en: activerecord: errors: models: renalware/pd/regime: attributes: additional_manual_exchange_volume: blank: "required if you have added an 'Additional manual exchange' bag" last_fill_volume: blank: "required if you have added a 'Last fill' bag" attributes: renalware/pd/regime: glucose_volume_low_strength: Low strength glucose_volume_medium_strength: Med. strength glucose_volume_high_strength: High strength assistance_type: "Assistance" fill_volume: "Fill volume (ml)" last_fill_volume: "Last fill volume (ml)" additional_manual_exchange_volume: "Add'l man exchange vol (ml)" no_cycles_per_apd: "Cycles per session" overnight_volume: "Overnight APD volume (ml)" daily_volume: "Total daily APD volume (ml)" apd_machine_pac: "Machine PAC" tidal_indicator: "Has tidal?" tidal_full_drain_every_three_cycles: "Full drain every 3 cycles?" add_hd: "On additional HD" tidal_percentage: "Tidal (%)" treatment: Treatment delivery_interval: Delivery interval start_date: Start date end_date: End date renalware/pd/regime_bag: sunday: Sun monday: Mon tuesday: Tue wednesday: Wed thursday: Thur friday: Fri saturday: Sat bag_type: Bag type volume: Volume (ml) capd_overnight_bag: Overnight bag additional_manual_exchange: Additional manual exchange role: Role renalware: pd: regimes: glucose_volume_low_strength: Glucose low strength vol glucose_volume_medium_strength: Glucose med. strength vol glucose_volume_high_strength: Glucose high strength vol apd_fields: fieldset_titles: tidal: Tidal additional_info: Additional APD Info additional_exchanges: Additional Exchanges bags: form: blank_option: "Select bag type" current_regime: bags_heading: Bags current_apd_regime: overnight_volume: Overnight APD volume daily_volume: Total daily volume apd_regime_show: overnight_volume: Overnight APD volume daily_volume: Total daily volume regime_bags: regime_bags: bag_type: Description volume: Vol capd_overnight: Overnight role: Type days_quantity: No. per week days: Days enumerize: renalware/pd/regime_bag: role: ordinary: Ordinary bag last_fill: Last fill additional_manual_exchange: Additional manual exchange