=begin SQLite-handler for Storagetypes. All data is stored in a common database, and different subclasses get different tables. Creation of table-columns is handled here =end require 'active_record' require 'active_record/base' require 'logger' class SQLite < StorageType attr :db_class, :db_file def configure(config, name_base = 'stsql', name_file = 'sql.db') dputs(2) { "Configuring SQLite with #{@name}" } @db_table = "#{name_base}_#{@name.downcase}s" @db_class_name = "#{name_base.capitalize}_#{@name.downcase}" @db_class = nil @sqlite_dir = File.join($data_dir, get_config('data', :StorageType, :data_dir)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@sqlite_dir) @name_file = name_file @db_file = File.join(@sqlite_dir, @name_file) # ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new('debug.log') ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false # ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDERR) @mutex_es = Mutex.new dputs(4) { 'Opening database' } open_db super config end # Allows for debugging when wanting to load another db def close_db dputs(4) { "Closing db #{@name_file}" } ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection end def open_db @mutex_es.synchronize { dputs(4) { "Opening connection to #{@name_file} - #{@sqlite_dir}" } ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => 'sqlite3', :database => @db_file) dputs(4) { 'Initializing tables' } init_table dputs(4) { 'Getting Base' } eval("class #{@db_class_name} < ActiveRecord::Base; end") @db_class = eval(@db_class_name) dputs(4) { "db_class is #{db_class.inspect}" } @entries = {} @entries_save = {} } end # Saves the data stored, optionally takes an index to say # which data needs to be saved def save(data, notmp: false) @mutex_es.synchronize { dputs(3) { "Saving #{@entries_save.count} entries in #{@db_class}" } @entries_save.each_value { |v| dputs(4){"Saving #{db_class} #{v.inspect} - #{v.id}"} v.save } @entries_save = {} } end def set_entry(data, field, value) @mutex_es.synchronize { # dp "#{db_class} #{data.inspect} #{field} #{value}" dputs(5) { "Searching id #{data.inspect}" } if @entries[data] @entries[data].save end dat = @db_class.find(data) # dat = @db_class.first(:conditions => {@data_field_id => data}) # dp @entries[data] # dp dat # dp data @entries[data] ||= dat if entry = @entries[data] entry.send("#{field}=", value) @entries_save[data] = entry return value else dputs(2) { "Didn't find id #{data.inspect}" } return nil end } end # Each new entry is directly stored, helping somewhat if the program or the # computer crashes def data_create(data) # dputs_func dputs(5) { "Creating early data #{data.inspect} with #{data.class}" } dputs(5) { "hello for #{data.inspect}" } dputs(5) { "db_class is #{@db_class.inspect}" } e = @db_class.create(data) dputs(5) { 'hello - 2' } new_id = e.attributes[@data_field_id.to_s] dputs(5) { "New id is #{new_id}" } data[@data_field_id] = new_id dputs(5) { "Creating data: #{e.inspect}" } end def init_table # dputs_func db_table, fields = @db_table, @fields dputs(3) { "Initializing #{@db_class_name} with db_table=#{db_table.inspect}" } ActiveRecord::Schema.define do new_table = false if !table_exists? db_table dputs(2) { "Creating table #{db_table}" } create_table db_table new_table = true end dputs(3) { "Fields is #{fields.inspect}" } fields.each_key { |f| dputs(3) { "Checking for field #{f} in table #{db_table}" } if not columns(db_table).index { |c| c.name.to_s == f.to_s } dputs(new_table ? 4 : 1) { "Adding column #{f} of type " + "#{fields[f][:dtype]} to table #{db_table}" } case fields[f][:dtype] when /int/, /entity/ add_column(db_table, f, :integer) when /bool/ add_column(db_table, f, :boolean) when /float/ add_column(db_table, f, :float) when /date/ add_column(db_table, f, :date) else add_column(db_table, f, :string) end end } end # ActiveRecord::Base.logger = nil end # loads the data def load dputs(2) { "Loading data for #{@db_class_name}" } res = Hash[*@db_class.all.collect { |s| @entries[s[@data_field_id]] = s [s[@data_field_id].to_i, s.attributes.symbolize_keys] }.flatten(1) ] dputs(5) { "Result is: #{res.inspect}" } return res end def delete_all(local_only = false) if !local_only db_table = @db_table dputs(2) { "Deleting table #{db_table}" } ActiveRecord::Schema.define do if table_exists? db_table drop_table db_table.to_sym end end init_table end end def delete(id) entry = @db_class.find_by(id: id) if entry != nil entry.destroy @entries[id].delete if e = @entries_save[id] e.delete end end end def self.with_all_sqlites RPCQooxdooService.entities { |e| e.storage.each { |storage_name, storage_class| dputs(3) { "Found storage_name of #{storage_name.inspect}" } if storage_name.to_s =~ /^SQLite/ dputs(3) { "Found #{e.name}::#{storage_name} as SQLite-something" } yield storage_class end } } end def self.dbs_close_all dputs(2) { 'Closing all dbs' } SQLite.with_all_sqlites { |sql| sql.close_db } end def self.dbs_open_load dputs(2) { 'Opening all dbs' } SQLite.with_all_sqlites { |sql| sql.open_db } dputs(2) { 'Loading all dbs' } RPCQooxdooService.entities { |e| e.is_loaded = false } RPCQooxdooService.entities { |e| unless e.is_loaded e.loading = true e.load e.loading = false u = Users.match_by_name('local') dputs(2){"User is #{u}"} end } end def self.dbs_open_load_migrate SQLite.dbs_open_load dputs(2) { 'Migrating all dbs' } RPCQooxdooService.migrate_all end end