require 'musterb/template_handler' require 'ostruct' describe Musterb::TemplateHandler do def compile_template(template, options = {}) template ={:source => template, :locals => []}.merge(options)) "output_buffer = nil; " + Musterb::TemplateHandler::call(template) end def evaluate(template, binding, options = {}) binding.eval compile_template(template, options) end it "is wired up correctly" do foo = "hi" evaluate("{{foo}}", binding, :locals => ["foo"]).should eq "hi" end it "renders partials corrects" do compile_template("{{>foo}}").should include "render :partial => 'foo', :locals => {:initial_context => musterb.context}" end it "escapes things by default" do foo = "
" evaluate("{{foo}}", binding, :locals => ["foo"]).should eq "<br>" end it "does not escape things in triple staches" do foo = "
" evaluate("{{{foo}}}", binding, :locals => ["foo"]).should eq "
" end it "can read from instance variables (likely on the controller)" do @foo = "hello" evaluate("{{foo}}", binding).should eq "hello" end it "can be bootstrapped from an initial_context" do initial_context =, nil) evaluate("{{to_s}}", binding, :locals => ["initial_context"]).should eq "2" end it "favors locals over instance variables if passed into locals" do @foo = "hello" foo = "bye" evaluate("{{foo}}", binding, :locals => ["foo"]).should eq "bye" end end