require 'uv' module Slideshow module Syntax module UvHelper # uv option defaults UV_LANG = 'ruby' UV_LINE_NUMBERS = 'true' UV_THEME = 'amy' def uv_worker( code, opts ) lang = opts.fetch( :lang, UV_LANG ) line_numbers_value = opts.fetch( :line_numbers, headers.get( 'code-line-numbers', UV_LINE_NUMBERS )) line_numbers = (line_numbers_value =~ /true|yes|on/i) ? true : false # change all-hallows-eve (CSS-style/convention) to all_hallows_eve (uv internal-style) theme = opts.fetch( :theme, headers.get( 'code-theme', UV_THEME )).tr( '-', '_' ) code_highlighted = Uv.parse( code, "xhtml", lang, line_numbers, theme ) # first time? copy all uv built-in themes (css styles) to temporary cache (~/.slideshow/*) uv_first_time = session.fetch( :uv_first_time, true ) if uv_first_time session[ :uv_first_time ] = false logger.debug "cache_dir=#{cache_dir}" FileUtils.mkdir(cache_dir) unless File.exists?(cache_dir) if cache_dir Uv.copy_files "xhtml", cache_dir end # first time this theme gets used add it to content_for hash for templates to include uv_themes = session[ :uv_themes ] ||= {} if uv_themes[ theme ].nil? uv_themes[ theme ] = true theme_content = "#{cache_dir}/css/#{theme}.css" ) theme_out = %{/* styles for ultraviolet code syntax highlighting theme '#{theme}' */\n\n} theme_out << theme_content theme_out << %{\n\n} content_for( :css, theme_out ) end css_class = 'code' css_class_opt = opts.fetch( :class, nil ) # large, small, tiny, etc. css_class << " #{css_class_opt}" if css_class_opt # e.g. use/allow multiple classes -> code small, code large, etc. name = opts.fetch( :name, nil ) txmt_value = opts.fetch( :txmt, headers.code_txmt ) txmt = (txmt_value =~ /true|yes|on/i) ? true : false out = %{
  out << code_highlighted
  out << %{
\n} # add optional href link for textmate if name out << %{
} out << %{} if txmt out << name out << %{} if txmt out << %{
\n} end return out end def uv( *args, &blk ) # check for optional hash for options opts = args.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} code = capture_erb(&blk) return if code.empty? code_highlighted = uv_worker( code, opts ) concat_erb( wrap_markup( code_highlighted ), blk.binding ) return end end # module UvHelper end # module Syntax end # module Slideshow class Slideshow::Gen include Slideshow::Syntax::UvHelper end