require 'optparse' class White def args extensions = %w/rb java xml md markdown coffee js eco html haml css less styl yml php info install module h m c txt/ names = %w/Rakefile Cakefile/ default_tab_size = nil tab_sizes = { } exclusions = ['**/.git/**', '**/node_modules/**/*'] verbose = false dry_run = false opts = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: white [options]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Tab expansion:" opts.on("-t", "--tabsize=SIZE", "Expand tabs using the given tab size") do |size| default_tab_size = size.to_i end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Picking files to process:" opts.on("-e", "--ext=EXT", "Include files with the given extension (e.g. -e inc)") do |v| extensions << v end opts.on("-i", "--name=NAME", "Include files with the given name (e.g. -n Cakefile)") do |v| names << v end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Common options:" opts.on("-n", "--dry-run", "Don't actually change anything on disk") do dry_run = true end opts.on("-v", "--verbose", "Show a full list of processed files") do verbose = true end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end end opts.parse!(args) mask = "{" + (names + extensions.collect { |ext| "*.#{ext}" }).join(",") + "}" files = Dir["**/#{mask}"].to_a exclusions.each do |exclusion| files -= Dir[exclusion] end files -= Dir['**/.keepwhitespace'].map { |f| Dir[File.join(File.dirname(f), '**/*')] }.flatten files_with_tabs = [] files.each do |file| tab_size = tab_sizes[File.extname(file)] || default_tab_size tab = ' ' * tab_size if default_tab_size errors = [] text = original = text.dup prev = text.dup text.gsub! /\r/, '' errors << "Windows line breaks" if text != prev prev = text.dup text.gsub! /[ \t]+$/, '' errors << "trailing whitespace" if text != prev prev = text.dup text.gsub! /\r/, '' errors << "Windows line breaks" if text != prev if text =~ /^ *?\t[\t ]*/ if default_tab_size == nil files_with_tabs << file unless files_with_tabs.include?(file) elsif default_tab_size > 0 text.gsub!(/^ *?\t[\t ]*/) { |indent| indent.gsub "\t", tab } errors << "tabs" end end if text =~ /\t/ if default_tab_size == nil files_with_tabs << file unless files_with_tabs.include?(file) elsif default_tab_size > 0 text.gsub!("\t", tab) errors << "tabs inside source" end end if text != original puts "#{file} (#{errors.join(', ')})", 'w') { |f| f.write text } unless dry_run else puts "#{file} OK" if verbose end end unless files_with_tabs.empty? $stderr.puts "\nThe following file(s) contain tabs. To expand them, please use -t4 option." files_with_tabs.each { |f| $stderr.puts " - #{f}" } end end end