# This file was generated by the `rspec --init` command. Conventionally, all # specs live under a `spec` directory, which RSpec adds to the `$LOAD_PATH`. # Require this file using `require "spec_helper.rb"` to ensure that it is only # loaded once. # # See http://rubydoc.info/gems/rspec-core/RSpec/Core/Configuration require 'xcodeproject/project' require 'xcodeproject/exceptions' require 'rr' RSpec.configure do |config| config.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true config.filter_run :focus config.mock_with :rr end # Example project file hierarhy # # main # \--group1a # |--group2a # |--dir2c # | \--dir3a # | \--dir4a # | |--file5a-a.m # | |--file5a-a.h # | |--file5a-r.m # | \--file5a-r.h # | # |--file2c.m # \--file2c.h def prepare_sandbox %x{ mkdir -p #{example_sandbox_path} } unless File.exist?(example_sandbox_path) end def prepare_example_project prepare_sandbox proj_source_dir = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../resources/example" %x{ rm -vr #{example_project_dir} } %x{ cp -vr #{proj_source_dir} #{example_sandbox_path} } XcodeProject::Project.new(example_project_bundle_path) end def example_sandbox_path; Pathname.new('/tmp/example_sandbox') end def example_empty_sandbox_path; Pathname.new('/tmp/example_sandbox_empty') end def example_project_dir; example_sandbox_path.join('example') end def example_project_bundle_path; example_project_dir.join('example.xcodeproj') end def example_project_file_path; example_project_bundle_path.join('project.pbxproj') end