module Philtre # Container for methods which return Sequel::SQL::Expression or something # that can become one through Sequel.expr, eg {year: 2013} # # Reminder: they're defined as methods so we can benefit from # using them inside this class to define other predicates. # # This can be extended in all the usual ruby ways: by including a module, # reopening the class. Also using extend_with which takes a PredicateDsl block. class Predicates def initialize( &bloc ) extend_with &bloc end # pass a block that can contain a combination of def meth_name() or the # DSL defined by PredicateDsl. def extend_with( &bloc ) extend end # Convert a field_predicate (field_op format), a value and a SQL field # name using the set of predicates, to something convertible to a Sequel # expression. # # field_predicate:: is a key from the parameter hash. Usually name_pred, eg birth_year_gt # value:: is the value from the parameter hash. Could be a collection. # field:: is the name of the SQL field to use, or nil where it would default to key without its predicate. def define_name_predicate( field_predicate, value, field = nil ) splitter = field_predicate, value # the default / else / fall-through is just an equality default_proc = ->{:eq} # find a better predicate, if there is one suffix = predicate_names.find default_proc do |suffix| splitter =~ suffix end # wrap the field name first, to infect the expressions so all the # operators work. field_name = Sequel.expr(field || splitter.field) define_singleton_method field_predicate do |value| send suffix, field_name, value end end protected :define_name_predicate # TODO this should probably also be method_missing? # field is only used once for any given field_predicate def call( field_predicate, value, field = nil ) unless respond_to? field_predicate define_name_predicate field_predicate, value, field end send field_predicate, value end # The main interface from Filter#to_expr alias [] call def predicate_names # ruby-2.3 no longer stores methods in order of definition. So sort by # longest so that we don't get false positives from shorter predicates # that are substrings of longer predicates, eg blank matching # thing_not_blank. DefaultPredicates.instance_methods.sort_by{|name| -name.length} end # Define the set of default predicates. DefaultPredicates = do not_eq {|expr, val| ~Sequel.expr( expr => val) } def not_like( expr, val ) Sequel.~(like expr, val) end matches( :like ) {|expr, val| Sequel.expr( expr => /#{val}/i) } def not_blank(expr, val) Sequel.~(blank expr, val) end null {|expr,_| Sequel.expr(expr => nil)} not_null {|expr,_| Sequel.~(Sequel.expr(expr => nil))} def blank(expr, _) is_nil = Sequel.expr(expr => nil) is_empty = Sequel.expr(expr => '') Sequel.| is_nil, is_empty end eq {|expr, val| Sequel.expr( expr => val) } gt {|expr, val| expr > val } gte( :gteq ) {|expr, val| expr >= val } lt {|expr, val| expr < val } lte( :lteq ) {|expr, val| expr <= val } # more complex predicates def like_all( expr, arg ) exprs = Array(arg).map {|value| like expr, value } Sequel.& *exprs end def like_any( expr, arg ) exprs = Array(arg).map {|value| like expr, value } Sequel.| *exprs end end # make them available to Predicate instances. include DefaultPredicates end end