// Copyright (C) 2009  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.

#include "integral_image_abstract.h"

#include "../algs.h"
#include "../assert.h"
#include "../geometry.h"
#include "../array2d.h"
#include "../matrix.h"
#include "../pixel.h"
#include "../noncopyable.h"

namespace dlib

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename T
    class integral_image_generic : noncopyable
        typedef T value_type;

        long nr() const { return int_img.nr(); }
        long nc() const { return int_img.nc(); }

        template <typename image_type>
        void load (
            const image_type& img_
            const_image_view<image_type> img(img_);
            T pixel;
            int_img.set_size(img.nr(), img.nc());

            // compute the first row of the integral image
            T temp = 0;
            for (long c = 0; c < img.nc(); ++c)
                assign_pixel(pixel, img[0][c]);
                temp += pixel;
                int_img[0][c] = temp;

            // now compute the rest of the integral image
            for (long r = 1; r < img.nr(); ++r)
                temp = 0;
                for (long c = 0; c < img.nc(); ++c)
                    assign_pixel(pixel, img[r][c]);
                    temp += pixel;
                    int_img[r][c] = temp + int_img[r-1][c];


        value_type get_sum_of_area (
            const rectangle& rect
        ) const
            DLIB_ASSERT(get_rect(*this).contains(rect) == true && rect.is_empty() == false,
                "\tvalue_type get_sum_of_area(rect)"
                << "\n\tYou have given a rectangle that goes outside the image"
                << "\n\tthis:            " << this
                << "\n\trect.is_empty(): " << rect.is_empty()
                << "\n\trect:            " << rect 
                << "\n\tget_rect(*this): " << get_rect(*this) 

            T top_left = 0, top_right = 0, bottom_left = 0, bottom_right = 0;

            bottom_right = int_img[rect.bottom()][rect.right()];
            if (rect.left()-1 >= 0 && rect.top()-1 >= 0)
                top_left = int_img[rect.top()-1][rect.left()-1];
                bottom_left = int_img[rect.bottom()][rect.left()-1];
                top_right = int_img[rect.top()-1][rect.right()];
            else if (rect.left()-1 >= 0)
                bottom_left = int_img[rect.bottom()][rect.left()-1];
            else if (rect.top()-1 >= 0)
                top_right = int_img[rect.top()-1][rect.right()];

            return bottom_right - bottom_left - top_right + top_left;

        void swap(integral_image_generic& item)


        array2d<T> int_img;

    template <
        typename T
    void swap (
        integral_image_generic<T>& a,
        integral_image_generic<T>& b
    ) { a.swap(b); }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    typedef integral_image_generic<long> integral_image;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <typename integral_image_type>
    typename integral_image_type::value_type haar_x (
        const integral_image_type& img,
        const point& p,
        long width
        DLIB_ASSERT(get_rect(img).contains(centered_rect(p,width,width)) == true,
            "\tlong haar_x(img,p,width)"
            << "\n\tYou have given a point and with that goes outside the image"
            << "\n\tget_rect(img):  " << get_rect(img) 
            << "\n\tp:              " << p 
            << "\n\twidth:          " << width 

        rectangle left_rect;
        left_rect.set_left ( p.x() - width / 2 );
        left_rect.set_top ( p.y() - width / 2 );
        left_rect.set_right ( p.x()-1 );
        left_rect.set_bottom ( left_rect.top() + width - 1 );

        rectangle right_rect;
        right_rect.set_left ( p.x() );
        right_rect.set_top ( left_rect.top() );
        right_rect.set_right ( left_rect.left() + width -1 );
        right_rect.set_bottom ( left_rect.bottom() );

        return img.get_sum_of_area(right_rect) - img.get_sum_of_area(left_rect);

    //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <typename integral_image_type>
    typename integral_image_type::value_type haar_y (
        const integral_image_type& img,
        const point& p,
        long width
        DLIB_ASSERT(get_rect(img).contains(centered_rect(p,width,width)) == true,
            "\tlong haar_y(img,p,width)"
            << "\n\tYou have given a point and with that goes outside the image"
            << "\n\tget_rect(img):  " << get_rect(img) 
            << "\n\tp:              " << p 
            << "\n\twidth:          " << width 

        rectangle top_rect;
        top_rect.set_left ( p.x() - width / 2 );
        top_rect.set_top ( p.y() - width / 2 );
        top_rect.set_right ( top_rect.left() + width - 1 );
        top_rect.set_bottom ( p.y()-1 );

        rectangle bottom_rect;
        bottom_rect.set_left ( top_rect.left() );
        bottom_rect.set_top ( p.y() );
        bottom_rect.set_right ( top_rect.right() );
        bottom_rect.set_bottom ( top_rect.top() + width - 1 );

        return img.get_sum_of_area(bottom_rect) - img.get_sum_of_area(top_rect);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
