# The BootstrapBreadcrumbsBuilder is a Bootstrap compatible breadcrumb builder. # It provides basic functionalities to render a breadcrumb navigation according to Bootstrap's conventions. # # BootstrapBreadcrumbsBuilder accepts a limited set of options: # # You can use it with the :builder option on render_breadcrumbs: # <%= render_breadcrumbs :builder => Spotlight::BootstrapBreadcrumbsBuilder %> # class Spotlight::BootstrapBreadcrumbsBuilder < BreadcrumbsOnRails::Breadcrumbs::Builder include ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper def render @context.content_tag(:ul, class: 'breadcrumb') do safe_join(@elements.uniq.collect {|e| render_element(e)}) end end def render_element(element) html_class = 'active' if @context.current_page?(compute_path(element)) @context.content_tag(:li, :class => html_class) do @context.link_to_unless_current(compute_name(element), compute_path(element), element.options) end end end