# frozen_string_literal: true module GraphQL module Language class Printer # Turn an arbitrary AST node back into a string. # # @example Turning a document into a query string # document = GraphQL.parse(query_string) # GraphQL::Language::Printer.new.print(document) # # => "{ ... }" # # # @example Building a custom printer # # class MyPrinter < GraphQL::Language::Printer # def print_argument(arg) # "#{arg.name}: " # end # end # # MyPrinter.new.print(document) # # => "mutation { pay(creditCard: ) { success } }" # # # @param indent [String] Whitespace to add to the printed node # @return [String] Valid GraphQL for `node` def print(node, indent: "") print_node(node, indent: indent) end protected def print_document(document) document.definitions.map { |d| print_node(d) }.join("\n\n") end def print_argument(argument) "#{argument.name}: #{print_node(argument.value)}".dup end def print_directive(directive) out = "@#{directive.name}".dup if directive.arguments.any? out << "(#{directive.arguments.map { |a| print_argument(a) }.join(", ")})" end out end def print_enum(enum) "#{enum.name}".dup end def print_null_value "null".dup end def print_field(field, indent: "") out = "#{indent}".dup out << "#{field.alias}: " if field.alias out << "#{field.name}" out << "(#{field.arguments.map { |a| print_argument(a) }.join(", ")})" if field.arguments.any? out << print_directives(field.directives) out << print_selections(field.selections, indent: indent) out end def print_fragment_definition(fragment_def, indent: "") out = "#{indent}fragment #{fragment_def.name}".dup if fragment_def.type out << " on #{print_node(fragment_def.type)}" end out << print_directives(fragment_def.directives) out << print_selections(fragment_def.selections, indent: indent) out end def print_fragment_spread(fragment_spread, indent: "") out = "#{indent}...#{fragment_spread.name}".dup out << print_directives(fragment_spread.directives) out end def print_inline_fragment(inline_fragment, indent: "") out = "#{indent}...".dup if inline_fragment.type out << " on #{print_node(inline_fragment.type)}" end out << print_directives(inline_fragment.directives) out << print_selections(inline_fragment.selections, indent: indent) out end def print_input_object(input_object) "{#{input_object.arguments.map { |a| "#{a.name}: #{print(a.value)}" }.join(", ")}}" end def print_list_type(list_type) "[#{print_node(list_type.of_type)}]".dup end def print_non_null_type(non_null_type) "#{print_node(non_null_type.of_type)}!".dup end def print_operation_definition(operation_definition, indent: "") out = "#{indent}#{operation_definition.operation_type}".dup out << " #{operation_definition.name}" if operation_definition.name if operation_definition.variables.any? out << "(#{operation_definition.variables.map { |v| print_variable_definition(v) }.join(", ")})" end out << print_directives(operation_definition.directives) out << print_selections(operation_definition.selections, indent: indent) out end def print_type_name(type_name) "#{type_name.name}".dup end def print_variable_definition(variable_definition) out = "$#{variable_definition.name}: #{print_node(variable_definition.type)}".dup out << " = #{print_node(variable_definition.default_value)}" unless variable_definition.default_value.nil? out end def print_variable_identifier(variable_identifier) "$#{variable_identifier.name}".dup end def print_schema_definition(schema) if (schema.query.nil? || schema.query == 'Query') && (schema.mutation.nil? || schema.mutation == 'Mutation') && (schema.subscription.nil? || schema.subscription == 'Subscription') && (schema.directives.empty?) return end out = "schema".dup if schema.directives.any? schema.directives.each do |dir| out << "\n " out << print_node(dir) end out << "\n{" else out << " {\n" end out << " query: #{schema.query}\n" if schema.query out << " mutation: #{schema.mutation}\n" if schema.mutation out << " subscription: #{schema.subscription}\n" if schema.subscription out << "}" end def print_scalar_type_definition(scalar_type) out = print_description(scalar_type) out << "scalar #{scalar_type.name}" out << print_directives(scalar_type.directives) end def print_object_type_definition(object_type) out = print_description(object_type) out << "type #{object_type.name}" out << " implements " << object_type.interfaces.map(&:name).join(" & ") unless object_type.interfaces.empty? out << print_directives(object_type.directives) out << print_field_definitions(object_type.fields) end def print_input_value_definition(input_value) out = "#{input_value.name}: #{print_node(input_value.type)}".dup out << " = #{print_node(input_value.default_value)}" unless input_value.default_value.nil? out << print_directives(input_value.directives) end def print_arguments(arguments, indent: "") if arguments.all?