# ===========================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2005-2017 Christopher Kleckner
# All rights reserved
# This file is part of the Rio library for ruby.
# Rio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Rio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Rio; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# =========================================================================== 

module RIO
module Doc

# The following examples are provided without comment
#  array = rio('afile').readlines
#  rio('afile') > rio('acopy')
#  ary = rio('afile').chomp.lines[0...10]
#  rio('adir').rename.all.files('*.htm') do |file| 
#    file.ext = '.html'
#  end
# A basic familiarity with ruby and shell operations should allow a
# casual reader to guess what these examples will do. How they are being
# performed may not be what a casual reader might expect.  I will
# explain these example to illustrate the Rio basics.
# For many more examples please read the HOWTO document and the rdoc
# documentation.
# == Example 1.
#  array = rio('afile').readlines
# This uses IO#readlines to read the lines of 'afile' into an array.
# === Creating a Rio
# Rio extends the module Kernel by adding one function +rio+, which acts
# as a constructor returning a Rio. This constructor builds a
# description of the resource the Rio will access (usually a path). It
# does not open the resource, check for its existance, or do anything
# except remember its specifcation. _rio_ returns the Rio which can be
# chained to a Rio method as in this example or stored in a
# variable. This coud have been written
#  ario = rio('afile')
#  array = ario.readlines
#  ario = rio('afile')
# In this case the resource specified is a relative path. After the
# first line the Rio does know or care whether it is a path to a file
# nor whether it exists. Rio provides many methods that only deal with a
# resource at this level, much as the standard library classes Pathname
# and URI. It should be noted at this point that Rio paths stored
# internally as a URL as specified in RFC 1738 and therefore use slashes
# as separators. A resource can also be specified without separators,
# because _rio_ interprets multiple arguments as parts of a path to be
# joined, and an array as an array of parts to be joined. So the
# following all specify the same resource.
#  rio('adir/afile')
#  rio('adir','afile')
#  rio(%w/adir afile/)
# The rio constructor can be used to specify non-file-system resources,
# but for this example we will restrict our discussion to paths to
# entities on file-systems.
#  array = ario.readlines
# Now that we have a Rio, we can call one of its methods; in this case
# _readlines_. This is an example of using a Rio as a proxy for the
# builtin IO#readlines. Given the method _readlines_, the Rio opens
# 'afile' for reading, calls readlines on the resulting IO object,
# closes the IO object, and returns the lines read.
# == Example 2
#  rio('afile') > rio('acopy')
# This copies the file 'afile' into the file 'acopy'.
# The first things that happen here are the creation of the Rios. As
# described in Example 1, when created a Rio simply remembers the
# specifcation of its resource. In this case, a relative path 'afile' on
# the left and a relative path 'acopy' on the right.
# Next the Rio#> (copy-to) method is called on the 'afile' Rio with the
# 'acopy' Rio as its argument. If that looks like a greater-than
# operator to you, think Unix shell, with Rios '>' is the copy-to
# operator.
# Upon seeing the copy-to operator, the Rio has all the information it
# needs to proceed. It determines that it must be opened for reading,
# that its argument must be opened for writing, and that it's contents
# must be copied to the resource referenced by it' argument -- and that
# is what it does. Then it closes itself and its argument.
# Consider if we had written this example this way.
#  afile = rio('afile')
#  acopy = rio('acopy')
#  afile > acopy
# In this case we would still have variables referencing the Rios, and
# perhaps we would like do things a little differently than described
# above. Be assured that the selection of mode and automatic closing of
# files are the default behaviour and can be changed. Say we wanted
# 'afile' to remain open so that we could rewind it and make a second
# copy, we might do something like this:
#  afile = rio('afile').nocloseoneof
#  afile > rio('acopy1')
#  afile.rewind > rio('acopy2')
#  afile.close
# Actually the 'thinking process' of the Rio when it sees a copy-to
# operator is much more complex than that described above.  If its
# argument had been a rio referencing a directory, it would not have
# opened itself for reading, but instead used FileUtils#cp to copy
# itself; if its argument had been a string, its contents would have
# ended up in the string; If its argument had been an array, its lines
# would been elements of that array; if its argument had been a socket,
# the its contents would have been copied to the socket. See the
# documentation for details.
# == Example 3.
#  array = rio('afile').chomp.lines[0...10]
# This fills +array+ with the first ten lines of 'afile', with each line chomped
# The casual observer mentioned above might think that +lines+ returns an array of lines and that this
# is a simple rewording of <tt>array = rio('afile').readlines[0...10]</tt> or even of 
# <tt>array = File.new('afile').readlines[0...10]</tt>. They would be wrong.
