describe 'up.util', -> describe 'Javascript functions', -> describe 'up.util.castedAttr', -> it 'returns true if the attribute value is the string "true"', -> $element = affix('div').attr('foo', 'true') expect(up.util.castedAttr($element, 'foo')).toBe(true) it 'returns false if the attribute value is the string "false"', -> $element = affix('div').attr('foo', 'false') expect(up.util.castedAttr($element, 'foo')).toBe(false) it 'returns undefined if the element has no such attribute', -> $element = affix('div') expect(up.util.castedAttr($element, 'foo')).toBe(undefined) it 'returns the attribute value unchanged if the value is some string', -> $element = affix('div').attr('foo', 'some text') expect(up.util.castedAttr($element, 'foo')).toBe('some text') describe 'up.util.isBlank', -> it 'returns false for false', -> expect(up.util.isBlank(false)).toBe(false) it 'returns false for true', -> expect(up.util.isBlank(true)).toBe(false) it 'returns true for null', -> expect(up.util.isBlank(null)).toBe(true) it 'returns true for undefined', -> expect(up.util.isBlank(undefined)).toBe(true) it 'returns true for an empty String', -> expect(up.util.isBlank('')).toBe(true) it 'returns false for a String with at least one character', -> expect(up.util.isBlank('string')).toBe(false) it 'returns true for an empty array', -> expect(up.util.isBlank([])).toBe(true) it 'returns false for an array with at least one element', -> expect(up.util.isBlank(['element'])).toBe(false) it 'returns true for an empty object', -> expect(up.util.isBlank({})).toBe(true) it 'returns true for an object with at least one key', -> expect(up.util.isBlank({key: 'value'})).toBe(false) describe 'up.util.normalizeUrl', -> it 'normalizes a relative path', -> expect(up.util.normalizeUrl('foo')).toBe("http://#{location.hostname}:#{location.port}/foo") it 'normalizes an absolute path', -> expect(up.util.normalizeUrl('/foo')).toBe("http://#{location.hostname}:#{location.port}/foo") it 'normalizes a full URL', -> expect(up.util.normalizeUrl('')).toBe('') describe 'up.util.detect', -> it 'finds the first element in the given array that matches the given tester', -> array = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] tester = (element) -> element[0] == 'b' expect(up.util.detect(array, tester)).toEqual('bar') it "returns null if the given array doesn't contain a matching element", -> array = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] tester = (element) -> element[0] == 'z' expect(up.util.detect(array, tester)).toBeNull() describe 'up.util.config', -> it 'creates an object with the given attributes', -> object = up.util.config(a: 1, b: 2) expect(object.a).toBe(1) expect(object.b).toBe(2) describe '#update', -> it 'merges the given options into the object', -> object = up.util.config(a: 1, b: undefined, c: undefined) object.update(b: 2, c: 3) expect(object.b).toBe(2) expect(object.c).toBe(3) it 'returns the current hash when called without arguments', -> object = up.util.config(a: 1, b: 2) result = object.update() expect(result.a).toBe(1) expect(result.b).toBe(2) it 'throws an error when setting a key that was not included in the factory settings', -> object = up.util.config(a: 1) update = -> object.update(b: 2) expect(update).toThrowError(/unknown setting/i) describe '#reset', -> it 'resets the object to its original state', -> object = up.util.config(a: 1) expect(object.b).toBeUndefined() object.b = 2 expect(object.b).toBe(2) object.reset() expect(object.b).toBeUndefined() it 'does not remove #reset or #update methods from the object', -> object = up.util.config(a: 1) object.b = 2 object.reset() expect(object.reset).toBeDefined() expect(object.update).toBeDefined()