounts = docs_to_check(query).map do |a| [a, tfidf(@docs.accounts[a])] end q = tfidf(tokenize(query)) suggestions = do |a, d| { similarity: calc_similarity(q, d), account: a } { |n| n[:similarity] > 0 }.sort_by { |n| -n[:similarity] } "most similar accounts: #{suggestions}" return suggestions end private def docs_to_check(query) return tokenize(query).reduce( do |corpus, t| corpus.union([t[0]]&.keys)) end end def tfidf(tokens) scores = {} tokens.each do |t, n| scores[t] = calc_tf_idf( n, tokens.length, @docs.tokens[t]&.length&.to_f || 0, @docs.accounts.length ) end return scores end # Cosine similarity is used to compare how similar 2 documents are. Returns a float # between 1 and -1, where 1 is exactly the same and -1 is exactly opposite. # # see # cos(theta) = (A . B) / (||A|| ||B||) # where A . B is the "dot product" and ||A|| is the magnitude of A # # The variables A and B are the set of unique terms in q and d. # # For example, when q = "big red balloon" and d ="small green balloon" then the # variables are (big,red,balloon,small,green) and a = (1,1,1,0,0) and b = # (0,0,1,1,1). # # query and doc are hashes of token => tf/idf score def calc_similarity(query, doc) tokens = + doc.keys) a = Vector.elements( { |n| query[n] || 0 }, false) b = Vector.elements( { |n| doc[n] || 0 }, false) return a.inner_product(b) / (a.magnitude * b.magnitude) end def calc_tf_idf(token_count, num_words_in_doc, df, num_docs) # tf(t,d) = count of t in d / number of words in d tf = token_count / num_words_in_doc.to_f # smooth idf weight # see # df(t) = num of documents with term t in them # idf(t) = log(N/(1 + df )) + 1 idf = Math.log(num_docs.to_f / (1 + df)) + 1 tf * idf end def tokenize(str) mk_tokens(str).each_with_object( do |n, memo| memo[n] += 1 end.to_a end def mk_tokens(str)';', ' ').tr("'", '').split(/[^a-z0-9.]+/).reject(&:empty?) end end end