<% content_for :title do %> <%= profile_subject.name + ": " + t('repository.title') %> <% end %> <% sidebar %> <%if profile_subject_is_current?%> <%= location( link_to(t('repository.title'), polymorphic_path(controller.controller_name),:remote => true) ) %> <%else%> <%= location( link_to(profile_subject.name, polymorphic_path(profile_subject),:remote => true), link_to(t('repository.title'), polymorphic_path([profile_subject, controller.controller_name]),:remote => true) ) %> <%end%> <% toolbar :profile => profile_subject %>
<%= text_field_tag :filter_query, nil,:autocomplete => :off, :id => :repository_filter_input %>
<%= t('repository.order.by') %>: <%= t('repository.order.last_modified') %> ยท <%= t('repository.order.most_popular') %>
<%= javascript_tag do %> $(document).ready(function() { var last_search = ""; $("#repository_filter_input").Watermark("<%= escape_javascript(I18n.t('search.name')) %>"); $("#repository_filter_input").keyup(function() { var searchstring = $(this).val(); if((searchstring=="")){ if (last_search!=searchstring){last_search=searchstring;} $("#documents_grid").html("
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<%= escape_javascript(content_tag(:span,I18n.t('search.wrong'), :class => :warning)) %>
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