# Jasmine Core 2.0.1 Release Notes ## Summary This release is for small bug fixes and enhancements ahead of a real-soon-now 2.1. ## Changes ### Features * NodeJS is now supported with a jasmine-core npm * [Support browsers that don't supply a `Date.now()` by having a `mockDate` object](http://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/66606132) - Closes #361 * [Show message if no specs where loaded](http://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/12784235) * When using `jasmine.any`, the `class` will now be included in the error message * Reporters now receive the number of passed expectations in a spec * Use default failure message for `toBeNaN` * Use the latest `jasmine_selenium_runner` so we use the fix for printing objects with cycles * Add jasmine logo image to HTML runner * Stop Jasmine's CSS affecting the style of the body tag - Closes #600 * Standardized location of the standalone distributions - they now live in the repo in `/dist` as well as on the Releases page ### Bugs * Don't allow calling the same done callback multiple times - Fixes #523 * [Remove 'empty' as an option as a spec result](http://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/73741032) as this was a breaking change * Instead, we determine if a spec has no expectations using the added key of `passedExpectations` in combination of the `failedExpectations` to determine that there a spec is 'empty' * Fix build in IE8 (IE8 doesn't support `Object.freeze`) * Fix `ObjectContaining` to match recursively ### Documentation * Update release doc to use GitHub releases * Add installation instructions to README - Merges #621 * Add Ruby Gem and Python Egg to docs * Add detailed steps on how to contribute - Merges #580 from @pablofiu ## Pull Requests and Issues * Contains is explicitly false if actual is `undefined` or `null` - Fixes #627 * namespace `html-reporter` -> `jasmine_html-reporter` - Fixes #600 * Throw a more specific error when `expect` is used without a `currentSpec` - Fixes #602 * Reduced size of logo with PNG Gauntlet - Merges #588 * HTML Reporter resets previous DOM when re-initialized - Merges #594 from @plukevdh * Narrow down raise exceptions query selector; Finding by any input tag is a little bit broad - Closes #605 * Pass through custom equality testers in toHaveBeenCalledWith - Fixes #536 * Fix outdated copyright year (update to 2014) - Merges #550 from @slothmonster * [Add package.json to Python egg to get correct version number](http://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/67556148) - Fixes #551 * Allow users to set the maximum length of array that the pretty-printer will print out - Fixes #323 @mikemoraned and #374 @futuraprime * `matchersUtil.equals()` does not expect a matcher as its first argument, so send the "actual" value first and the "expected" value second. - Merges #538 from @cbandy * Add single quote check to `jshint` and fix src files for that - Closes #522 * Remove an `eval` in order to support running jasmine within CSP - Closes #503 * Allow matcher custom failure messages to be a function - Closes #520 * More color blind friendly CSS from @dleppik - Closes #463 & #509 * Use `load-grunt-tasks` Merges #521 from @robinboehm * Special case printing `-0` - Closes #496 * Allow stub or spy Date object safely using a closure to get a clean copy - Closes #506 * [Use `\d7` instead of plain 'x' for more square appearance](http://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/48434179) * Better support in pretty printer when an object has null prototype - Fixes #500 * Update link at top of README to improve access to Jasmine 2.0 docs - Merges #486 from @nextmat * Force query selector to seek within the html-reporter element - Merges #479 from @shprink * Netbeans files are in gitignore - Merges #478 from @shprink ------ _Release Notes generated with [Anchorman](http://github.com/infews/anchorman)_