module ActiveLdap class Schema module Syntaxes class << self def [](id) syntax = Base::SYNTAXES[id] if syntax else nil end end end class Base include GetTextSupport SYNTAXES = {} printable_character_source = "a-zA-Z\\d\"()+,\\-.\\/:? " PRINTABLE_CHARACTER = /[#{printable_character_source}]/ # UNPRINTABLE_CHARACTER = /[^#{printable_character_source}]/ # def binary? false end def type_cast(value) value end def valid?(value) validate(value).nil? end def validate(value) validate_normalized_value(normalize_value(value), value) end def normalize_value(value) value end end class BitString < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self def type_cast(value) return nil if value.nil? if /\A'([01]*)'B\z/ =~ value.to_s $1 else value end end def normalize_value(value) if value.is_a?(String) and /\A[01]*\z/ =~ value "'#{value}'B" else value end end private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) if /\A'/ !~ value return _("%s doesn't have the first \"'\"") % original_value.inspect end if /'B\z/ !~ value return _("%s doesn't have the last \"'B\"") % original_value.inspect end if /([^01])/ =~ value[1..-3] return _("%s has invalid character '%s'") % [value.inspect, $1] end nil end end class Boolean < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self def type_cast(value) case value when "TRUE" true when "FALSE" false else value end end def normalize_value(value) case value when true, "1" "TRUE" when false, "0" "FALSE" else value end end private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) if %w(TRUE FALSE).include?(value) nil else _("%s should be TRUE or FALSE") % original_value.inspect end end end class CountryString < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) if /\A#{PRINTABLE_CHARACTER}{2,2}\z/i =~ value nil else format = _("%s should be just 2 printable characters") format % original_value.inspect end end end class DistinguishedName < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self def type_cast(value) return nil if value.nil? DN.parse(value) rescue DistinguishedNameInvalid value end def normalize_value(value) if value.is_a?(DN) value.to_s else value end end private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) DN.parse(value) nil rescue DistinguishedNameInvalid $!.message end end class DirectoryString < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) value.unpack("U*") nil rescue ArgumentError _("%s has invalid UTF-8 character") % original_value.inspect end end class GeneralizedTime < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self FORMAT = /\A (\d{4,4})? (\d{2,2})? (\d{2,2})? (\d{2,2})? (\d{2,2})? (\d{2,2})? ([,.]\d+)? ([+-]\d{4,4}|Z)? \z/x def type_cast(value) return value if value.nil? or value.is_a?(Time) match_data = FORMAT.match(value) if match_data required_components = match_data.to_a[1, 5] return value if required_components.any?(&:nil?) year, month, day, hour, minute = required_components.collect(&:to_i) second = match_data[-3].to_i fraction = match_data[-2] fraction = fraction.to_f if fraction time_zone = match_data[-1] arguments = [ year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction, time_zone,, ] if Time.method(:make_time).arity == 10 arguments.unshift(value) end begin Time.send(:make_time, *arguments) rescue ArgumentError raise if year >= 1700 out_of_range_messages = ["argument out of range", "time out of range"] raise unless out_of_range_messages.include?($!.message) rescue RangeError raise if year >= 1700 raise if $!.message != "bignum too big to convert into `long'" end else value end end def normalize_value(value) if value.is_a?(Time) normalized_value = value.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") if value.gmt? normalized_value + "Z" else normalized_value + ("%+03d%02d" % value.gmtoff.divmod(3600)) end else value end end private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) match_data = FORMAT.match(value) if match_data date_data = match_data.to_a[1..-1] missing_components = [] required_components = %w(year month day hour minute) required_components.each_with_index do |component, i| missing_components << component unless date_data[i] end if missing_components.empty? nil else params = [original_value.inspect, missing_components.join(", ")] _("%s has missing components: %s") % params end else _("%s is invalid time format") % original_value.inspect end end end class Integer < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self def type_cast(value) return value if value.nil? begin Integer(value) rescue ArgumentError value end end def normalize_value(value) if value.is_a?(::Integer) value.to_s else value end end private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) Integer(value) nil rescue ArgumentError _("%s is invalid integer format") % original_value.inspect end end class JPEG < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self def binary? true end private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) if value.unpack("n")[0] == 0xffd8 nil else _("invalid JPEG format") end end end class NameAndOptionalUID < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) separator_index = value.rindex("#") if separator_index dn = value[0, separator_index] bit_string = value[(separator_index + 1)..-1] bit_string_reason = dn_reason = if bit_string_reason if dn_reason value_reason = return nil unless value_reason dn_reason else bit_string_reason end else dn_reason end else end end end class NumericString < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) if /\A\d+\z/ =~ value nil else _("%s is invalid numeric format") % original_value.inspect end end end class OID < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) DN.parse("#{value}=dummy") nil rescue DistinguishedNameInvalid reason = $!.reason if reason _("%s is invalid OID format: %s") % [original_value.inspect, reason] else _("%s is invalid OID format") % original_value.inspect end end end class OtherMailbox < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) type, mailbox = value.split('$', 2) if type.empty? return _("%s has no mailbox type") % original_value.inspect end if /(#{UNPRINTABLE_CHARACTER})/i =~ type format = _("%s has unprintable character in mailbox type: '%s'") return format % [original_value.inspect, $1] end if mailbox.blank? return _("%s has no mailbox") % original_value.inspect end nil end end class OctetString < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self def binary? true end private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) nil end end class PostalAddress < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) if value.blank? return _("empty string") end begin value.unpack("U*") rescue ArgumentError return _("%s has invalid UTF-8 character") % original_value.inspect end nil end end class PrintableString < Base SYNTAXES[""] = self private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) if value.blank? return _("empty string") end if /(#{UNPRINTABLE_CHARACTER})/i =~ value format = _("%s has unprintable character: '%s'") return format % [original_value.inspect, $1] end nil end end class TelephoneNumber < PrintableString SYNTAXES[""] = self private def validate_normalized_value(value, original_value) return nil if value.blank? super end end class ObjectSecurityDescriptor < OctetString # @see # Object-Security-Descriptor: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.907 # # Encoded as an Octet-String (OID # # @see # String(NT-Sec-Desc) 1.2.840.113556.1.4.907 SYNTAXES["1.2.840.113556.1.4.907"] = self end class UnicodePwd < OctetString # @see # cn: Unicode-Pwd # ldapDisplayName: unicodePwd # attributeId: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.90 # attributeSyntax: # omSyntax: 4 # isSingleValued: TRUE # schemaIdGuid: bf9679e1-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2 # systemOnly: FALSE # searchFlags: 0 # systemFlags: FLAG_SCHEMA_BASE_OBJECT # schemaFlagsEx: FLAG_ATTR_IS_CRITICAL # # @see # String(Octet) SYNTAXES["1.2.840.113556.1.4.90"] = self end end end end