janus ===== [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/bradgignac/janus.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/bradgignac/janus) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/bradgignac/janus.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/bradgignac/janus) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/bradgignac/janus.png)](https://gemnasium.com/bradgignac/janus) Janus is a tool for performing automated visual regression testing against web applications. It works by comparing screenshots of your application in a known good state to fresh screenshots of your application. A number of [similar tools exist](#inspiration), but Janus excels for projects with the following needs: - *Automated testing across a large number of browsers and operating systems.* Janus was built with multi-browser support as a primary concern. By building on top of Sauce Labs' testing platform, you have access to the full array of [Sauce Labs platforms](https://saucelabs.com/docs/platforms). - *Testing of applications where subtle visual differences are allowed.* Many visual regression testing tools fail whenever they find a single-pixel difference in a screenshot. Janus allows you to define a threshold within which screenshots are still considered valid. ## Getting Started To get started, install Janus by running: $ gem install janus Or by adding Janus to your Gemfile: $ gem 'janus' Once Janus is installed, run: $ janus init This will generate a sample configuration file in the current directory. See [Configuring Janus](#configuring-janus) for more information about valid configuration options. Once you've finishing adding tests to your configuration file, you are ready to begin running tests: $ janus record This will generate screenshots for all combinations of tests and browsers located in your configuration file. Commit these screenshots to source control alongside your source code. Whenever you wish to verify your UI, running `janus validate` will compare fresh screenshots against the screenshots you've previously recorded. Re-run `janus record` to generate fresh screenshots at any time. See the [example](example) directory for an example of Janus in action. ## Configuring Janus **directory** (required) The location where Janus screenshots are stored. **url** (optional) The base URL for all screenshots. All test URLs will be relative to this URL. **threshold** (optional) The percentage of change that is allowed in a screenshot. This value can be overridden for each individual test. **resolution** (optional) The browser resolution at which screenshots should be taken. This value is limited by the options available on Sauce Labs. **browsers** (required) An array of browsers to run your tests against. Each entry in the array contains a platform, browser, and optional version. See the [Sauce Labs platform documentation](https://saucelabs.com/docs/platforms) for more information on the valid browsers. **tests** (required) An array of screenshots to take. Each entry in the array contains a name, URL, and optional threshold. All URLs are relative to the specified base URL. If a threshold is defined, it will override the global theshold. ## Best Practices - *Create tests for small units of your UI.* Just like with unit tests, create screenshot tests for small components of your UI. This will help create a more reliable test suite and help you catch visual regressions. - *Create tests for larger combinations of your UI components.* Unfortunaly, "unit" tests won't catch everything. Create larger "integration" tests that combine individual UI components. This will help you test that all of your components play well together. - *Use per-test thresholds to keep variations small.* A global threshold is great, but some tests have a higher than normal variance. Raising the global threshold will increase the chances of missing regressions in your other tests. Instead, simply add a threshold for the test that requires a larger variance. ## Inspiration Janus was inspired by the following projects: - [GreenOnion](http://intridea.github.io/green_onion) - [huxley](https://github.com/facebook/huxley) - [wraith](https://github.com/BBC-News/wraith) ## License Janus is released under the [MIT License](LICENSE).