{ |arg| !arg.description } return "(#{arguments.map{ |arg| print_input_value_definition(arg) }.join(", ")})" end out = "(\n".dup out << arguments.map.with_index{ |arg, i| "#{print_description(arg, indent: " " + indent, first_in_block: i == 0)} #{indent}"\ "#{print_input_value_definition(arg)}" }.join("\n") out << "\n#{indent})" end def print_field_definition(field) out = field.name.dup unless field.arguments.empty? out << print_arguments(field.arguments, indent: " ") end out << ": #{print_node(field.type)}" out << print_directives(field.directives) end def print_interface_type_definition(interface_type) out = print_description(interface_type) out << "interface #{interface_type.name}" out << print_directives(interface_type.directives) out << print_field_definitions(interface_type.fields) end def print_union_type_definition(union_type) out = print_description(union_type) out << "union #{union_type.name}" out << print_directives(union_type.directives) out << " = " + union_type.types.map(&:name).join(" | ") end def print_enum_type_definition(enum_type) out = print_description(enum_type) out << "enum #{enum_type.name}#{print_directives(enum_type.directives)} {\n" enum_type.values.each.with_index do |value, i| out << print_description(value, indent: ' ', first_in_block: i == 0) out << print_enum_value_definition(value) end out << "}" end def print_enum_value_definition(enum_value) out = " #{enum_value.name}".dup out << print_directives(enum_value.directives) out << "\n" end def print_input_object_type_definition(input_object_type) out = print_description(input_object_type) out << "input #{input_object_type.name}" out << print_directives(input_object_type.directives) out << " {\n" input_object_type.fields.each.with_index do |field, i| out << print_description(field, indent: ' ', first_in_block: i == 0) out << " #{print_input_value_definition(field)}\n" end out << "}" end def print_directive_definition(directive) out = print_description(directive) out << "directive @#{directive.name}" if directive.arguments.any? out << print_arguments(directive.arguments) end out << " on #{directive.locations.map(&:name).join(' | ')}" end def print_description(node, indent: "", first_in_block: true) return ''.dup unless node.description description = indent != '' && !first_in_block ? "\n".dup : "".dup description << GraphQL::Language::BlockString.print(node.description, indent: indent) end def print_field_definitions(fields) out = " {\n".dup fields.each.with_index do |field, i| out << print_description(field, indent: ' ', first_in_block: i == 0) out << " #{print_field_definition(field)}\n" end out << "}" end def print_directives(directives) if directives.any? directives.map { |d| " #{print_directive(d)}" }.join else "" end end def print_selections(selections, indent: "") if selections.any? out = " {\n".dup selections.each do |selection| out << print_node(selection, indent: indent + " ") << "\n" end out << "#{indent}}" else "" end end def print_node(node, indent: "") case node when Nodes::Document print_document(node) when Nodes::Argument print_argument(node) when Nodes::Directive print_directive(node) when Nodes::Enum print_enum(node) when Nodes::NullValue print_null_value when Nodes::Field print_field(node, indent: indent) when Nodes::FragmentDefinition print_fragment_definition(node, indent: indent) when Nodes::FragmentSpread print_fragment_spread(node, indent: indent) when Nodes::InlineFragment print_inline_fragment(node, indent: indent) when Nodes::InputObject print_input_object(node) when Nodes::ListType print_list_type(node) when Nodes::NonNullType print_non_null_type(node) when Nodes::OperationDefinition print_operation_definition(node, indent: indent) when Nodes::TypeName print_type_name(node) when Nodes::VariableDefinition print_variable_definition(node) when Nodes::VariableIdentifier print_variable_identifier(node) when Nodes::SchemaDefinition print_schema_definition(node) when Nodes::ScalarTypeDefinition print_scalar_type_definition(node) when Nodes::ObjectTypeDefinition print_object_type_definition(node) when Nodes::InputValueDefinition print_input_value_definition(node) when Nodes::FieldDefinition print_field_definition(node) when Nodes::InterfaceTypeDefinition print_interface_type_definition(node) when Nodes::UnionTypeDefinition print_union_type_definition(node) when Nodes::EnumTypeDefinition print_enum_type_definition(node) when Nodes::EnumValueDefinition print_enum_value_definition(node) when Nodes::InputObjectTypeDefinition print_input_object_type_definition(node) when Nodes::DirectiveDefinition print_directive_definition(node) when FalseClass, Float, Integer, NilClass, String, TrueClass, Symbol GraphQL::Language.serialize(node) when Array "[#{node.map { |v| print_node(v) }.join(", ")}]".dup when Hash "{#{node.map { |k, v| "#{k}: #{print_node(v)}" }.join(", ")}}".dup else GraphQL::Language.serialize(node.to_s) end end private attr_reader :node end end end