module Landrush module Cap module All module ReadHostVisibleIpAddress def self.filter_addresses(addresses) unless @machine.config.landrush.host_interface_excludes.nil? re = Regexp.union(@machine.config.landrush.host_interface_excludes) addresses = do |addr| !addr['name'].match(re) end end addresses end def self.filter_preferred_addresses(addresses) if @machine.config.landrush.host_interface_class == :any addresses = do |addr| (addr.key?('ipv4') && !addr['ipv4'].empty?) || (addr.key?('ipv6') && !addr['ipv6'].empty?) end else key = @machine.config.landrush.host_interface_class.to_s addresses = do |addr| (addr.key?(key) && !addr[key].empty?) end end addresses end def self.read_host_visible_ip_address(machine) @machine = machine addr = nil addresses = machine.guest.capability(:landrush_ip_get) # Short circuit this one first: if an explicit interface is defined, look for it and return it if found. # Technically, we could do a single loop, but execution time is not vital here. # This allows us to be more accurate, especially with logging what's going on. unless machine.config.landrush.host_interface.nil? addr = addresses.detect { |a| a['name'] == machine.config.landrush.host_interface } machine.env.ui.warn "[landrush] Unable to find interface #{machine.config.landrush.host_interface}" if addr.nil? end if addr.nil? addresses = filter_addresses addresses raise 'No addresses found' if addresses.empty? addresses = filter_preferred_addresses addresses raise 'No addresses found' if addresses.empty? addr = addresses.last end # Keep preferring IPv4 over IPv6. key = if machine.config.landrush.host_interface_class == :any addr['ipv4'].empty? ? 'ipv6' : 'ipv4' else machine.config.landrush.host_interface_class.to_s end ip =[key]) "[landrush] Using #{addr['name']} (#{addr[key]})" ip.to_s end end end end end