# +chomp+ is a configuration method which turns on chomp-mode and returns the Rio. Chomp-mode causes all
# line oriented read operations to perform a String#chomp on each line
# === Reading files
# Rio provides four methods to select which part of the file is read and
# how the file is divided. They are +lines+, +records+, +rows+ and
# +bytes+. Briefly, +lines+ specifies that the file should be read line
# by line and <tt>bytes(n)</tt> specifies that the file should be read
# in _n_ byte chunks. All four take arguments which can be used to
# filter lines or chunks in or out. For simple Rios +records+ and +rows+
# only specify the filter arguments and are provided for use be
# extensions. For example, the CSV extension returns an array of the
# columns in a line when +records+ is used. In the absence of an
# extension +records+ and +rows+ behave like +lines+.
# First lets rewrite our example as:
#  array = rio('afile').chomp.lines(0...10).to_a
# The arguments to lines specify which records are to be read. 
# Arguments are interpreted based on their class as follows:
# * Range - interpreted as a range of record numbers to be read
# * Integer - interpreted as a one-element range
# * RegExp - only matching records are processed
# * Symbol - sent to each record, which is processed unless the result is false or nil
# * Proc - called for each record, the record is processed unless the return value is false or nil
# See the documentation for details and examples.
# In our example we have specified the Range (0...10). The +lines+
# method is just configuring the Rio, it does not trigger any IO
# operation. The fact that it was called and the arguments it was called
# with are stored away and the Rio is returned for further configuration
# or an actual IO operation. When an IO operation is called the Range
# will be used to limit processing to the first ten records. For
# example:
#  rio('afile').lines(0...10) { |line| ... }      # block will be called for the first 10 records
#  rio('afile').lines[0...10]                     # the first 10 records will be returned in an array
#  rio('afile').lines(0...10) > rio('acopy')      # the first 10 records will be copied to 'acopy'
# "But wait", you say, "In our original example the range was an
# argument to the subscript operator, not to +lines+".  This works
# because the subscript operator processes its arguments as if they had
# been arguments to the most-recently-called selection method and then
# calls +to_a+ on the rio. So our rewrite of the example does precisely
# the same thing as the original
# The big difference between the original example and the
# casual-observer's solution is that hers creates an array of the entire
# contents and only returns the first 10 while the original only puts 10
# records into the array.
# As a sidenote, Rios also have an optimization that can really help in
# certain situations. If records are only selected using Ranges, it
# stops iterating when it is beyond the point where it could possibly
# ever match. This can make a dramatic difference when one is only
# interested in the first few lines of very large files.
# == Example 4.
#  rio('adir').rename.all.files('*.htm') do |file| 
#    file.ext = '.html'
#  end
# This changes the extension of all .htm files below 'adir' to '.html'
# First we create the rio as always.
# Next we process the +rename+ method. When used as it is here --
# without arguments -- it just turns on rename-mode and returns the Rio.
# +all+ is another configuration method, which causes directories to be
# processed recursively
# +files+ is another configuration method. In example 3 we used +lines+
# to select what to process when iterating through a file. +files+ is
# used to select what to process when iterating through directories. The
# arguments to +files+ can be the same as those for +lines+ except that
# Ranges can not be used and globs can.
# In our example, the argument to +files+ is a string which is treated
# as a glob. As with +lines+, +files+ does not trigger any IO, it just
# configures the Rio.
# === There's no action
# The previous examples had something that triggered IO: +readlines+,
# +to_a+, +each+, <tt>> (copy-to)</tt>. This example does not. This
# example illustrates Rio's 'implied each'. All the configuration
# methods will call each for you if a block is given. So, because a
# block follows the +files+ method, it calls +each+ and passes it the
# block.
# Let's recap. At this point we have a Rio with a resource specified. We
# have configured with a couple of modes, 'rename', and 'all', and we
# have limited the elements we want to process to entries that are files
# and match the glob '*.htm'. +each+ causes the Rio to open the
# directory and call the block for each entry that is both a file and
# matches the glob. It was also configured with +all+,so it descends
# into subdirectories to find further matches and calles the block for
# each of them. The argument passed to the block is a Rio referencing
# the entry on the file-system.
# The _rename_mode_ we set has had no effect on our iteration at all, so why is it there? In general, 
# configuration options that are not applicable to a Rio are silently ignored, however, for directories
# some of them are passed on to the Rios for each entry when iterating. Since +rename+ is one such option,
# The example could have been written:
#  rio('adir').all.files('*.htm') do |file| 
#    file.rename.ext = '.html'
#  end
# The rename-with-no-args method affects the behaviour of the <tt>ext=</tt> option. In this case,
# setting it for the directory, rather than for each file in the block seems to make the intent
# of the code more clear, but that is a matter of personal taste. See the documentation for more 
# information on the rename-with-no-args method
# == Suggested Reading
# * RIO::Doc::INTRO
# * RIO::Doc::HOWTO
# * RIO::Rio
